Frankie Chan Fan-Kei

Frankie Chan Fan-Kei

Рождение : 1951-11-30, Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]


Frankie Chan Fan-Kei


Super Model Fantasy
At a celebration feast, the supermodel An Weiwei, who seemed to be calm but was jealous, announced a break in public because of her boyfriend's betrayal. After breaking up, impulsive drag racing suffered a car accident, the lower leg was amputated, and fate fell into a trough. After a short period of pain and struggle, she decided to use her prosthesis to return to the T stage, and a dream-by-dream battle slowly began ...
Super Model Fantasy
At a celebration feast, the supermodel An Weiwei, who seemed to be calm but was jealous, announced a break in public because of her boyfriend's betrayal. After breaking up, impulsive drag racing suffered a car accident, the lower leg was amputated, and fate fell into a trough. After a short period of pain and struggle, she decided to use her prosthesis to return to the T stage, and a dream-by-dream battle slowly began ...
Impetuous Love in Action
6 Chinese air hostesses spend spare time at a martial arts studio. They get suspended from work after using their skills on 3 misbehaving male passengers and they have to find new jobs.
Impetuous Love in Action
6 Chinese air hostesses spend spare time at a martial arts studio. They get suspended from work after using their skills on 3 misbehaving male passengers and they have to find new jobs.
Запри меня, свяжи его
Tiffany's Father
Тиффани - актриса, карьера которой не задалась, зато на съемочной площадке Тиффани встретила любимого человека, с которым счастлива уже 8 лет. Однажды, вернувшись домой, Тиффани застает в своей квартире незнакомца, который показывает ей видео с похищением ее мужа. Незнакомец требует, чтобы Тиффани неделю побыла его женой и тогда он отпустит ее мужа...
Game of Assassins
Game of Assassins is about General Tu Jia who trains a trio of young assassins to seek revenge against villainous King of Wei. And one of the assassins succumbs to the dark side for temptation of wealth and power.
Доспехи Бога 3: Миссия Зодиак
Главный герой истории — работающий по всему миру охотник за сокровищами Джей Си по кличке Ястреб. Известный антиквар предлагает ему отыскать шесть редких статуэток в виде голов животных. В свое время эти бронзовые скульптуры входили в набор из 12-ти предметов, олицетворявших знаки зодиака. Фигурки украшали фонтан легендарного Летнего дворца на окраине Пекина. В 1860 году величественное сооружение было разграблено и разрушено англо-французскими войсками на исходе Второй опиумной войны, а статуэтки безвозвратно утеряны.
Легендарные Амазонки
Действие фильма происходит в начале XI века в Китае во время правления императора Жэньцзуна династии Сун. Император халатно относится к государственным делам и больше времени отводит личным удовольствиям, а в то время правительство погружается в коррупцию и войны продолжают бушевать на границах династии Сун. В момент повествования фильма, армии соперника вторглись на территорию Западной Ся. Ян Цзунбао происходит из клана потомственных полководцев Ян, которые героически защищали династию Сун от иноземных захватчиков. Он героически погибает в бою, когда Тутор Пан предательски отказывается послать ему отряды бойцов на подкрепление. Овдовевшая жена Ян Цзунбао Му Гуйин собирает других вдов, чтоб сохранить наследие своих мужей.
Легендарные Амазонки
Действие фильма происходит в начале XI века в Китае во время правления императора Жэньцзуна династии Сун. Император халатно относится к государственным делам и больше времени отводит личным удовольствиям, а в то время правительство погружается в коррупцию и войны продолжают бушевать на границах династии Сун. В момент повествования фильма, армии соперника вторглись на территорию Западной Ся. Ян Цзунбао происходит из клана потомственных полководцев Ян, которые героически защищали династию Сун от иноземных захватчиков. Он героически погибает в бою, когда Тутор Пан предательски отказывается послать ему отряды бойцов на подкрепление. Овдовевшая жена Ян Цзунбао Му Гуйин собирает других вдов, чтоб сохранить наследие своих мужей.
I.Q. Dudettes
Mr. Au
Mr. Au is a new homeroom teacher of Form 5E, a class that has the lowest class average and is well known for its trouble-making trait in school. Recognizing such notorious reputation, he uses his extraordinary method to teach and care for the students. Although he is pinpointed by other teachers, he eventually wins the support of Miss Lam, who is the daughter of the principal, and the students of Form 5E.
I.Q. Dudettes
Mr. Au is a new homeroom teacher of Form 5E, a class that has the lowest class average and is well known for its trouble-making trait in school. Recognizing such notorious reputation, he uses his extraordinary method to teach and care for the students. Although he is pinpointed by other teachers, he eventually wins the support of Miss Lam, who is the daughter of the principal, and the students of Form 5E.
Как встретить счастливые звезды
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
Король приключений
Original Music Composer
Писатель Чоу настолько увлечен сочинением романа, что незаметно для себя становится героем своего произведения. Волею воображения он отправляется на поиски древней волшебной рукописи, способной предсказывать будущее. Его ожидают невероятные приключения, которым позавидовал бы сам Индиана Джонс
Full Throttle
Original Music Composer
Joe is a champion motorcycle racer who is forced to question his entire lifestyle after he and some close friends are seriously injured in motorcycle accidents. He subsequently struggles to maintain his identity as a risk-taker; and fights to maintain and redefine his relationships with his fiancée, his friends, and his estranged father.
Падшие ангелы
Original Music Composer
Киллер работал с Агентом три года. Однажды он взял и ушел в пустоту ночных улиц Гонконга. Среди ирреального света фонарей и недосягаемых крыш небоскребов герой встречает странных людей: девушку, ищущую таинственно пропавшего бойфренда, немого торговца, привлекающего внимание покупателей к своим товарам не самым обычным образом…
Tragic Commitment
Alex is happily married to maternal doctor Hiu-Tung for five years. When Alex is fatally wounded in an accident, he reveals to Hiu-Tung about his affair with Black, who is impregnated with his baby.
Прах времен
Original Music Composer
В центре сюжета — Уянг Фенг, который перебирается в Западную Пустыню после того, как любимая женщина его отвергает. Он занимается тем, что нанимает искусных воинов для выполнения заказных убийств. Уязвленное самолюбие делает его безжалостным и циничным, но по мере того, как он встречает друзей, знакомится с клиентами и будущими врагами, он начинает осознавать свое одиночество…
The Wrath of Silence
A mortician seeks revenge against a serial killer who has murdered her sister. However, there is a case of mistaken identity and she begins to target her psychiatrist instead.
The Wrath of Silence
A mortician seeks revenge against a serial killer who has murdered her sister. However, there is a case of mistaken identity and she begins to target her psychiatrist instead.
The Wrath of Silence
Brother Yee
A mortician seeks revenge against a serial killer who has murdered her sister. However, there is a case of mistaken identity and she begins to target her psychiatrist instead.
The Wrath of Silence
A mortician seeks revenge against a serial killer who has murdered her sister. However, there is a case of mistaken identity and she begins to target her psychiatrist instead.
Oh! Yes Sir!!!
A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.
Oh! Yes Sir!!!
A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.
