Sofía Casares


Tales of the White Sheets
Medieval erotic comedy in which a young man, played by Manolo Otero, comes to a town where he pretends to be tooth-puller and physician. This man is able to invent any potion to quench the sexual thirst of locals.
Cebrian, a blast furnace worker Asturian, being held at the Civil Guard barracks. There has to be accountable for the disasters in a day of party with two friends.
Girls... The Hall
Polvo eres...
The poor Camilo was about a priest, when he suffered a dizzy spell and was diagnosed with a serious illness.
I Hate My Body
The brain of a male engineer is transplanted into a female’s body. He soon finds it very frustrating to cope with the daily sexist discrimination most women deal with. For example, he is surprised when no one will hire a female engineer. When he is faced with dealing with female sexuality, he quickly begins exhibiting lesbian tendencies.
The Girl from the Red Cabaret
Harvey hires Mary to seduce his rival Larry and help him gain his revenge. But Maria and Larry fall in love and things become complicated.
Los extremeños se tocan
Hunchback of the Morgue
Paul Naschy plays a hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. He is in love with a sickly girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him. Each day he brings her flowers until the day she dies.
Separación matrimonial
The Fury of the Wolf Man
Girl in Tavern
A man has had a werewolf curse cast upon him. If he doesn't get rid of it, he turns into a killer werewolf when the moon is full.
Дом, который кричит
Мадам Фурно владеет школой для трудновоспитуемых девушек во Франции. В школе царит строгая дисциплина, порядок, которые вызваны суровыми наказаниями, издевательствами и пытками учениц. У мадам Фурно есть юный сын Луис, которого она старается держать подальше от девушек. Тем временем в школе начинают происходить странные исчезновения учениц...
Historia de la frivolidad
Female Courtier #3
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
El mejor tesoro