
Будто во сне (2019)

Discover what lies beneath the truth.

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 44М

Директор : Meredith Danluck

Краткое содержание

Безутешная вдова Кэтрин узнает о тайной жизни своего знаменитого мужа, покончившего с собой. Для того, чтобы пролить свет на обстоятельства его смерти, она отправляется в секретный секс-клуб, который пользуется популярностью у мужчин высшего света, и начинает расследование.


Katherine Waterston
Katherine Waterston
Michael Shannon
Michael Shannon
Luke Evans
Luke Evans
Michiel Huisman
Michiel Huisman
Stefan Delvoe
Mary Kay Place
Mary Kay Place
Mark O'Brien
Mark O'Brien
Carlo Rota
Carlo Rota
Bo Martyn
Bo Martyn
Tessa Mossey
Tessa Mossey
Fashion Model


Meredith Danluck
Meredith Danluck
Meredith Danluck
Meredith Danluck
Julia Lebedev
Julia Lebedev
Angel Lopez
Angel Lopez
Eddie Vaisman
Eddie Vaisman
Christopher Blauvelt
Christopher Blauvelt
Director of Photography
David Wingo
David Wingo
Original Music Composer
Jeff McIlwain
Jeff McIlwain
Original Music Composer
Curtiss Clayton
Curtiss Clayton
Lawrence Ng
Lawrence Ng
Second Assistant Director