Oh! Yes Sir!!!
Power Chan
A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.
A Warrior's Tragedy
Yip Hoi
Based on a novel by Gu Long, Frankie Chan's A Warrior's Tragedy details the parallel stories of two warriors: one trained to love, the other to hate, both to be superior swordsman. On one side of this twisty tale of murder and revenge lies the dark and brooding Fu Hung-Suet (Ti Lung). Dressed from head to toe in basic black, Fu wanders from town to town, dispatching his enemies with his impressive ebony sabre. On the other end of the spectrum is the happy-go-lucky Yip Hoi (Frankie Chan), a cheeky, mustachioed fellow who dresses in white and happens to be a proficient martial artist. As one would expect, the two contrasting swordsman are locked on a proverbial collision course with destiny as both are invited to the home of the villainous Ma Hong-Kwan, who has a sinister connection to our heroes.
A Warrior's Tragedy
Based on a novel by Gu Long, Frankie Chan's A Warrior's Tragedy details the parallel stories of two warriors: one trained to love, the other to hate, both to be superior swordsman. On one side of this twisty tale of murder and revenge lies the dark and brooding Fu Hung-Suet (Ti Lung). Dressed from head to toe in basic black, Fu wanders from town to town, dispatching his enemies with his impressive ebony sabre. On the other end of the spectrum is the happy-go-lucky Yip Hoi (Frankie Chan), a cheeky, mustachioed fellow who dresses in white and happens to be a proficient martial artist. As one would expect, the two contrasting swordsman are locked on a proverbial collision course with destiny as both are invited to the home of the villainous Ma Hong-Kwan, who has a sinister connection to our heroes.
A Warrior's Tragedy
Based on a novel by Gu Long, Frankie Chan's A Warrior's Tragedy details the parallel stories of two warriors: one trained to love, the other to hate, both to be superior swordsman. On one side of this twisty tale of murder and revenge lies the dark and brooding Fu Hung-Suet (Ti Lung). Dressed from head to toe in basic black, Fu wanders from town to town, dispatching his enemies with his impressive ebony sabre. On the other end of the spectrum is the happy-go-lucky Yip Hoi (Frankie Chan), a cheeky, mustachioed fellow who dresses in white and happens to be a proficient martial artist. As one would expect, the two contrasting swordsman are locked on a proverbial collision course with destiny as both are invited to the home of the villainous Ma Hong-Kwan, who has a sinister connection to our heroes.
A Warrior's Tragedy
Based on a novel by Gu Long, Frankie Chan's A Warrior's Tragedy details the parallel stories of two warriors: one trained to love, the other to hate, both to be superior swordsman. On one side of this twisty tale of murder and revenge lies the dark and brooding Fu Hung-Suet (Ti Lung). Dressed from head to toe in basic black, Fu wanders from town to town, dispatching his enemies with his impressive ebony sabre. On the other end of the spectrum is the happy-go-lucky Yip Hoi (Frankie Chan), a cheeky, mustachioed fellow who dresses in white and happens to be a proficient martial artist. As one would expect, the two contrasting swordsman are locked on a proverbial collision course with destiny as both are invited to the home of the villainous Ma Hong-Kwan, who has a sinister connection to our heroes.
Come Fly the Dragon
Li Yan-Chak
Come Fly the Dragon is a Hong Kong Action Comedy starring Andy Lau and Tony Leung
Come Fly the Dragon
Come Fly the Dragon is a Hong Kong Action Comedy starring Andy Lau and Tony Leung
Fun and Fury
A martial arts comedy, vacillating between action setpieces and goofy sight gags.
Fun and Fury
Yeung Yee
A martial arts comedy, vacillating between action setpieces and goofy sight gags.
Outlaw Brothers
Follows the exploits of two car thieves, and the female police officer who is on their trail.
Outlaw Brothers
Follows the exploits of two car thieves, and the female police officer who is on their trail.
Outlaw Brothers
Follows the exploits of two car thieves, and the female police officer who is on their trail.
Код удачи
Japanese Commander in white
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
Dream of Desire
Frankie Chan / Water Melon Peel
A situation comedy revolving around two roommates and their increasingly complicated love affairs.
Vampire Buster
In ancient China, a demon was defeated in a fierce battle with a priest, who sealed it's evil spirit in a vase. Centuries later, during the cultural revolution, rebels attempted to gain possession of the vessel from the priest's descendant; however, he threw it into the ocean to keep it from being tampered. The vase was recovered years later in Hong Kong and was auctioned off to a councilman. The demon, unfortunately, escaped and took control of the councilman's body, beginning a spree of terror in the city.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
The Criminal Hunter
Chu Yu (Eric Tsang) is a homicide detective who accidently stabs his girlfriend while wrestling with a murderer. The killer returns later and squeezes her wound until it ruptures, causing her death. But the wily Chu Yu photographs his girlfriend's corpse in a wedding dress, tricking the killer into believing she is not dead and causing him to return for a second try. When he does, Chu Yu is waiting, having rigged the corpse like a marionette and causing it to shoot its own murderer. Co-starring Danny Lee, as Officer Li Ta Hsiu, and Dick Wei in this decidedly offbeat attempt at gallows humor which works extremely well under the direction of action specialist Frankie Chan.
The Good, The Bad & The Beauty
Inspector Ho Sun Chun
Director-actor Frankie Chan does multiple duty in the action comedy vehicle The Good, The Bad & The Beauty. Frankie Chan is Inspector Hor Sun Chun, a tough cop investigating a smuggling operation in which airline stewardess Ko Sau Ping (sultry Cherie Chung) is possibly involved. Realizing that she may be in danger, Sau Ping feigns amnesia, and uses Sun Chun's smitten partner Tang Tat Kit (Kent Cheng) as a possible smokescreen. Meanwhile there's action, and plenty of it! A seasoned director, actor, composer and action director, Frankie Chan uses his myriad talents to the nth degree as he combines gunplay, stunts, and laugh-a-minute hijinks in true Hong Kong Cinema action-comedy style!
The Good, The Bad & The Beauty
Director-actor Frankie Chan does multiple duty in the action comedy vehicle The Good, The Bad & The Beauty. Frankie Chan is Inspector Hor Sun Chun, a tough cop investigating a smuggling operation in which airline stewardess Ko Sau Ping (sultry Cherie Chung) is possibly involved. Realizing that she may be in danger, Sau Ping feigns amnesia, and uses Sun Chun's smitten partner Tang Tat Kit (Kent Cheng) as a possible smokescreen. Meanwhile there's action, and plenty of it! A seasoned director, actor, composer and action director, Frankie Chan uses his myriad talents to the nth degree as he combines gunplay, stunts, and laugh-a-minute hijinks in true Hong Kong Cinema action-comedy style!
The Good, The Bad & The Beauty
Director-actor Frankie Chan does multiple duty in the action comedy vehicle The Good, The Bad & The Beauty. Frankie Chan is Inspector Hor Sun Chun, a tough cop investigating a smuggling operation in which airline stewardess Ko Sau Ping (sultry Cherie Chung) is possibly involved. Realizing that she may be in danger, Sau Ping feigns amnesia, and uses Sun Chun's smitten partner Tang Tat Kit (Kent Cheng) as a possible smokescreen. Meanwhile there's action, and plenty of it! A seasoned director, actor, composer and action director, Frankie Chan uses his myriad talents to the nth degree as he combines gunplay, stunts, and laugh-a-minute hijinks in true Hong Kong Cinema action-comedy style!
