Bad Class (2015)
Жанр : драма
Время выполнения : 1Ч 46М
Директор : Han Dong-Ho
Краткое содержание
Ji-eun has a bad impression of men due to bad experiences with her father but her mom Hyeon-ah convinces her into getting tuition from an art student. Jeong-woo is surprised at how cold she is towards him but at the same time, there's tension between the two. Meanwhile, Hyeon-ah, who is afraid something might happen between the two, calls Jeong-woo in and suggests something but he confesses his love for Hyeon-ah instead. They have fallen into an unappropriate relationship and Ji-eun decides to give her mom a surprise.
Первый фильм о жрице любви Эммануэль. Сюжет служит канвой для описания сексуальных похождений героини в Юго-Восточной Азии.Муж Эммануэль, работающий в посольстве, поощряет в ней стремление к раскрепощенности в сексе, благо весь дипломатический корпус, особенно женщины, изнывают от скуки. За её воспитание берется уже пожилой специалист. Эммануэль делает большие успехи в искусстве любви.
Режиссер Тинто Брасс пребывает в творческом кризисе — ему нужны новые идеи для очередного шедевра. Маэстро решает ознакомиться с обширной почтой, которой его заваливают поклонницы. Среди груды конвертов, видеокассет и фотографий Тинто находит восемь симпатичных историй, каждая из которых тут же превращается в короткую и весьма откровенную новеллу.
Желая помочь своему жениху, Мима решает подзаработать в публичном доме. Наивная и рискованная затея вовлекает Миму в цепь эротических приключений, из которой не так-то легко выбраться. Но жених обманул ее и скрылся. Тогда девушка решает сделать свое временное занятие профессией всей жизни. Мима, за свой горячий нрав и необузданную чувственность прозванная Паприкой, кочует из борделя в бордель, и однажды судьба делает девушке роскошный подарок в лице эксцентричного аристократа, предложившего ей руку и сердце…
Журналистка Эммануэль собирает сногсшибательный материал о проституции и продаже девушек в респектабельные ночные заведения Америки.
Под видом женщины, готовой на любые сексуальные эксперименты, она устраивается «на работу» в элитный закрытый клуб в Сан-Диего. Но журналистское расследование, проводимое Эммануэль, становится слишком рискованным.
Она весела, обворожительна и… невинна. Однако внутри ее кипят жгучие и чувственные страсти, которые не находят выхода. Она помолвлена с юношей, который придерживается старомодных взглядов и считает, что невеста должна оставаться девственницей до дня свадьбы. Но красавица жаждет неистовой любви. И будучи не в силах совладать с собой, она погружается в мир острых и чувственных наслаждений…
Takako joins a convent after her lover's wife catches them in the act. She soon discovers that the nuns and a successful writer have conspired to engage in decadent S&M orgies. Based on the novel by Oniroku Dan.
Девятнадцатилетний Джин Гу готовится к поступлению в университет и мечтает о своем красивом репетиторе английского. В процессе обучения они становятся близки. Но спустя какое-то время она бросает его и выходит замуж за другого. Прошли годы, Джин Гу стал взрослым мужчиной. Женился, но жена так же оставляет его. Джин Гу начинает жить со своей тещей.
Two best friends. And their lust for each one's opponent mothers. Junhyeong and Daejin are best friends. One day Daejin’s mom visits Junhyeong who is heartbroken when he was disappointed in love. She suggests that she will teach him sex and make him a real man. Unlike Junhyeong, Daejin is popular guy to women. But he long since has fallen in love with Junhyeong’s mom. When Daejin hears Junhyeong’s parents seems to divorce, he decides to start expressing his affection to her.
A young man falls in love with his friend's mother. Hyun-woo, who returned to the military, starts a part-time job at a bar in a difficult situation, where he meets Yoo-sun, a woman who captures the hearts of customers with her skillful ways. Then one day, Hyun-woo, who was alone with her, finds himself in a shock with his friends Min-seok and Yoo-sun. When Hyun-woo confesses the truth after a hard time, Yoo-sun asks her to keep her relationship secret. Hyun-woo, who failed to reject Min-seok's proposal to live in his own home, begins a breathtaking cohabitation with Yoo-sun.
A young wife heads to her husband's office where the unexpected ensues.
Jung-hoon manages to get into a university in the outskirst of the city after years of trying, but he can't find a place to stay so he stays at his aunt's house. Ji-hyun runs a shopping mall with her friend Eun-young. Jung-hoon arrives at Ji-hyun's house with just an address and runs into Eun-young who happens to be completely naked.
Young-suk's father, Dae-sung, is the one who will soon become your stepmother and introduces Hitomi to Young-suk. Hitomi is a young lady of twenty-five who is two years younger than Youngsuk. Young-seok's younger and sexy stepmother Hitomi keeps beating more and more. Then one night, Hitomi comes into Youngsuk's room and takes off his pants...?! Dad begins a breathtaking double life with a Japanese mother you should never know.
A female urologist struggles to find patients until she decides to use her own body to treat the patients, which leads to success.
Her husband Sejin is not interested in his wife Ahae as a woman. Ahae's husband is just heartless. In fact, Sejin is having an affair with Ara's young and beautiful younger brother Ara. After having suffered from depression due to work poisoning, he receives a message from the alumni association, and he changes his mind and attends. There, she meets Ahae, the next-door sister who had a crush on her childhood, and is still fantastic with her pretty appearance. Lonely Aha due to the innocence of her husband and Gunhoo approaching her with counseling. As if they were aware of each other's loneliness, they are attracted to each other and spend one night, returning to each other's daily lives, but after forgetting about the Ahae, the hand of the Ahae Abandonment comes to mind all night. Will they be able to go back to their daily lives?
Шесть белокурых шведок живут в Швейцарском девичьем пансионе. Как только они выезжают на прогулку на своих велосипедах, то сразу соблазняют всех мужчин живущих по соседству...
Sung-hyeon reunites with first love, Jin-hye at a class reunion.
There is a special hair salon to satisfy from head to toe! Hyejin, who worked at a hairdresser who is famous as a decadent place. At first, I was reluctant to be served by my body, but from the moment I actively covet the guest. Hye-jin is a winner and winner of the special know-how of the president. But the new sex machine Zhuhei begins to take over all the guests with a tireless stamina.
If you give it once, a good brother-in-law who gives everything generously will come! At the house of her girlfriend Jin-kyung, who lives with pumice stone, her brother and his wife suddenly visit and the four of them live together. At first, Kyung-seok, who was burdened by his girlfriend's brother, began to keep his eyes on his wife, Yeon-su. A bold brother-in-law who walks around in no-bra and panties without hesitation even at his sister-in-law's house. Besides, from a certain moment, he starts to send a hand of temptation to Pyeong-seok first...
A female parole officer unwittingly gets involved with a handsome photographer who might be a serial killer.
Шестнадцатилетний юноша приезжает на лето в загородное поместье, где очень много симпатичных и раскованных девиц и женщин разного возраста и происхождения…