Acrobats (2008)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Краткое содержание

The fascinating city of Tokyo is the mesmerizing setting where three people live. A man has been fired from his job, but shame is too heavy a burden for him. He repeats the same ceremony every morning. He gets up, gets dressed and walks out to his non-existent job. He wanders around carrying his lie with him. Eiko works at a twenty-four hour convenience store. Hours and days go by with no emotions beyond the opening and closing of the teller. A man appears into her life. They will start a relationship that will fill in part the emptiness in their lives. A rock band is falling apart. After the last rehearsal, the guitar player announces his decision to quit to his friend, the singer and front man of the band, but he is not willing to accept it. Three everyday stories – three lives are told.


Jun Matsuo
Jun Matsuo
Salary man
Emiko Izawa
Emiko Izawa
Junshin Soga
Junshin Soga
Akira Kihara
Akira Kihara
Yorie Akiba
Yorie Akiba
Takahiro Ono
Takahiro Ono



Шпион, который меня кинул
Двое подруг оказываются втянутыми в опасный мир шпионажа, когда одна из них узнает, что её бывший — секретный агент.
Цирк дю Солей: Шкатулка диковинок
Step into the curio cabinet of an ambitious inventor who defies the laws of time, space and dimension in order to reinvent everything around him. Suddenly, the visible becomes invisible, perspectives are transformed, and the world is literally turned upside down. Immerse yourself in a spectacular cinematic experience through never-before-seen angles. Movie-going just got jaw-dropping!
Искатели приключений
Во времена великой опасности монахи из монастыря Дунь Хуан решили спрятать хранимую ими священную древнюю реликвию. Бесценное сокровище поместили в такое место, где никто никогда не смог бы его найти. Когда пришло время вернуть реликвию обратно в монастырь, монахи обратились за помощью к труппе акробатов, виртуозно владеющих своим искусством. Века спустя красавица Ин и ее брат Тонг — последние из рода великих акробатов, в руки которых попадает загадочный медальон, отправляются в древний монастырь, чтобы узнать его тайну.
Цирк Солнца: Некто
Quidam («Некто»): безымянный прохожий, одинокая фигура, замешкавшаяся на перекрестке, бегущий мимо человек. Это может быть кто угодно. Кто-то, кто приходит, уходит, живет в нашем обезличенном обществе. Часть толпы, молчаливого большинства. Тот, кто кричит, поет и мечтает в душе каждого из нас. Вот кто такой этот «quidam», которого воспевает Cirque du Soleil. Девушка в ярости; она уже все испробовала, и ее мир потерял для нее всякий смысл. Ярость разрушает ее маленький мирок, и она попадает в мир Quidam. К ней присоединяется веселый спутник и еще один, более загадочный, герой, который будет пытаться прельстить ее чудесным, тревожащим и пугающим.
Cirque du Soleil: O
Consisting of a stage with over 5,000 cubic feet of water from the Bellagio Lake, "O" shifts the boundaries of the interplay of acrobatics, music, theater and dance, with such diverse disciplines as water jumping, gymnastics, synchronized swimming, trapeze, acrobatics, dramatic play, music and dance - an unforgettable rendezvous for all spectators.
Caicedo (with Pole)
King of the slack wire. His daring feats of balancing as he performs his thrilling feats in midair show that he is perfectly at home.
The Circus
Drawing upon a vast and richly visual archive and featuring a host of performers, historians and aficionados, this four-hour mini-series follows the rise and fall of the gigantic, traveling tented railroad circus and brings to life an era when Circus Day would shut down a town and its stars were among the most famous people in the country.
Призрак в театре
Молодой режиссёр-дебютант написал сценарий своего первого фильма. Он знакомится с актрисой, новоиспечённой обладательницей кинонаграды, которая и становится исполнительницей главной роли. Режиссёр хочет снять фильм о призраках в старом театре. Много лет назад в нём произошёл пожар, и по слухам, здесь обитают духи погибших людей. И как только начинаются съёмки фильма, загадочные события не заставляют себя ждать…
A family troupe of acrobats, made up to appear Japanese, perform various unbelievable stunts in front of the camera, achieved through a trick of the camera.
The South Shaolin Master
The narrative centres on a nomadic opera troupe who travel to various towns as part of their nationwide tour and astound the locals with their skills. When visiting a coastal town, one of the young performers becomes involved in a market brawl after two local bullies begin to push their weight around. The righteous young performer is saved from a vicious beating at the hands of the thugs by a mysterious fighter who uses his sublime abilities to save the day. He gradually reveals to his new friends that he is a former Shaolin student and a staunch patriot - readily opposing the Manchu rulers. In a finale filled with glorious fight action, the time for revenge is realised and the battle between good and evil once again takes place.
The Deonzo Brothers
The famous acrobats in the above title appear in a marvellous acrobatic act. There are three barrels arranged on the stage. The boys, blindfolded, stand on opposite sides of the stage, and jump from one barrel into the other until they both land in the same barrel at the same time. They then jump backwards onto the stage over the two barrels. One table is then mounted upon another and the center barrel is placed on top. The brothers still blindfolded jump one each into a barrel and from them to the first to the second table and from the second table into the barrel on top of the second table. They then jump backwards onto the stage. This is pronounced by show people to be the most marvellous acrobatic feat that has ever been introduced. (Edison Catalog)
Луис Мартинетти, конторционист
Luis Martinetti, a contortionist suspended from acrobatic flying rings, contorts himself for about thirty seconds. This is one of the first films made for Edison's kinetoscopes.
Akrobatisches Potpourri
Eight circus performers known as the Grunato family perform their famous balancing act.
Die Benefiz-Vorstellung der vier Teufel
One out of three silent adaptations of the novella "Les quatre diables" written by Danish author Herman Bang. The most famous one, although unfortunately lost, is without any doubt F.W. Murnau's "4 Devils". This German version, by Danish director A.W. Sandberg, was done eight years prior to Murnau's American one, and was a big success at the time.
Cirque du Soleil: Dralion
The Chinese consider the lion a symbol of good luck, so it's a half-dragon, half-lion – a dralion – that is the symbol of the East-meets-West fusion of this performance in which 36 Chinese acrobats join the renowned Canadian troupe. Celebrating the four elements as represented in four colours – blue (air), green (water), red (fire) and ochre (earth) – Dralion combines ancient Chinese circus traditions with Cirque du Soleil's usual stunning elements: the techno-oriented single ring; the multicoloured lights and costumes; the music that mixes rock, New Age and various world influences (though not Chinese); and the madcap clowns that pull a victim out of the audience.
Komisches Reck
Part of the Wintergartenprogramm.
Billy Rose's Casa Mañana Revue
The scene is set at Billy Rose's Casa Manana Revue, filmed at the Fort Worth Frontier Fiesta (1937), an enormous production created as part of the Texas Centennial civic celebrations. The opening song, "The Night Is Young And You're So Beautiful" emanated from the first edition of the Revue and became a hit song on two continents in 1936.
Hadj Cheriff
Hadji Cheriff, a performer known for a variety of unusual abilities, demonstrates part of his act in the Thomas Edison studio. He has a large knife in his hand at the opening of the act. He then hurls the knife away and begins a rapid series of dance-like motions, executing numerous cartwheels and whirling movements.
Halfway to heaven
Love triangle in an acrobatic trapeze act results in a missed catch and a death, but was it on purpose?
Considered a remake of Lumière's La Voltige from 1895.