Goodbye My Hero
Lindy Ng (Joan Chen) and her younger brother and sister eke out an impoverished life together, living in a rundown apartment. When Lindy is diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her first thoughts are her siblings. Who will take care of them after she passes away? With her apartment too dangerous to continue living in, Lindy is forced to move to another location where she encounters the worst of flatmates, hot-tempered petty criminal Morrie (Frankie Chan).
Goodbye My Hero
Lindy Ng (Joan Chen) and her younger brother and sister eke out an impoverished life together, living in a rundown apartment. When Lindy is diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her first thoughts are her siblings. Who will take care of them after she passes away? With her apartment too dangerous to continue living in, Lindy is forced to move to another location where she encounters the worst of flatmates, hot-tempered petty criminal Morrie (Frankie Chan).
Goodbye My Hero
Lindy Ng (Joan Chen) and her younger brother and sister eke out an impoverished life together, living in a rundown apartment. When Lindy is diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her first thoughts are her siblings. Who will take care of them after she passes away? With her apartment too dangerous to continue living in, Lindy is forced to move to another location where she encounters the worst of flatmates, hot-tempered petty criminal Morrie (Frankie Chan).
Goodbye My Hero
Lindy Ng (Joan Chen) and her younger brother and sister eke out an impoverished life together, living in a rundown apartment. When Lindy is diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her first thoughts are her siblings. Who will take care of them after she passes away? With her apartment too dangerous to continue living in, Lindy is forced to move to another location where she encounters the worst of flatmates, hot-tempered petty criminal Morrie (Frankie Chan).
The Law Enforcer
A police officer is suspended for assaulting gang members who threatened a young woman and her boyfriend. Meanwhile, his fellow officers need help in catching a group of murderous thugs about to make a big time bust.
Sweet Surrender
Ko Yiu Si
The owner of a hairdressing salon is pursued by a group of girls, and is harassed by his father.
Sweet Surrender
The owner of a hairdressing salon is pursued by a group of girls, and is harassed by his father.
Sweet Surrender
The owner of a hairdressing salon is pursued by a group of girls, and is harassed by his father.
Sweet Surrender
The owner of a hairdressing salon is pursued by a group of girls, and is harassed by his father.
Parking Service
Executive Producer
Stanley was an optimistic youth. Feeling bored in his job, he decided to part with his beloved uncle and aunt and seek for an ideal job to achieve his own goal. He than found a job for working as a member of parking service team and befriended one of his colleagues Ah Man. Stanley was enthusiastic to Ah Man and made Ah Man live in high spirits. Stanley also encouraged his colleagues to work with enthusiasm. In this way, the parking service teams earned back good reputation for their occupation.
Unforgettable Fantasy
Thanks to the help of his uncle's (Stanley Fung) girlfriend (Wong Wan Si), Robert (Frankie Chan) gets to work as a creative assistant in an advertising agency, where he falls for the beautiful manager Cleopatra (Joyce Ni). His uncle brings home an antique mirror not knowing that it hides a fox fairy. Robert inadvertently takes the mirror to the office and by chance the fox fairy is freed and possesses Cleopatra! Hopelessly bedazzled by her vixen charm, Robert is killed in a car accident while looking for the mirror thrown away by his uncle...
Unforgettable Fantasy
Thanks to the help of his uncle's (Stanley Fung) girlfriend (Wong Wan Si), Robert (Frankie Chan) gets to work as a creative assistant in an advertising agency, where he falls for the beautiful manager Cleopatra (Joyce Ni). His uncle brings home an antique mirror not knowing that it hides a fox fairy. Robert inadvertently takes the mirror to the office and by chance the fox fairy is freed and possesses Cleopatra! Hopelessly bedazzled by her vixen charm, Robert is killed in a car accident while looking for the mirror thrown away by his uncle...
Unforgettable Fantasy
Thanks to the help of his uncle's (Stanley Fung) girlfriend (Wong Wan Si), Robert (Frankie Chan) gets to work as a creative assistant in an advertising agency, where he falls for the beautiful manager Cleopatra (Joyce Ni). His uncle brings home an antique mirror not knowing that it hides a fox fairy. Robert inadvertently takes the mirror to the office and by chance the fox fairy is freed and possesses Cleopatra! Hopelessly bedazzled by her vixen charm, Robert is killed in a car accident while looking for the mirror thrown away by his uncle...
The Intellectual Trio
Joyce Ni (Esprit D'Amour) and Sandy Lam play two sisters who pick pockets for a living, and manage to run afoul of a pair of cops (Leslie Cheung and Billy Lau) after lifting their wallets. However, rather than arresting the two thieves, the cops are taken in by their obvious charms, and with urban, metropolitan Hong Kong as a backdrop, romance seems almost inevitable. But the girls also lifted a precious jade from a vicious hitman, who soon comes looking for his stolen property...
Modern Detective
Original Music Composer
Ah Chaan and Fat Chug were good partners in the Police Force. Both of them had helped in solving many criminal and civil cases despite their silly behaviour. In order to persuade Ah Fong to marry him, he provide a living space for Ah Fong's aunt and her daughter named Ah Jane. Ah Chaan was attracted by Jane’s charm and lovely personality and tried everything to please her. A dominant criminal had made a plot were chased by the police. Joe, who was the criminal's assistant catch Jane and Fong and threatened that she would not release Ah Jane and Fong if both Ah Chaan and Fat Chug did not get the ransom for them. The gangster put on them a remote time bomb and a microphone to have a better control on them...
Silent Romance
Dumb Boy, a deaf and dumb, yet a brilliant and undiscovered cartoonist whose current publication has been gradually ignored by his readers. Consequently, the drop of the sale has promptly provoked his superior urging him to adopt a new style. During the midst of a mental struggle for new subjects, Cactus, a night club hostess, walked into his life, he silently and secretly falls in love with her. However, nurturing with an instinctive inferiority complex that had been fostered by his shortcomings all his life. Dumb Boy had not been able to get together his courage to reveal his love to Cactus.....
Silent Romance
Dumb Boy, a deaf and dumb, yet a brilliant and undiscovered cartoonist whose current publication has been gradually ignored by his readers. Consequently, the drop of the sale has promptly provoked his superior urging him to adopt a new style. During the midst of a mental struggle for new subjects, Cactus, a night club hostess, walked into his life, he silently and secretly falls in love with her. However, nurturing with an instinctive inferiority complex that had been fostered by his shortcomings all his life. Dumb Boy had not been able to get together his courage to reveal his love to Cactus.....
Silent Romance
Dumb Boy, a deaf and dumb, yet a brilliant and undiscovered cartoonist whose current publication has been gradually ignored by his readers. Consequently, the drop of the sale has promptly provoked his superior urging him to adopt a new style. During the midst of a mental struggle for new subjects, Cactus, a night club hostess, walked into his life, he silently and secretly falls in love with her. However, nurturing with an instinctive inferiority complex that had been fostered by his shortcomings all his life. Dumb Boy had not been able to get together his courage to reveal his love to Cactus.....
