José F. Aguayo Jr.


Celedonio y yo somos así
Director of Photography
Daniel has as the only fortune a stud bull named Celedonio, which he rents for living.
Sábado, chica, motel ¡qué lío aquel!
Director of Photography
The Great Adventure
Director of Photography
During the American Gold Rush era, an orphaned boy and his wild dog who must battle against the Yukon wilderness and human greed to help save a frontier town.
Un curita cañón
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Mondo-style docudrama about a war correspondent who comes back home and has a spiritual crisis about his own mortality. Surreal fantasy sequences are mixed with graphic real autopsy footage.
Нож для колки льда
Director of Photography
Тринадцатилетняя девочка Марта Колдуэлл становится свидетельницей гибели своих родителей в страшной железнодорожной катастрофе. Сама Марта, едва оставшись в живых и перенеся страшный шок, становится немой. Проходит много лет. Всё ещё немая Марта живёт со своим дядей Ральфом в испанской провинции. Однажды в их дом приезжает двоюродная сестра Марты по имени Дженни, чтобы побыть немного со своими родными. Но вскоре её кто-то убивает…
The Flowers of Fear
Director of Photography
Three individuals find out their experiments into fear and the dead may have gone too far.
Camera Operator
После смерти матери Тристана оказывается под опекой своего не вполне бескорыстного дяди дона Лопе и вскоре сбегает от него с молодым художником Орасио. Разворачивается история соблазнения и возмездия.
Los flamencos
Director of Photography
Diego, retired from flamenco due to an illness, is obsessed with the memory of Antonia Jiménez, a beautiful woman he loved in the past and with whom he formed an artistic duet. Now, after having triumphed on the stages of half the world, she returns from America, while he is dedicated to survive in the suburbs of Madrid mixed up in shady business. He kills the man who stole his woman. A tragedy could be sensed in the air.
Locura de amor
Camera Department Manager
The passion that Joan of Castile, daughter of the Catholic Kings and heir to the throne, feels for her husband, Philip the Handsome, sovereign of the Netherlands and son of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy, is not reciprocated. Her temperament, her jealousy and an unexpected tragedy will throw Joan into the dark realm of madness and obsession with death, the only realm where she will be a true queen…