Sérgio Machado


Звериный рейс
A pair of mice attempt to board Noah's Ark: Vini, a charismatic poet with terrible stage fright, and Tito, a talented and charming guitarist. When the rains come, only one male and one female of each species is allowed on Noah's Ark. With the help of an ingenious cockroach and fate's good luck, Vini and Tito sneak their way onto the Ark and together avert a showdown among the ships carnivores and plant eaters. All the while, the animals perform a series of classic songs inspired by world renowned poet, Vinicius de Moraes. Can these talented stowaways use music to break the tension and help these cooped up creatures survive the 40 days and 40 nights together?
Звериный рейс
A pair of mice attempt to board Noah's Ark: Vini, a charismatic poet with terrible stage fright, and Tito, a talented and charming guitarist. When the rains come, only one male and one female of each species is allowed on Noah's Ark. With the help of an ingenious cockroach and fate's good luck, Vini and Tito sneak their way onto the Ark and together avert a showdown among the ships carnivores and plant eaters. All the while, the animals perform a series of classic songs inspired by world renowned poet, Vinicius de Moraes. Can these talented stowaways use music to break the tension and help these cooped up creatures survive the 40 days and 40 nights together?
River of Desire
When he meets Anaíra, a beautiful woman who breathes life into his whole being, Captain Dalberto leaves his job as a police officer and buys a boat. The newly married couple moves in with Dalberto’s brothers, but the captain leaves for a trip to Iquitos, Peru. At home, Dalmo, the older brother, tries to control the passion he feels for his brother’s wife. Anaíra, feeling abandoned, approaches Armando, the younger brother, and they have an affair. Dalberto’s return puts all three men, now completely in love with the same woman, under the same roof.
River of Desire
When he meets Anaíra, a beautiful woman who breathes life into his whole being, Captain Dalberto leaves his job as a police officer and buys a boat. The newly married couple moves in with Dalberto’s brothers, but the captain leaves for a trip to Iquitos, Peru. At home, Dalmo, the older brother, tries to control the passion he feels for his brother’s wife. Anaíra, feeling abandoned, approaches Armando, the younger brother, and they have an affair. Dalberto’s return puts all three men, now completely in love with the same woman, under the same roof.
River of Desire
When he meets Anaíra, a beautiful woman who breathes life into his whole being, Captain Dalberto leaves his job as a police officer and buys a boat. The newly married couple moves in with Dalberto’s brothers, but the captain leaves for a trip to Iquitos, Peru. At home, Dalmo, the older brother, tries to control the passion he feels for his brother’s wife. Anaíra, feeling abandoned, approaches Armando, the younger brother, and they have an affair. Dalberto’s return puts all three men, now completely in love with the same woman, under the same roof.
Neojiba - Música Que Transforma
A Luta do Século
The documentary recounts the trajectory of the boxers Reginaldo "Holyfield" and Luciano "Todo Duro", who found in boxing a way to escape misery and became two of the greatest idols in the sport. The rivalry between them mobilized the states of Bahia and Pernambuco in the 1990s. For more than 20 years they both hated each other so much that they could not share the same space without attacking each other. They faced each other 6 times, with 3 wins for each side. During the filming, the enemies, already over 50, decided to face each other for the last time.
The Violin Teacher
Laerte, a talented violinist who after failing to be admitted into the OSESP Orchestra is forced to give music classes to teenagers in a public school at Heliopolis. His path is full of difficulties, but the transforming power of music and the friendship arising between the teacher and the students open the door into a new world.
The Violin Teacher
Laerte, a talented violinist who after failing to be admitted into the OSESP Orchestra is forced to give music classes to teenagers in a public school at Heliopolis. His path is full of difficulties, but the transforming power of music and the friendship arising between the teacher and the students open the door into a new world.
Aqui Deste Lugar
A documentary following the everyday lifes of three families that take part of Brazilian government "bolsa familia" program.
The Invisible Collection
The young Beto ventures to the Brazilian countryside in search of a collection of rare drawings. There he meets Samir, the collector, and his family ruined by the demise of the cocoa plantations. The journey and the encounter will irrevocably change the young man’s soul.
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last Night
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last Night
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Friends of the recently deceased Quincas take their pal's body on one last tour of his favorite spots in Brazil's Bahia.
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Friends of the recently deceased Quincas take their pal's body on one last tour of his favorite spots in Brazil's Bahia.
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Friends of the recently deceased Quincas take their pal's body on one last tour of his favorite spots in Brazil's Bahia.