Law with Two Phases
Chief B (Danny Lee) is an unconventional CID member who relies more on instincts rather than by the book to resolve situations. He's a down-to-earth fellow who's a mamma's boy, not too well-educated, and an outstanding member of the CID. Police Officer Kit (Eddie Chan) has just been promoted from the rank-and-file to CID, and at the same time is studying for the test to become an Inspector. Chief B takes him under his wings to investigate numerous gang-related cases. Kit, previously a by-the-book type of police officer, learns a lot from Chief B.
Just For Fun
Rich playboy Big Lamp (Frankie Chan) comes back from France to inherit his just-deceased father's fortune, only to discover much to his dismay that his dad has donated all his wealth to charity, leaving him merely four words: Work Hard For Yourself! Falling suddenly from riches to rags, Big Lamp is forced to seek shelter at old butler Uncle Yim's (Wu Ma) home. He then hooks up with his former "Bank Check" bandmates: Gossip (Charlie Cho), Lemon Head (Liu Wai Hung), Cat's Poo (Melvin Wong), and gets involved in the fight over Lemon's sassy cousin, Sally (Sally Yeh).
Just For Fun
Rich playboy Big Lamp (Frankie Chan) comes back from France to inherit his just-deceased father's fortune, only to discover much to his dismay that his dad has donated all his wealth to charity, leaving him merely four words: Work Hard For Yourself! Falling suddenly from riches to rags, Big Lamp is forced to seek shelter at old butler Uncle Yim's (Wu Ma) home. He then hooks up with his former "Bank Check" bandmates: Gossip (Charlie Cho), Lemon Head (Liu Wai Hung), Cat's Poo (Melvin Wong), and gets involved in the fight over Lemon's sassy cousin, Sally (Sally Yeh).
Just For Fun
Rich playboy Big Lamp (Frankie Chan) comes back from France to inherit his just-deceased father's fortune, only to discover much to his dismay that his dad has donated all his wealth to charity, leaving him merely four words: Work Hard For Yourself! Falling suddenly from riches to rags, Big Lamp is forced to seek shelter at old butler Uncle Yim's (Wu Ma) home. He then hooks up with his former "Bank Check" bandmates: Gossip (Charlie Cho), Lemon Head (Liu Wai Hung), Cat's Poo (Melvin Wong), and gets involved in the fight over Lemon's sassy cousin, Sally (Sally Yeh).
Just For Fun
Rich playboy Big Lamp (Frankie Chan) comes back from France to inherit his just-deceased father's fortune, only to discover much to his dismay that his dad has donated all his wealth to charity, leaving him merely four words: Work Hard For Yourself! Falling suddenly from riches to rags, Big Lamp is forced to seek shelter at old butler Uncle Yim's (Wu Ma) home. He then hooks up with his former "Bank Check" bandmates: Gossip (Charlie Cho), Lemon Head (Liu Wai Hung), Cat's Poo (Melvin Wong), and gets involved in the fight over Lemon's sassy cousin, Sally (Sally Yeh).
Oh, My Cops!
Buddy cops Porky (Kent Cheng) and Big Mouth (Wong Ching) are promoted to the anti-prostitution division after solving a robbery case. In their bid to crack down on a prostitution ring, the bumbling duo arrange for Margaret (Pat Ha) to go undercover as a hooker as part of their supposedly foolproof plan, which unfortunately and inevitably has to go wrong...
Победители и грешники
Original Music Composer
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
Give Me Back
Original Music Composer
In 2000, Hong Kong, the feminist movement surged upward unceasingly. In order suppress the power of woman, "Husband Association" are developed to protect the men. Kent always be persecuted by his wife, he even loses his personal freedom, then, he goes to "Husband Association" to seek help. However, Since his fear of his wife is so deep and finally considered humanity deconstruction voluntarily. Actually Kent has not died, he observes his wife in secret, he knows that his wife still loves him so much, therefore he accepts the suggestion of the chairman Lam of "Husband Association" to negotiate with his wife with grenade. When Kent is very happy to see his wife, Lam is accidentally be killed by explosion. Then, the struggling between men and women is over.
The Perfect Match
The Perfect Match
The Perfect Match
The Perfect Match
The Perfect Match
Spare Tyre
Once Upon a Mirage
Original Music Composer
Story of five children growing up and learning about life in Hong Kong.
Original Music Composer
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
36 Secrets of Courtship
Original Music Composer
Three lotharios vie to become principal of the Macho Man Training School, an extremely non-monastic institution dedicated to extremely non Shaolin-types of physical exertion, in this strange and erotic farce of the classic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin.
Лорд Дракон
Лунгшан — сонный провинциальный городок на юге Китая. Ничего, кроме ветхого «культурного наследия» здесь нет. Два закадычных друга случайно становятся свидетелями криминальной разборки. Сами того не желая, воспрепятствовав вывозу за границу ценнейших экземпляров Китайского искусства, друзья оказываются втянутыми в борьбу за сферы влияния.
Блудный сын
Original Music Composer
A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.
Блудный сын
Ngai Fei
A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.
The Mad Cold-Blooded Murder
Original Music Composer
Cops Bruce Le and Carter Wong track a white-gloved call girl killer.
Story of Taxi Dancers
Original Music Composer
Xiu Juan, a filial daughter and caring sister, trades her soul for money to look after her mother and her brother's studies. The unsung heroine meets a tragic end when her complexion is destroyed by drug pusher Qin Chao who was jilted by her.
Little Thing Means a Lot
Original Music Composer
Comedy revolving around three people - a young Japanese who comes to Hong Kong after winning a lucky draw, a Hong Kong boy who can't hold down a job, and a pretty young nurse.
Башня смерти
Original Music Composer
Наркомафия убивает мастера боевых искусств, и его младший брат начинает мстить преступникам…
Beware Of Pickpockets
Mak Kar, a faithful and honest constable, was ordered to arrest Dean Saki, a pickpocket. However, each time he was caught, he was released by lack of evidence. Although Dean was a tricky man, the money he pickpocketed from those dirty rich people was spent on the seven poor orphans with whom he lived in an old shaky church. Dean had an intention to buy a house where he could keep more orphans.
Sexy Career Girls
Original Music Composer
Orphan sisters Ai Ti and Ling Tai are not only sexy career girls but girls who make a career out of being sexy. After a succession of the usual disco parties, orgies, and abortions, the ladies discover the true meaning of love.
Встречи с привидениями
Original Music Composer
Задумав избавиться от мужа, жена отправляет его на ночь в заброшенный храм, где его уже поджидает нанятый супругой колдун. Мужчине придётся пережить эту ночь, столкнувшись с бешеной круговертью из шаманов, призраков, вампиров и прочей нечисти.
Taipei My Love
Original Music Composer
A beautiful young unwed mother-to-be from Tainan arrives in Taipei city in search of the father is sidetracked by a smart-Aleck Hong Kong expatriate taxi driver who aids her search but eventually falls in love with the girl after her efforts to reunite with the absentee father prove fruitless.