And Along Come Tourists
Sven arrives in nowadays Auschwitz to do his civil service at the memorial. He encounters unfriendliness, especially by Stanislaw Krzeminski, the 85 year old KZ-survivor, and Krzysztof Lanuszewski, brother of his early love affair Ania. Even his boss Herold, the places manager, does little to help Sven familiarize. But when problems accumulate Sven realises that he already has become involved.
Размётанные облака
Юмико Эда счастлива в в браке. Всё меняется, когда в результате автокатастрофы гибнет её муж. Водитель машины Мисима, сотрудник туристической фирмы, признан невиновным, но он сам решает помочь вдове. Между ними возникает чувство.
Toto Forever
A wide-eyed young postman and a gangster in trouble with the mafia find their lives become inexplicably intertwined when a heady affair attracts danger at every turn.
Вернись ко мне
Фильм по мотивам книги "Похититель трупов" Рейфа Джеймса Уайта.
In the early autumn of 1985 the police are seeing the consequences of a shocking and mysterious incident that took place in an isolated mountain hut in the Balkan Mountains. The film "Roseville " is artistic interpretations inspired by eyewitness accounts and clues found within the cabin.Vasil ( Kalin Vratchanski ) and Nadia ( Lydia Indjova ) are a young couple who arrive on holiday in "Roseville". There they meet the keeper George ( Plamen Manassiev ) and his best friend Dora ( Elena Petrova ). Later joining the gang is Stephen Court ( David Chokachi ) - an old associate of George. The presence of Vasil unlocked " storm " of unexplained events that will test the sanity of all. Everyone faces the the horror of their own fears and the invisible force that wants to control them, lurking in the dark and quietly knocks on the door to their minds.
It Ends with the Taste of Smoke
Conversation between man and woman that leads to some unexpected events.
My Mother's Future Husband
Headly, a 15-year-old teenager, thinks her mother has mourned her father's death long enough, so she decides to find her a new husband by the end of the summer.
In ancient Babylon, SEMIRAMIDE (Anderson) encourages her lover Assur (Ramey) to murder her husband, King Ninus. Her son, Ninius, disappears, believed dead, and Semiramide rules in her own right. 15 years later, as the opera opens, she is about to announce the name of her successor. Idreno (Olsen) and Assur are the leading candidates for the throne and the hand of Princess Azema (Shin), but Semiramide has taken a fancy to young Arsace (Horne), her victorious military leader who has been summoned back to Babylon. Only the high priest Oroe (Cheek) knows that Arsace is actually Ninius, spirited away to safety after the coup. As the queen announces Arsace as her successor, the ghost of her husband appears from his tomb, demanding that Arsace punish the late king’s murderers... Filmed at New York's Metropolitan Opera, John Copley's production of Rossini's last, longest and most elaborate dramatic opera brings together what many consider the definitive contemporary cast.
Parannu Parannu Parannu
Elizabeth (Sukumari) has just retired as a college sports coach. Heeding to the suggestions from her students, she starts a beauty parlour with her retirement money. Her son Emil (Rahman) and brother Vakkachan (Nedumudi Venu) assist her in this venture. However things don't start out well early, till the arrival of a skilled beautician Mini (Rohini). Business starts booming, but Emil soon starts getting curious about the mysteries surrounding Mini.
A Woman at War
Helene Moskiewicz, a young Jewish woman living in pre-World War II Belgium, is forced to suffer through German occupation by watching her parents arrested and her life destroyed. To fight back, Regine joins the underground resistance movement and strikes the Nazis from within...by joining the infamous Gestapo.
The Brussels Business
The Brussels Business is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites.
Shob Charitro Kalponik
The sudden death of Indraneel, a poet, averts a possible divorce and takes Radhika on a fantastic inward journey of discovering her own roots through the language of poetry and lost love. A publisher asks Radhika to complete Indraneel's works. This compels her to study his work, and thus begins her journey into the past.
Cinéma Inch'Allah!
Four Belgian-Moroccan filmmakers in their thirties produce their latest film. Since adolescence they have managed to produce over thirty low-budget movies in which they often have played the main characters. Their movies are not only the sum of their fears and desires, but also a way of projecting an image of themselves towards their own community and the outside world. When one of them decides to radically change his life, their friendship and the future of their common cinema goals are threatened.
В центре истории окажется молодой парень, жаждущий стать музыкантом и попадающий в состав эксцентричной поп-группы, возглавляет которую таинственный и загадочный Фрэнк.
Эрон, которого считают погибшим на первой войне в Ираке, неожиданно возвращается домой спустя 20 лет, не постаревшим ни на день. Конспирологи считают, что он был похищен инопланетянами и не останется в городе надолго...
Город Брюссель, страдающий высоким уровнем безработицы среди молодёжи, является домом для почти сорока уличных банд, а количество молодых людей, в них вовлечённых, увеличивается с каждым годом. Именно в этой криминальной среде разыгралась современная шекспировская трагедия, где 15-летняя девушка сталкивается со сложным выбором между преданностью своей банде и любовью к парню из соперничающей банды.
О Жаклин Кеннеди — первой леди Соединенных Штатов в начале 60-х, самой популярной женщине своего времени, иконе стиля — написаны десятки книг и снято немало фильмов, но огромный интерес к ее жизни с годами не угасает. В этой ленте авторы воспроизвели один из трагических моментов в американской истории — убийство президента Кеннеди в Далласе — и последовавшие за ним несколько дней, показав этих события глазами самой Жаклин. Весь мир восхищался ее стойкостью, достоинством и самообладанием. Но что на самом деле пережила эта женщина?..
Arno -  Live in Brussels 2005
Arno Hintjens is a unique figure. A blend between a playboy and a hobo, a truly cosmopolitan nature and a true rock'n roll heart. Or, as Oor's Music Encyclopedia puts it 'one of the few groundbreaking artists of the European continent by the unique way in which he manages to combine elements of American Blues and funk, French chanson and Belgian barroom-songs into his own personal style'. In this live DVD recorded in Brussels in 2005, he delivers us the best of his songs.
The Guests
A woman and her baby have just moved into a new home. After she calls her mother, guests start to come up the stairs: isn’t this where the housewarming is? When she hesitantly lets them in, it turns out to be the beginning of a nightmare.
The Lion's Path
After meeting about a month ago, Alex and Jade fall for each other hard. When she invites him to join her in the country with some friends, including her cousin Oliver, he leaps at the chance. But what Jade has failed to make clear is that they will be sharing with other young guests who are all members of a commune led by Gabriel, a former college professor obsessed with Nietzsche. Alex, who has been soul-searching since he quit studying economics, soon realizes that Gabriel is a bona fide guru who has turned his magnificent house into what he calls a “laboratory of the real,” where pretence, prejudice, taboos and morality are banned. (FNC)