The film follows the adventures of a French aristocrat, the "Condemor"and Lucas, his faithful Mexican servant, lost in the desert of Far West, looking for ways to return to Paris. Following an unintentional demonstration of courage, "Condemor" is appointed sheriff very much against his will and forced to chase the "One- Eyed" and solve the mystery of the whereabouts of Chico's father and also the location of the legendary El Dorado, the fabulous gold mine. The plot thickens when Condemor platonic love, the "Bella Jolly" saloon singer, is also kidnapped by the evil ...
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit.
Avila, early twentieth century. Pedro, a boy of nine years, accompanied by his tutor, comes to live in the house of Don Mateo, a teacher that from that moment will be responsible for his education. Pedro begins an almost familiar relationship with Doña Gregoria and Martina, wife and daughter of his master. The appearance of Alfredo, and roommate and colleague of studies, complete the circle of his emotional environment. Provincial life, relationships with peers and the special relationship between life and death instilled by Don Mateo, definitely will influence his future life.
Injured Spaniard
Поставлен фильм-загадка по роману Патрис Чаплин. Визуально картина сделана весьма плотно и интересно - это первый художественный фильм Мэри Ламберт, известной видеоклипами, снятыми для Мадонны. Картина Мэри Ламберт начинается с того, что главная героиня, вся в синяках и побоях, в залитом кровью красном платье приходит в себя, лежа посереди бескрайнего поля, расположенного за аэродромом. Что с ней произошло? Где она? Почему такой вид? Она не помнит и не знает... Единственное падение, приносящее радость, - это падение в омут любви. Очнувшись на взлетном поле, Клер пытается вспомнить, что с ней произошло. Ее платье в крови, - и она думает, что убила человека - но кого? Постепенно Клер вспоминает события последних дней, проведенных в горячке любви: приезд в Испанию к бывшему любовнику Огустино, его жену, жестокую ревность... Клер не боится наказания, она надеется только на то, что Огустин жив.
A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.
Secretario del Juzgado
В его основе лежало настоящее преступление 1913 года. Сюжет. В Мадриде Мануэль Санчес, вдовец с шестью детьми и престарелым отцом, изо всех сил пытается прокормить свою большую семью своей скудной зарплатой в качестве военнослужащего испанской армии. Его страсть к азартным играм не помогает его тяжелым обстоятельствам. Старшая дочь Мануэля, Мария Луиза, работает на фабрике по глажке одежды
El mago
A young German pacifist finds documents in an old castle that prove Hitler didn't kill himself in April 1945, but fled to Spain disguised as a monk, and now works as a comedian in a remote town. He finds the former Führer in a small theater rehearsing a Charlot parody.
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Parody of a real event, the expropriation of RUMASA holding, owned by businessman Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos by the government led by Felipe González. The film chronicles the adventures of three friends José María (Antonio Ozores), Ruiz (Juanito Navarro) and Mateo (Raul Sender), dividing the shareholders of a company in serious economic crisis. Faced with adversity, go to the National Government requesting the expropriation of the company, so you do not have to worry about the salaries of the workers, or their own.
Fray Capullo
Manager de Tarazona
Ruinasa is a holding company dedicated to leisure and, why not say, to vice. But these businesses are about to go bankrupt. To avoid this, sincehis prestige is at stake, a company dedicated to protecting various groups of gangsters takes over the holding. However, as they are not specialists in these matters, the company is going even worse and they get together to try to find solutions
Guardia Civil
A scientist's experiment with a deadly bacteria goes awry and leaves him horribly deformed. The monstrous man then runs amok in his town.
The movie tells the story of four beautifull and young girls: María, Pilar, Patricia and Virginia. They all work at the bingo and while they sell bingo cars they fill the room with smiles, happyness and excitement. But not all in their lifes is a game. They have all type of problems and dificult situations at work: the harassment of men, the quirks of the players ... but by the end love will win, as well as the joy of life and optimism.
A story of a family whose father tries by all means to maintain the strictest ethics and morality ... or at least appear so. His beautiful young daughter tries to emancipate hereself and looks for a job, but the chance is that the first thing that comes out is underwear seller. She starts to work and problems start for all.
Master of Ceremonies
Relojero jubilado
Raimundo Vázquez is architect and director of an important enterprise, he is serious and old-fashioned. His daugther of 16 years old, Susana, tells his that is pregnant...