Rebellious Reign
Top fighter leaves his sifu to join his new friend the 4th Prince, and supports him in his bid to gain the throne and eventually overthrow the Ching.
Read Lips
Original Music Composer
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
Read Lips
Frankie Fan
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
Правдами и неправдами
'FLOWER KID' was a 'Robin Hood' type of hero who robs the rich and gives the poor. He was adored by many people especially a kid named 'FATSO', who considered himself as 'FLOWER KID jr.' Madam Bee, a woman of guts and evil hated 'FLOWER KID' because he once refused to kill her husband. She then married a rich 'Big Shot' and used his money and power to hire a bounty hunter called 'SKINNY'. Skinny caught the imitating hero 'Fatso'. They fought, understood, became good friends and went on look for 'Flower Kid'...
Carry on Wise Guy
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Haunted Tales
Original Music Composer
1. A crash leaves a man dead, and his wife badly injured. Soon, he returns as a ghost to try to take her with him. 2. A caretaker wins the lottery thanks to the saucer spirit. Things begin to go wrong when he breaks his promise to it.
Emperor of Shaolin Kung Fu
Original Music Composer
The Emperor is under attack by marauders and he is so depressed with his failure to protect his people, that he sees no other option than to kill himself. In his grief, he also decides to maim his daughter by cutting of her arm (there is a long tradition of one armed fighters in Hong Kong cinema). After being maimed, the Princess wanders around trying to enlist help from anyone who will listen to her, but no matter whom she meets they either prove too weak to fight off the marauders or they wind up betraying her. Things take a turn for the surreal when her faithful servant girl cuts off her own arm to impersonate the Princess and dies. The Princess goes crazy until she meets handsome Carter Wong, the gentle brute of a butcher who is caring for his Buddhist nun mother. He promises his mom on her death bed he will marry the now lunatic princess. Serious ass kicking ensues, including sword wielding women, and some high kicking action from Mr. Carter Wong. Enjoy!
The Stud and the Nympho
Original Music Composer
The stud may be sued for divorce by his wife and cheated on by his mistress, but the nympho may be in even more trouble if she trusts someone who is actually a murderous lunatic.
Абсолютный монарх
Hong Kong Movie
The Master Strikes
A martial arts master, Tseng Tien-Tu, is employed by master criminal Lung Tung Chien to transport a valuable jade horse. When the horse inexplicably goes missing, Chien demands Tseng's life savings as recompense, driving the uncomprehending Tseng insane. Two conniving con men, Li and Lung, try to convince Tseng that he was double-crossed by Chien, in an attempt to lead them to Chien's stockpile of swindled fortunes.
Original Music Composer
Chung Yao, a martial arts expert, has long been on the run from his stepbrother, who he caught trying to rape his wife on their wedding night. His brother has never given up the chase however, and Chung Yao live in constant fear that the vengeful stepbrother will murder him and his wife.
Молодой мастер
За провинность зазнавшегося юного мастера исключают из школы кунг-фу. Он попадает в сети злодеев, которые вовсю используют его умение махать руками и ногами в преступных целях. По следам молодого бесшабашного мастера идет и полиция и его лучший друг. Успеет ли приятель вырвать его из кольца криминального окружения и направить талант лучшего ученика в мирное русло?!
God Father
Original Music Composer
A combination of God Of Gamblers and The Sting. Git is a young mechanic working for his uncle in a small garage. Git's cousin is tricked out of a large amount of money by a card sharp, and Git promises revenge. But the card sharp, called "Card Devil", works for the ruthless gang boss Kwok, and Git is also tricked. Having pledged the garage against the debt, Git desperately seeks the assistance of the one man who is up to the task of tricking the crooks, Ghost Eye.
Небеса и ад
Original Music Composer
Провинившуюся служанку Небесной госпожи вместе с ее возлюбленным пытаются казнить, но парочке удается сбежать в мир смертных – благодаря вовремя вставшему на их защиту стражнику. Последнего также изгоняют и он реинкарнируется в виде обычного таксиста, который впоследствии погибнет, пытаясь защитить от бандитов еще одну парочку влюбленных. Так он попадает в ад…
Without a Promised Land
A group of Vietnamese refugees are brought to Hong Kong as a previous step to be transported to another country in order to start a new life. In the Hong Kong refugee camp they will have to learn how to survive in order not to be despised by other fellow countrymen or even by Hong Kong citizens.
Великолепный мясник
Original Music Composer
Один из учеников знаменитого Вонга Фей-Хунга, мясник по имени Лам Ка-Винг, постоянно влипает в разные неприятности, хотя его вины в этом обычно нет. Вот и на этот раз проблемы устраивает сын мастера кунгфу из соседней школы, отнявший силой жену брата Лам Ка-Винга. Вонг Фей-Хунг уезжает из города по делам и если бы не «залетный» учитель боевых искусств, не сносить бы Вингу головы.
The Foxy Ladies
Original Music Composer
Three females from a private detective agency are hired to find out what happened to a man who went missing while scuba diving.
Crazy Partner
Smart Boy and Big Eyes are happy foes, and idly cheat one another to make a living. One day, they meet and injured man who has a secret for them.
The Wickedness in Poverty
Two people in debt to loan sharks cooperate with each other to clear their debt and cheat other people out of their money.
Naughty Scandals
Original Music Composer
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Вечная вражда
Hailed as possibly the greatest classical weapons movie ever made and starring world-renowned martial arts master, director and action-choreographer, Sammo Hung. This film showcases some of the most spectacular and intricate weapons duels ever committed to film. Sammo Hung and Lau Kar Wing play dual roles as both masters and students of the sword and spear styles of kung fu. Comic mayhem ensues when the students get kidnapped and the masters must rescue them.
Original Music Composer
Фон — писатель, который записывает все события, связанные с боевыми искусствами. Когда он узнаёт, что есть люди, убитые бабочками, это вызывает у него интерес. Поэтому он отправляется в замок Сам, где, по его мнению, он сможет найти ключ к разгадке тайны этих загадочных смертей. Тем не менее, Чхин, лорд замка и другие приглашённые гости также стали жертвами в ходе расследования. Но позже выясняется, что за этими бабочками кое-кто стоит.
Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire
During China's 1920s Republican Period, warlords carve out personal fiefdoms across the country and impose self-serving laws with the barrel of a gun. Into this anarchy rides a masked feminine Zorro, nom de guerre Violet, to do battle, right wrongs and foment rebellion against the most corrupt and brutal warlord of all, Tung Ta-Chou. Unbeknownst to Tung, however, Violet is his own daughter. Tung orders his psycho enforcer Master Wu to track down and dispose of this pesky rebel queen. Meanwhile, Violet begins a flirtation with an attractive stranger who comes to town with the other half of a treasure map held by Tung. Ultimately, Master Wu betrays the warlord on the lure of the complete treasure map, enabling Violet and the stranger to apprehend Master Wu and beat the warlord at his own game.
Original Music Composer
After being cheated out of some money, two small time crooks convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students.
