
Operación Alfa (1972)

Жанр : боевик, драма, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 10М

Директор : Enrique Urteaga

Краткое содержание

The story of an assassination attempt made to destabilize the Argentine government and prevent the 1970 presidential inauguration of Marxist Salvador Allende. Curiously, for this purpose, the Argentine military plotters decided to create an international incident rather than a domestic one. The key to their scheme was the assassination of the Chilean army commander-in-chief, General Schneider.


Leonardo Perucci
Leonardo Perucci
Norman Day
Norman Day
Armando Fenoglio
Armando Fenoglio
Héctor Lillo
Héctor Lillo
Enrique Madiña
Enrique Madiña


Enrique Urteaga
Enrique Urteaga
Jorge Cancino
Jorge Cancino
Ana Maria Pavola
Ana Maria Pavola
Olinto Taverna
Olinto Taverna
Enrique Urteaga
Enrique Urteaga
Diego Bonacina
Diego Bonacina
Director of Photography


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