Beautiful Eva, hermaphrodite from birth, with clear signs of both sexes, under the strict guidance of his uncle, Professor, masters the secrets of sexual energy, which give the possibility of a Superman. But an angry gangster steals it, with the help of a doctor-villain to move into the body of eve and take over the world. He tries to prevent his rival, who is going to deprive the girl masculinity and thus not to let it turn into Superman…
Anfitrión en chalet
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
In Madrid of the 20's, many women were hired as wet nurses for middle class families. Milk is paid very well, so women are turning to the honest services of Paco, glazier by trade, which completes his monthly salary getting pregnant the clients who pay for it.
A sex party at a movie producer's house ends with traumatic results for a young couple.
A story about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
Второй человек в компартии Испании — гей. Однажды он оказывается в больнице, и там знакомится с парнем-проституткой. Тот начинает поставлять ему мальчиков, благо есть подпольная квартира для голубых встреч. Поначалу политик довольствуется редкими одноразовыми секс-свиданиями с парнями, но потом встречает парня, в которого всерьез влюбляется. И он отбрасывает осторожность, начинает приводить его в семью…
A city is horrified at the appearance of several cadavers of women who have been savagely raped prior to being killed.
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
Mr. Mandel
Angelo Russo, a sixteen year-old girl, is found dead in a river, having been fatally violated with a large blunt instrument. Inspector Di Salvo is assigned to the case and focuses his investigations on St. Theresa's, the exclusive school where Angelo boarded. Three of the murdered girl's classmates, Franca, Paola and Virgina (who call themselves "The Inseparables"), receive threatening poems from an individual using the name "Nemesis". Bizarre "accidents" start to befall the girls: Franca is injured when someone causes her horse to bolt and Virgina nearly breaks her neck on marbles left at the top of a staircase. But Di Salvo is determined to find the killer, even if it means using unorthodox methods. He is aided by Angelo Russo's little sister Emily, whose helpful clues lead to a boutique owned by a dubious character and a vice ring where "rich influential men pay well for teenage favours" ...
Статус католического священника запрещает главному герою предаваться сексуальному греху, но его постоянно, даже на исповеди, мучают греховные образы. После неудачной борьбы с мучительными демонами он ищет помощь у старших, которые утверждают, что духовность и молитвы является достаточными, чтобы противостоять «искушениям дьявола». Несмотря на это его ежедневно посещают похотливые сексуальные фантазии...
Raquel's not able to have children, so she and her boyfriend manipulate another young woman into bearing his child.
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
Vendedor de la moto
Красавец мужчина 40-летний президент банка Эдуардо на улице случайно встречает молодого парня Мигеля, в которого влюбляется с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать этого парня он выслеживает где тот живет и посылает ему приглашение устроиться к нему в банк на работу. Приглашение было принято. Более того, вскоре Мигель становится личным секретарем банкира, допечатывая на машинке его незавершенный роман. «Крепость» с каждым днем все больше попадает в осаду. Что не осталось без внимания со стороны друзей и сослуживцев Эдуардо. В конце концов мужчина решает в открытую признаться парню в своих чувствах...
Alberto Ramos, known as ‘the best photographer in Lisbon’, is also a famous medium who uses his professional gift to enjoy a libertine lifestyle that gives him access to the upper social classes. Margarida Malveira, a rich 50-year-old widow, consults him in the hopes of establishing contact with the love of her life, deceased 30 years prior. After one session, the spirit of Margarida’s husband possesses Alberto’s mind, forcing him to take care of his wife. - MOTELX
After completing his high school studies at the age of twenty-four, Óscar is an immature student, unable to afford alone his return to home during the summer season. Then he manages to convince Carlos, his young math teacher, to accompany him. Already in the family home, Óscar begins to behave in an increasingly unbalanced and irrational way. Meanwhile, his family will endeavor to see him as the reflection of the absent father figure.
Músico ciego
In 16th century Rome, Rampín, a friendly and shameless rogue, exploits his arts of deception. He lives with his aunt, Napolitana, a pimp dedicated to the same trades as his nephew. With the arrival of a beautiful Andalusian, Lozana, her fortune enters their house by making her the most beautiful courtesan in Rome. Lozana and Rampín reach an agreement: he will be at her service, taking her lovers home, and she will treat him like a king and give him the best, something that others will never have. But one fine day, Don Sancho, a handsome Spaniard, falls in love with her.
Director de cine
Sergio, a film heartthrob in the decline of his career, agrees to spend 24 hours with the winner of a radio contest. The fate of the prize lies with Tina, a girl from the small town of Algarrobo of Mijares, a fervent admirer of the actor.