The Last Judgement
Most of the Liang family are murdered by Ling Guixing and the surviving son Liang Tianlai (Ng Wai-Kwok) wows to bring him to justice. Fighting against corruption in several courts, his only main witness is beggar Afeng but as Ling has people around him willing to bribe and murder, soon Liang is left alone. All up until he meets what seems like the last upstanding official...
The Reckless Cricket
Игра на жизнь
Original Music Composer
В центре событий бесценный нефритовый амулет, за которым охотятся самые разные воины — у каждого свои планы на сокровище, и каждый не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы его заполучить.
Бесстрашная гиена
На глазах юноши Ланга убийцы расправляются с любимым дедом, в прошлом знаменитым бойцом. Под руководством старого учителя Ланг обучается искусству борьбы, чтобы отомстить бандитам.
Full Moon Scimitar
A talented young swordsman has beaten many veterans before his inherited martial arts manual gets stolen. After encountering his first defeat in life, in despair, he comes across a gorgeous girl, daughter of the head of a mysterious sect.
The Best Hustler Wins
The Best Hustler Wins is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Leung Tin and Ku Kuan-Chung.
Шаолинь вызывает ниндзя
А-То (Гордон Лиу), молодой сын богатого промышленника, должен жениться на дочери партнера отца, японке, при этом даже ни разу ее не видев до этого. Однако девушка оказывается настоящей красавицей, и А-То без промедления организовывает свадьбу. Впрочем, он не учел "некоторые" различия между нациями, и уже в первые дни "медового месяца" Кудо (так зовут эту японку) начинает ломать стены дома, упражняясь в традиционном японском каратэ. Поругавшись с ней на почве различий в боевых искусств, А-То обижает ее, и Кудо уезжает обратно в Японию, откуда немедля приезжают семь мастеров различных стилей, горящие желанием отомстить за поруганную честь всей нации и на деле выяснить, боевые искусства какой страны наиболее действенны.
Воины вдвоём
Original Music Composer
In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.
Хромые мстители
Original Music Composer
Трое мужчин, искалеченных злым военачальником, становятся друзьями и учатся кунг-фу с помощью пожилого учителя и его придурковатого ученика.
Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat
Given a jar of sweets by a beautiful air-hostess, Chan finds that each one contains a diamond (diamonds belonging to a ruthless smuggling gang). Chan finds out the hard way that when there’s no place to hide and nowhere left to run, a fight to the finish is the only way out!
Непобедимый Шаолинь
Original Music Composer
Мастера Северного и Южного Шаолина в битвах выясняют, чья школа круче в этом классическом кун-фу фильме.
Mr. Funnybone Strikes Again
Original Music Composer
The beloved king of Hong Kong comic book characters, Old Master Q, is back in live action again by popular demand. This hilarious sequel to Mr Funny-bone finds him, and his delightful sidekick "Big Potato", opening an Old-fashioned healing clinic - leading to a fun and fascinating clash (cultural and otherwise) when the old ways smack face first into ultra-modern Hong Kong. But, this being the great Mr Funny-bone, he triumphs in spite of himself and his large-cranium companion.
Hello, Late Homecomers
An omnibus of tales from the three directors, Sit, Maka and Woo. Each dealing with true love and romance. The third and the best one of the tales deals with a hen-pecked husband trying to kill his wife. An action packed tale written and directed by John Woo who lets the fireworks fly!
Swordsman and Enchantress
Original Music Composer
Asian fans of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon recognized that its director Ang Lee was actually inspired by director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's wonderful tales of a "martial art world" where all wushu warriors try to attain the "Deer Sword" and escape from the insidious maze-like "Toy Land." Master kung-fu choreographer Tang Chia leads the king and queen of Shaw's swordplay, Ti Lung and Lily Li, in a fascinating and entertaining adventure of consummate swordmen and sorceresses.
The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lung
Original Music Composer
In the 18th century, Emperor Chien Lung makes a journey into Southern China.
Storming Attacks
Original Music Composer
A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side to make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained Martial Arts fighters and they will have the chance to prove who has the best Kung Fu techniques.
Пять злодеев
Original Music Composer
Умирающий учитель кунг-фу просит своего студента найти пятерых своих бывших учеников, разбредшихся по свету. Каждый из них обучался одному определенному стилю: Сороконожка, Змея, Скорпион, Ящерица и Жаба — и эти пятеро в данный момент ищут сокровища, которые завещал Клану Ядовитых какой-то богатый старик. Герой Сун Чьена должен найти их, узнать, во зло или во благо они собираются использовать эти деньги, и если во зло, убить всех ослушавшихся. Дело осложняется тем, что не все из этих пятерых знают друг друга, а также они не знают, что это за старик, владеющий такими деньгами, что вынуждает героев разбиться на два лагеря, члены каждого из которых не знают оставшихся в лицо.
Godfather's Fury
Hong Kong crime movie from 1978
The Gate of the Hell
Original Music Composer
A group of youngsters camp out and get caught in a storm. They take refuge in an old house, and down in the cellar of the mansion is the vampire.
Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка
Приключения Сумасшедшей лягушки и грязного тигра. Главные герои пытаются вернуть уникальную серебрянную неуязвимую броню, которую похитил Белобровый монах.
Выход толстого дракона
Original Music Composer
Ah Lung is a pig farmer and a devoted Bruce Lee fan who is anxious to follow in Lee's footsteps, but only ridiculed for his attempts. He is sent to the city to earn a living working at his uncle's restaurant, but when he arrives, he finds a gang of thugs causing trouble in the restaurant. He takes the chance to prove himself and attacks the thugs, defeating them and saving the restaurant. Soon, he becomes a waiter, and discovers a plot by the same thugs to kidnap a woman he works with. Eventually, he defeats the thugs once again and saves the day.
Shaolin Mantis
When scholar Wei Fung is forcibly hired by the Manchu Emperor to infiltrate a clan of rebellious Ming Loyalists, his mission goes adrift when he falls in love with the clan's leader's granddaughter. Wei Fung must choose between his new love and his family, who will be put to death if he doesn't return to the palace successfully.
Храбрый лучник 2
Original Music Composer
Первая часть закончилась на том, что Куо женился на дочери великого мастера Хуанга. Однако попытка уехать с острова Хуанга не увенчалась успехом — враги Куо ранили его учителя. Раненный, тот завещает Куо и его жене принять на время его пост вождя клана нищих…
Soul of the Sword
Original Music Composer
Ti Lung is the Nameless Swordsman bent on defeating the faceless King of Swords to claim the title, and the glory, for himself. Hordes of fighters lunge from the shadows to cut down the mysterious challenger. Even a cunning seductress takes a stab at him in a revealing bath house assassination. It is said that a man's weapon reflects his utmost dreams, desires and fears. A warrior with no name and one motive has a soul as merciless as cold steel.
Edge of Fury
Original Music Composer
A chauffeur is pursued by drug dealers after his boss, a convicted drug kingpin, is sentenced to death.
