
Мой левый глаз видит привидения (2002)

Жанр : комедия, фэнтези, ужасы, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Директор : Johnnie To, Wai Ka-fai

Краткое содержание

Мэй Хо вышла замуж за миллионера Дэниела спустя всего семь дней после знакомства, а через несколько месяцев он трагически погибает во время подводной прогулки с аквалангом. Семья Дэниела безутешна, и лишь Мэй, как кажется, даже радуется тому, что все так получилось — она быстро переезжает в дом своего бывшего мужа, отказывается работать и круглые сутки проводит ничего не делая — когда, конечно, не крадет из магазинов всякую мелочь. Так проходит три года, по прошествии которых Мэй попадает в автомобильную катастрофу, напившись за рулем до бессознательного состояния. Врезавшись в стену, она умирает, но сверхактивный призрак по имени Кен заставляет ее вернуться в собственное тело. Теперь Мэй вновь жива, но ее левый глаз после травмы начал видеть привидений.


Sammi Cheng
Sammi Cheng
May Ho
Lau Ching-wan
Lau Ching-wan
Ken Wong / Sam Wong
Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi
Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi
Lee San-San
Lee San-San
Lam Suet
Lam Suet
May's Father
Bonnie Wong
Bonnie Wong
Mrs. Tsui
Simon Yam
Simon Yam
Wong Tin-lam
Wong Tin-lam
Sam's Father
Kelly Lin
Kelly Lin
Sam's Dead Girlfriend
Yoyo Yiu Wing-Man
Yoyo Yiu Wing-Man
May's Step-sister
Alex Lam Chi Sin
Alex Lam Chi Sin
May's Step-brother
Wong Wa-Wo
Wong Wa-Wo
Temple Keeper
Lee Fung
Lee Fung
Taoist Priest
Hau Woon-Ling
Hau Woon-Ling
Elderly Ghost
Do Si-Na
Do Si-Na
May's Maid


Johnnie To
Johnnie To
Yau Nai-hoi
Yau Nai-hoi
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Cheng Siu-keung
Cheng Siu-keung
Au Kin-Yee
Au Kin-Yee
Johnnie To
Johnnie To
Wai Ka-fai
Wai Ka-fai
Law Wing-cheong
Law Wing-cheong
Yau Chi-Wai
Yau Chi-Wai
Cacine Wong Ka-Sin
Cacine Wong Ka-Sin
Midco Chu Wai-Fong
Midco Chu Wai-Fong
Makeup Artist
Heidi Chun Sau-Ha
Heidi Chun Sau-Ha
Makeup Artist
Steven Tsang Pak-Chuen
Steven Tsang Pak-Chuen
Costume Design
Raymond Chan
Raymond Chan
Art Direction