Camera Shop Clerk
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Robin Hood fights the evil Sheriff of Nothingham. Friar Tuck brings his friend Moi Kato, a Kung Fu master. Medival movie meets Italo Eastern.
Mariquita en estanco
Диана, супруга известного политика Маркоса Диаса, узнает, что ее муж не может иметь детей. Для страстно мечтающей о ребенке женщины это становится ударом. Находясь в состоянии стресса, она ищет способ исполнить свою мечту. Выход находится в случайном романе, который вспыхивает между Дианой и работником бензозаправки Хуаном. Вскоре, узнав о своей беременности, Диана решает завершить этот мезальянс, но принявший чувства женщины за чистую монету мужчина не желает отказываться от сына.
A policeman must infiltrate the criminal underworld to investigate the theft of some paintings. The first clue leads him to a Latin American country, where a military prepares for a coup.
The poor Camilo was about a priest, when he suffered a dizzy spell and was diagnosed with a serious illness.
Elena is pregnant and Carlos, the future father does not have financial means to marry her. The solution is in a game show that offers substantial rewards to those who can correctly answer questions about the forties. Patricia, Elena's older sister, mobilizes the whole family. Carlos will undergo an intensive study plan.
Zoraida is a single mother and bearded woman in a circus, while Charly works in transvestite shows. Together they will live a difficult and unusual love story.
Carlos, a widower in his forties, lives with his daughter Lolita and his sister Merche. He is a candidate to Spanish Court's Proctor, so frequently travels outside Madrid. During one of those trips, he is forced to return at home precipitously, because his sister informed him that Lolita has left the house to live with some friends.
Crime film.
One man becomes each day more and more fat. The exercise does not help him. Finally he goes to the doctor that finds out his problem: he is pregnant.
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
Действие происходит в ближайшем будущем. Шайки бандитов на мотоциклах терроризируют обывателей, в секретной лаборатории ведутся эксперименты по контролю над мозгом, медсестра пытается облегчить конец смертельно больным людям. Но какова реальная цель этого ангела милосердия?
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
A movie crew shooting a film featuring a comic-strip hero named The Sexy Cat finds itself stalked by a serial killer who begins murdering the cast and crew.
Leandro Cano, grandfather of many grandchildren, coincides in the clinic of Dr. Bolt with Elena, a lady already advanced in years. The doctor makes every effort to make them meet, and thus overcome their feelings of loneliness.
Juez militar
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
Тринадцатилетняя девочка Марта Колдуэлл становится свидетельницей гибели своих родителей в страшной железнодорожной катастрофе. Сама Марта, едва оставшись в живых и перенеся страшный шок, становится немой. Проходит много лет. Всё ещё немая Марта живёт со своим дядей Ральфом в испанской провинции. Однажды в их дом приезжает двоюродная сестра Марты по имени Дженни, чтобы побыть немного со своими родными. Но вскоре её кто-то убивает…
Jed (Tomas Milian) is an unlikely hero in this Italian western. As thoroughly unlikeable a robber as ever walked the West, he nonetheless robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Not only is he a murderous, ill-tempered sort, he is bad-mannered, too. When Sonny (Susan George) decides he should be her man and teach her how to be a proper outlaw, sparks fly.
Neville Yates
A man has had a werewolf curse cast upon him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he turns into a killer werewolf when the moon is full.
Луи Де Фюнес в роли жадного сборщика налогов, обворовывающего короля. Его слугу Рюи Блаза играет Ив Монтан. Разбитной веселый мошенник постоянно издевается над хозяином и строит ему козни. Так он использует неописуемую алчность и жажду лести человека, считающего, что «бедные должны быть бедными, а богатые должны стать еще богаче», и подбивает Де Фюнеса соблазнить испанскую королеву, на которую сам положил глаз…
Рой бежит из американской тюрьмы и скрывается от властей в небольшом шахтёрском посёлке у границы с Мексикой. Его появление нарушает планы криминального трио, воровавшего у шахтёров добытое ими золото.
Cesar Martin, better known as El Duque, is an elegant, charming and intelligent man, who has been obliged to be known by heart the Penal Code, as their profession is the scam. Cesar has another weakness: his beautiful daughter Silvia is always a decent person.
A former American gangster organises a safari in Kenya in order to have his business partner, whom he suspects of being responsible for his brother's death, killed. However, it turns out that he killed the wrong person and a series of murders follow.
Hombre que se cruza con Julieta
Juliet and Alberto are a marriage in which peace reigns home. Mood surely be upset if Juliet suspecte that her her husband uses the vet who runs to assist clients instead of animals.