Follow the Star
Original Music Composer
On that side of the track is Ah Sing (Roy Chiao), uncouth, unkempt, a garage repairman, a bravado with plenty of tricks up his overall sleeve. And on the other side of the track is rich, young recording artist Gayle (Rowena Cortes), idol of the young with her songs and dances, but an orphan. Harry is her manager. They should not meet, least to say forming some kind of partnership, but they do. Gayle goes to Ah Sing's garage for repairs. When Harry and she drive off, the car's undercarriage Ah Sing and drags him along. Fate steps in the form of five toughles who stop the car and kidnap Gayle to a farmhouse. It so happens that Gayle's father and the five were robbers but the father took off with all the money while the five were caught. They want the money back now they have served the time...
36 ступеней Шаолиня
Original Music Composer
В Кантоне вспыхивает восстание против манчжурской династии Цин. Школьник по имени Сан Те помогает повстанцам. Манчжуры жестоко подавляют восстание, и Сан Те вынужден бежать в храм Шаолинь, где он начинает обучение боевым искусствам, мечтая о мести…
Their Private Lives
Original Music Composer
Ko Ming Chung, a wildly popular movie actor is having an illicit affair with similarly popular thespian Ai Ling. Though Ming Chung's wife quietly puts up with this infidelity, so long as he does not try to leave her, Ai Ling's spouse is less forgiving, a middle-aged oaf prone to violence. When the tabloids get wind of the liaison, the two secret lovers find themselves headline news throughout the colony. Ming Chung's wife soon starts to mount a media blitz, painting Ai Ling as a husband-stealing, home-wrecking shrew.
Winner Takes All!
Winner Takes All! is a Hong Kong Action-Comedy starring Sammo Hung and Richard Ng.
Pursuit of Vengeance
Master of the "swordplay thriller" genre, Chor Yuen and renowned kung-fu choreographer Tang Chia tell the fabulous tale of the "Fastest Swordsman in the World" facing the "1000 Face Devil" and no less than seven murderers.
Парень из китайского квартала
Original Music Composer
н Тунг — обычный деревенский парнишка, впервые попадающий в Гонконг, где его устраивает у себя дедушка. Тунг отлично владеет кунгфу, но это ему не помогает, а лишь провоцирует неприятности — парень переходит дорогу местным бандитам и вынужден бежать в США. Но и на новом месте Тунг не может избавиться от старых проблем.
The Discharged
Original Music Composer
Hong Kong action / crime / drama.
The Sentimental Swordsman
Original Music Composer
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
The Four Shaolin Challengers
Original Music Composer
Lin Che Jong, A student of Wong Fei Hung stands up to gangsters from the local crime family,and opens a Kung Fu school in town. The gangsters take revenge by killing students and destroying the school.The town is run by a local crime lord named Shao Pei Lee, a notorious fugitive. Shao Pei Lee in turn enlists the help of a group of villainous fighters known as "The Yangtze Four" to battle Lin Che Jong and his brothers as they try to expose the corrupt officials and rid the town of Shap Pei Lee
Mantis Fists & Tiger Claws of Shaolin
Original Music Composer
When the local thugs harass a restaurant owner's daughter, Shuang Shuang (Chu Chuan-sai), a mysterious stranger named Yung Feng (John Cheung) fends them off. While Yung Feng is off to the local brothel to find his long lost sister, Shuang Shuang gets sexually assaulted by the thugs, who are later killed by something hiding in the woods. The father of the thugs, Hung Chun Piao (Dean Shek), believes that Yung Feng committed the murders, and confronts him...
Hot Blood
Original Music Composer
Chow Yun Fat plays a police inspector named Cheng who is killed in the line of duty while trying to nab a crook. One of his close friends, Chang Lei (Cheung Lui), decides to take back his resignation letter and track down the crook at any cost.
Starlets for Sale
Original Music Composer
A commentary on the contradictions between sex and Hong Kong's hidden attitudes about them.
The Battle Wizard
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
Монах с железным кулаком
Original Music Composer
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
Judgement of an Assassin
Sun Chung was already a valued comedy, romance, and modern crime filmmaker, when, through this tale of the 100 Poison Clique's obsessive ambition to destroy all rivals, he started bringing morality and motivation to martial arts movies like never before. Kung-fu superstar David Chiang and prominent choreographer Tang Chia lead the cast in a bloody clan clash centered on the trial of an admitted mass murderer and serial rapist. It was just the beginning of Sun Chung's exploration in emotion.
The Mighty Peking Man
Original Music Composer
Word of a monster ape ten stories tall living in the Himalayas reaches fortune hunters in Hong Kong. They travel to India to capture it, but wild animals and quicksand dissuade all but Johnny, an adventurer with a broken heart. He finds the monster and discovers it's been raising a scantily-clad woman, Samantha, since she survived a plane crash years before that killed her parents. In the idyllic jungle, Johnny and Samantha fall in love. Then Johnny asks her to convince "Utam" to go to Hong Kong. Lu Tien, an unscrupulous promoter, takes over: Utam is in chains for freak show exhibitions. When Lu Tien assaults Samantha, Utam's protective instincts take over: havoc in Hong Kong.
Храбрый лучник
Original Music Composer
После нападения правительственных войск сыновей двух повстанцев забирают к себе разные люди с условием, что через 18 лет парни встретятся и померятся силами. Одного начинает обучать могущественный монах, а второго семеро странствующих бандитов. Проходит 18 лет, второй из ребят приезжает в город, где должна состояться дуэль, но его кунгфу все еще оставляет желать лучшего…
Money Crazy
Original Music Composer
Ducky is hired by Rich Chen to transport the "diamonds" he stole from Uncle Pai Mary. Uncles Tough Guy and Mary would like to get the diamond from Ducky, so volunteering to relieve Ducky of his responsibility. Somehow Tough Guy subdues the gunman and finds out the diamonds are just paste. Tough Guy and Ducky are now partners and promise Uncle Pai to recover the real diamonds. Many times they try but they get nothing more than trouble. Ducky finally works out a plan to get the real diamonds back to Uncle Pai and sell the fake ones to Rich Chen. Uncle Pai gets his diamonds. Mr. Chen is now known as Poor Chen. Tough Guy gets his cut and, eh, Mary.
To Kill a Jaguar
Set in early 20th century Shanghai, this Hua Shan actioner stars former Golden Harvest regular Nora Miao Ke-hsiu as Bobo, a village girl who has journeyed to the big city in search of her father. Not long after her arrival, Bobo witnesses a gang fight dominated by a man she was friends with as a child. Now known as Jaguar, he works as a bodyguard for mob boss Kam, who is having a row with one of his partners. Jaguar makes trouble at one of the man's casinos as a part of a plan to smooth over the situation. Ace gunman Ko Tang is also in town and the two strike up an alliance to take over Kam's empire. Jaguar's lust for power soon alienates Bobo, who realizes that she was simply a pawn in his plan to gain control of the Shanghai underworld. Held a virtual prisoner, Bobo's one hope for revenge is Luo Lie, another friend from childhood and now her fiancee, currently imprisoned in Germany.
Убить с интригой
Женщина, решив отомстить семье человека, который изуродовал ее лицо, пощадила лишь юношу Хсило. Между ними возникает любовь. Но однажды Хсило внезапно исчезает, узнав, что его близкий друг на самом деле является главой клана «Смертельный дождь». Бывшие друзья встречаются в смертельной схватке.