Four for None
Monike Caveira
Four people with different values and standards meet in the urban chaos of Copacabana. Rita and Waldick come from the country, and befriend two Rio de Janeiro native guys, upon arrival: the playboy and surfer Paulo Roberto and a pimp called Tim. Written by lukejoplin@infolink.com.br
Нижний город
Карина — танцовщица, которая по желанию клиента может и подняться с ним в номер. Два парня без ума от нее: Деко и Нальдиньо. Они приятели, но их страсть может положить конец не только дружбе, но и жизни одного из них. Ведь ребята выросли там, где любой конфликт решается поножовщиной.
Нижний город
Карина — танцовщица, которая по желанию клиента может и подняться с ним в номер. Два парня без ума от нее: Деко и Нальдиньо. Они приятели, но их страсть может положить конец не только дружбе, но и жизни одного из них. Ведь ребята выросли там, где любой конфликт решается поножовщиной.
Madame Satã
A story inspired by the life of one of the most remarkable figures in Brazilian popular culture, João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). In turn, bandit, transvestite, street fighter, brothel cook, convict and father to seven adopted children, dos Santos – better known as Madame Satã – was also a notorious gay performer who pushed social boundaries in a volatile time.
At the Edge of the Earth
On 17 May 1931, the young director Mário Peixoto released his masterpiece "Limite" in a premiere in Capitólio Theater in Rio de Janeiro to astonished audiences bewildered by the impressive and poetic images. Considered by many viewers the best Brazilian movie ever made, this feature has never been released commercially. However, in a great paradox, Mário Peixoto has never made any other movie. The director Sérgio Machado pays a great tribute to the life and work Mário Peixoto a.k.a. Maçarico by his close friends with this documentary, using his diary; footages of "Limite", the never concluded "Onde a Terra Acaba" (1933) and the short "O Homem do Morcego" (1980); and interesting testimonies of Olga Breno, Ruy Solberg, Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Walter Salles among others.
At the Edge of the Earth
On 17 May 1931, the young director Mário Peixoto released his masterpiece "Limite" in a premiere in Capitólio Theater in Rio de Janeiro to astonished audiences bewildered by the impressive and poetic images. Considered by many viewers the best Brazilian movie ever made, this feature has never been released commercially. However, in a great paradox, Mário Peixoto has never made any other movie. The director Sérgio Machado pays a great tribute to the life and work Mário Peixoto a.k.a. Maçarico by his close friends with this documentary, using his diary; footages of "Limite", the never concluded "Onde a Terra Acaba" (1933) and the short "O Homem do Morcego" (1980); and interesting testimonies of Olga Breno, Ruy Solberg, Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Walter Salles among others.
Последнее солнце
Две семьи охвачены давней родовой местью. После убийства старшего брата 20-летний Тоньо обязан отомстить за него. Так велит закон чести. Но тогда он сам станет мишенью с открытой датой возмездия. И он покидает свой дом, идя навстречу смерти и… любви, ожидающих его впереди.
Последнее солнце
Две семьи охвачены давней родовой местью. После убийства старшего брата 20-летний Тоньо обязан отомстить за него. Так велит закон чести. Но тогда он сам станет мишенью с открытой датой возмездия. И он покидает свой дом, идя навстречу смерти и… любви, ожидающих его впереди.
3 истории штата Баиа
3 истории штата Баиа
Центральный вокзал
Assistant Director
Бывшая учительница — Дора зарабатывает тем, что пишет письма для неграмотных людей, приезжающих на Центральный вокзал Рио-де-Жанейро. Безразличная к своим клиентам, она берет по доллару за письмо, и еще доллар, если просят его отправить. А отправляет она не все письма. 9-летний Жозуэ и его мать тоже пользуются услугами Доры. Они пишут отцу. Отца Жозуэ никогда не видел, но мечтает встретиться с ним. А однажды, когда погибает его мать, мальчик остается совсем один в огромном городе. У наблюдающей за бедным мальчиком Доры появляется мысль о возможной выгоде. И она решает найти его отца…
Центральный вокзал
Бывшая учительница — Дора зарабатывает тем, что пишет письма для неграмотных людей, приезжающих на Центральный вокзал Рио-де-Жанейро. Безразличная к своим клиентам, она берет по доллару за письмо, и еще доллар, если просят его отправить. А отправляет она не все письма. 9-летний Жозуэ и его мать тоже пользуются услугами Доры. Они пишут отцу. Отца Жозуэ никогда не видел, но мечтает встретиться с ним. А однажды, когда погибает его мать, мальчик остается совсем один в огромном городе. У наблюдающей за бедным мальчиком Доры появляется мысль о возможной выгоде. И она решает найти его отца…
Troca de Cabeça
Troca de Cabeça