In the Apollo Theater during the performance of "green envelope", a child is born, son of the actress who plays the goddess of Fortune. His father calls him Fortunato as he believes that he will have a privileged life. But unfortunately, the opposite happens.
Empleado de Don Bernardo
Alejandro Quesada (Fernando Fernan Gomez), an eminent doctor successful with women, drives his old friends Federico (Juanjo Menéndez) and Enrique (José Luis López Vázquez) to change their attitude towards life. The death of a common friend, Luis (Jesus Puente), reaffirmed in the attempt to enjoy their existence and seek the association of younger women than their wives.
A Spanish singer, known as "El Ángel", owner of a nightclub, lives a double life as an expert in alarms for gangs of thieves. In his last robbery, he betrays his partners, and his lover is kidnapped and he is blackmailed. Thinking that she has betrayed him, he abandons her to her fate. Finally, she committed suicide. El Ángel reconsiders his life and decides to become a monk. But his former life will meet him within the walls of the monastery.
Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable couple. Now Juan is a prominent businessman in bullfighting. But Manuel's feelings toward him have changed radically: an inexplicable hated seizes him when someone mentions his name. It has been more than twenty years since that afternoon, when Manuel was bullfighting and fell to the ground.
Damon and Steffen are paired up bounty hunters falsely accused of murder in a lawless town ruled by racketeering lawmen
Empleado de don Aurelio
Cayetana, her boyfriend Paco and Venancio, her foster brother, commit small thefts and, from time to time, spend a few days in jail. Until they meet with Federico, a thief who has traveled abroad and convince them that using European methods success is guaranteed. Paco then decides to act scientifically and seizes a hospital surgical equipment. When they want to realize, poor Venancio is forced to give an injection to a dentistry patient and, even worse, Paco has to pull out a tooth. And all that, before entering the operating room
Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
Comedy that chronicles the ups and downs in dating of several people in Spain in 1968.
A doctor invites his relatives to his castle, all the while planning to murder them when they arrive. However, when he himself is murdered, the relatives know they have to find the killer before he gets all of them.
The film explains the vicissitudes of a group of revue stars who arrive into a small provincial village in the dark Spain of the sixties, called Puente San Gil. There the women are received with aggressiveness and contempt by the ultraconservative bourgeoisie, to the point of becoming denounced and imprisoned because of the scandal caused by the sensual content of their variety show. But they refuse to remain silent and sing their protest as a song. —jsanchez
The driver Antonio, boasts of his sons: John, who shares his work as a taxi driver, Luisa, ladies hairdresser, Antonito, studying to be a lawyer, and Paloma, to be a housewife. But Antonio does not know that their children are not exactly as he thinks. The day Antonio finds out, confronts his wife and children and suffers a big disappointment. Since then no one in the family speaks to Antonio, and he believes that it is best to let them see for themselves that they made a mistake, but this does not result, since each will see their problems increased.
Film that tells the biography of the great bullfighter Sebastian Palomo Linares Linares, with the very skilled actor who plays the character. Palomo Linares belongs to a poor family but with great human values. He, like many others of his age, has a dream: to be a bullfighter. He works as an apprentice shoemaker fights secretly at night in the meadows. After a career of suffering and obstacles, the boy never lost hope, typical of his strong Christian convictions, and became a teacher, finally achieving success in the sand. The film shows with particular clarity the great Spanish tradition, as is the art of bullfighting.
General Mola
(segment "El mago de Oz")
The film is an adaptation of three fairy tales classics of children literature. "The Maiden of the Sea" tells the story of Coraline, a mermaid who wants to be human afte she falls in love with a Sailor Prince. "The 3 hairs of the Devil" tells the story of Tomasin, a young man of humble background, which a seer had a presentiment that he would marry the daughter of the king, who must perform a series of tests to avoid death, and marriage the princess is accepted by the king. "The Wizard of Oz" tells the story of Sylvia, a girl who get lost in the woods with her dog Toto, and along with her friends The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, have been snatched the brain, heart and courage, respectively. They go the Emerald City to request help from the Wizard of Oz adapting three children’s stories: , The three hairs from the devil and The Wizard of Oz.
An Español gets transported to King Arthur's court.
A luxury cast of singers, musicians and dancers enriched this faithful transposition of the comic sketches written by Quintero and Pascual Guillén revolving about unrequited love Mariquilla and Gabriel. This, after injuring Pepe Luis, brother of the young lover, takes refuge in a gypsy camp to escape justice.