Любовное настроение
Гонконг, 1962 год. Господин Чоу с женой и госпожа Су с мужем одновременно въезжают в соседние квартиры и однажды обнаруживают, что их супруги изменяют им друг с другом. Чоу и Су пытаются понять, как начался этот роман, и постепенно сближаются, но не хотят давать волю чувствам.
Он был писателем. Он думал, что пишет о будущем, а на самом деле он писал о прошлом. В его книге загадочный поезд время от времени отправлялся в 2046 год, и все, кто на него садились, стремились погрузиться в утраченное прошлое. Говорили, что в 2046 никогда ничего не меняется. Никто не знал наверняка, так ли это, потому что уехавшие туда никогда не возвращались, кроме одного человека. Он съездил и предпочел вернуться. Он хотел измениться…
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
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Devil Fetus
After a couple purchases an antique vase at a market, the woman is possessed and killed by a demonic creature. Twelve years later, the demon returns to possess the woman's nephew and wreak more havoc.
Моя счастливая звезда
Приквел к фильму 2009 г. Sophie's Revenge (Месть Софи). Женщина оказывается втянутой в трансграничное преступление по краже алмазов, которое сводит со шпионом, который пытается спасти мир.
A Gambler's Story
Suki is a very devoted gambler. Whenever he goes to Macau, he buys a return ticket in advance, just in case he loses all his money. After breaking up with his girlfriend Cher, who couldn't bear his gambling anymore, Suki meets a girl called Princess Fragrance at a karaoke bar. They later meet again in Macau, both in the hands of a loan shark Brother Face, who threatens to kill them if they don't pay off their debts…
Трупное окоченение
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Floating Life
An aging Hong Kong couple move to Australia with their two youngest sons. They stay with a daughter who has already begun a successful career. Meanwhile their eldest daughter lives in Germany and their eldest son remains in Hong Kong. The film explores the different ways the family members cope with isolation and alienation.
The Untold Story 2
The blood flows freely in this sequel to the first Untold Story, which now finds Anthony Wong Chau-Sang in a different role; in a film that is just as violent and frightening as the original. An unhappily married couple invite the wife's beautiful cousin, who has survived a horrifying experience in Mainland China, to live with them. She has her own special way of overcoming hardship and becomes the master of the barbecue
Cop Shop Babes
Bear and Satay are two cops who got moved to the Cop Shop Babes brigade, where they can chat up policewomen. But bomb expert Fireball wants to revenge from the Cop Shop Babes chief (Carina Lau) and the girls.
Red Dragon
An FBI agent goes to Hong Kong to short-circuit a smuggler of electrical parts to the communists.
Life is Cheap... But Toilet Paper is Expensive
A man is hired by a group of people he believes to be gangsters to escort a briefcase from America to Hong Kong. When he arrives, however, his contact is nowhere to be found. With no further instructions, he decides to take in the sights of Hong Kong, which consist of him taking part in a great deal of blood, sex and general weirdness, all while wearing a briefcase handcuffed to his arm.
Bamboo Gods and Iron Men
The Jefferson’s honeymoon night in Hong Kong will be troubled by a number of people wishing to get hold of a Bouddha statuette that the husband offered her when window-shopping that day. When the going gets rough, it helps that Cal Jefferson is a top American boxer.
A Tale from the East
The Little Princess and her bodyguard Jiang travel 200 years from the past to the present day. They are relentlessly pursued by the evil General Shea Hai, a vicious and seemingly indestructible puffy-faced Blood Devil demon who wants to get his hands on a magical pearl the Little Princess possesses. Sweet Kot-Yee, her fat, greedy brother Chu Tai-Lit, and two goofy electricians come to the aid of the Little Princess and Jiang.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
The Gold Connection
Martial arts teacher Ah Wei (Bruce Li) discovers a hidden stash of Vietnamese gold while scuba diving with his friends and divides it up between them. The gang who stole and stashed the gold track Wei and his friends down one by one, in order to get back what they believe to be their property. Wei must use his Kung Fu skills to defend himself, and the people he cares about, in this brutal and thrilling martial arts noir.
Постоянное место жительства
«Постоянное местожительство» со всей откровенностью исследует жизнь молодого человека, жаждущего невозможной любви своего лучшего друга. Фильм обнажает чувства главного героя и показывает его трепетное отношение к людям, которых он любит и панически боится потерять после смерти. Картина пытается по-своему приоткрыть завесу тайны таких вечных вопросов как любовь, жизнь и смерть.
The Human Goddess
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
Духовный боксёр
Wang Yu plays Hsiao Chien, a con artist vagabond who uses his kung fu skills and parlor tricks to convince superstitious villagers that he can use his body as a vessel for angry gods. However, when the villagers are threatened by a hostile force, Chien must learn to use his skills to protect the innocent.
Ferry to Hong Kong
Mark Conrad, a habitual drunk and troublemaker with a shady past, is expelled by Hong Kong police after one too many bar fights. He's sent to Macao on the Fa Tsan, a ferry owned by Captain Hart. Conrad's papers are out of order and Macao refuses him entry. Unable to go ashore, Conrad is a permanent passenger on the ferry with Hart, who detests him. It's all one long, lazy voyage for Conrad until one fateful trip when an encounter with a typhoon and pirates forces Conrad to choose between an aimless drifter's life and becoming a man again.