The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lung
Emperor Chien Lung uses disguises to experience life among his subjects.
Magnificent Wanderers
Original Music Composer
Millionaire Chu Te-Sa invests his considerable wealth into the rebel movement who are intent on usurping the ruling Mongol powers. His goals are impeded by a lack of support though and the supposed allies he has made in the town are merely eager to get their hands on his money. During an attack where these craven 'comrades' flee, Chu befriends three con-artists who relish the chance to show off their fighting skills. The trio subsequently agree to help Chu in his quest to end Mongol rule and hatch a plan to destroy a major munitions dump
Военно-морской коммандос
Original Music Composer
Отряд китайских диверсантов совершает рискованную миссию по уничтожению японского флагманского корабля! Действие происходит в 1937 году.
Bed for Day, Bed for Night
Original Music Composer
The Devil Strikes
Original Music Composer
Hong Kong horror film.
Храм Шаолинь
Original Music Composer
Действие происходит в Шаолине — этом монастыре-легенде, где с древних времен молодые люди учились всевозможным боевым искусствам. Двое юношей по окончании курса Шаолиня решают оставить свой монастырь, чтобы найти тех, кто много лет назад убил их отцов. Когда, выполнив свою миссию, они вернулись, то узнали, что Шаолинь — их второй дом — осажден неприятельскими войсками и вот-вот будет взят.
The Hunter, the Butterfly and the Crocodile
Original Music Composer
A Hong Kong cop finds himself up to his neck in trouble when he encounters a tricky bunch of crooks and triads.
The Web of Death
Original Music Composer
It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.
Mr. Funny Bone
The beloved cartoon character Master Q gets a hilarious live-action adaptation in the side-splitting comic adventure Mr. Funny-Bone! Join Master Q for a series of comic vignettes as he attempts to win the heart of the lovely Li Jing. Along for the ride is Master Q's loyal sidekick Potato, a stout fellow who's forever getting into silly mishaps. The pair get involved in plenty of shenanigans and gags, including pratfalls, low-brow bathroom humor, and even some fun fighting sequences.
The Oily Maniac
Original Music Composer
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
The New Shaolin Boxers
Original Music Composer
An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks
The Shaolin Avengers
Original Music Composer
Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.
Body for Sale
One day, due to carelessness. Ah Chung is fired from his job as a toilet attendant. Out of sympathy, Ah Lien, a waitress who he secretly admires, gives him financial help. When the much indebted Ah Chung found another job, he went to return the money to Ah Lien but was disappointed to learn that she had left and married. Years later, their paths cross again in a strip-tease joint.
Повелитель летающей гильотины
Однорукий Боксер отошел от боев и теперь держит школу кунг-фу, в которой учит своих студентов буквально преодолевать законы гравитации. Однако когда местный правитель устраивает турнир по боевым искусствам, Боксер не может пропустить такое событие и отправляется туда, пусть всего лишь в качестве вольного зрителя. Туда же прибывает и слепой мастер кунгфу, таскающий с собой шляпу с острыми ножами внутри и раскидывающийся ей при любом намеке на слово «однорукий» — Боксер в первой части убил двух его учеников. Наведя шорох на турнире, Слепой полностью срывает его, однако проблемы Боксера на этом не заканчиваются — прослышав о том, что он приехал, все как один участники решают померяться с ним силами, не давая ему быстро сделать ноги оттуда.
Армия семерых бойцов
Original Music Composer
Разгар Второй Мировой войны, японские войска продвигаются вглубь Китая. После очередной битвы от китайских войск остается лишь несколько человек, которые окапываются в полуразрушенном форте, в котором не осталось никаких средств связи, и решают держать оборону, во что бы то ни стало.
The Reincarnation
Original Music Composer
Killer Clans
Based on a popular swordplay novel, this colorful and complex saga (whose Chinese title literally translates into the poetic Meteor, Butterfly, Sword) has enough conspiracies, stratagems, and sword fights to fascinate even novice kung-fu cinema viewers. The cast of Shaw Brothers' leading swordsmen and swordswomen are masterfully staged by Yuen Cheung-yan, the brother of Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping. The result is both a great action movie and an exceptional dramatic film.
Killer Clans
Original Music Composer
Based on a popular swordplay novel, this colorful and complex saga (whose Chinese title literally translates into the poetic Meteor, Butterfly, Sword) has enough conspiracies, stratagems, and sword fights to fascinate even novice kung-fu cinema viewers. The cast of Shaw Brothers' leading swordsmen and swordswomen are masterfully staged by Yuen Cheung-yan, the brother of Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping. The result is both a great action movie and an exceptional dramatic film.
The Last Tempest
Original Music Composer
Despite Kuang Hsu's enthronement as the last reigning Emperor of China, his ability to rule effectively is overshadowed by the ever-present power of the Dowager Empress. When his attempts to reform the Imperial system are thwarted by the Dowager Empress, he attempts to curb her power. His efforts are not successful, and this failure leads directly to his own death and the end of Imperial rule in China. The Dowager Empress, though, ends her days comfortably and in peace.
The Big Family
Original Music Composer
Shek Kin plays the head of a large crime family. His sons get into all sorts of trouble with the other triad bosses. They both escalate the situation with drugs and murder and create a bitter feud with a rival family.
Boxer Rebellion
Original Music Composer
Three young martial arts brothers, played by Chi Kuan-chun, Alexander Fu Sheng and Leung Kar-yan, go in search of fellow patriots dissatisfied with Imperialist foreigners and wind up joining a rising sect of the Boxers, led by an opportunistic conman. Named as such for their use of martial arts, these boxers are revolutionaries who believe that spirits protect their bodies from foreign guns. They even dupe the Empress Dowager, who gives them her royal blessing to fight the foreigners.
The Four Assassins
Original Music Composer
Set at the time of Italian explorer Marco Polo's historic expedition to China ,during the reign of Monogol ruler Kublai Khan, it stars American actor Richard Harrison as Polo. Taking considerable liberties with the historic record, the film has Polo turning up as an Imperial Inspector assigned to root out Chinese rebles in the south, but eventually being won over to their cause.
The Monk
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
Shantung Man in Hong Kong
Original Music Composer
When Shan Tung comes to Hong Kong for the first time, wanting to seek help from his countryman Lo San, however, Lo San refuses to give him a hand. Shan Tung has no choice but to sell amphetamine in the street for living. A honest guy like him with pronunciation problem often causes embarrassing situations. He is laughed at by others because of his queer ideas. In later days, he makes a lot of friends because he never hesitate to do what is righteous. Therefore he has a better life than before.....
Original Music Composer
Hong Kong sex comedy film.
Black Magic
Original Music Composer
A magician makes money by charging people to cast love spells on the objects of their affection. Complications arise when he decides that he wants a customer's bride for himself.
Bald-Headed Betty
Original Music Composer
Poor Betty gets drugged and kidnapped at a teen beach party and finds herself in clutches of a sleazy prostitution ring. After trying to escape, her head is shaved as punishment. Soon enough, she's the star of the stable for all the local bald freaks.
Fearful Interlude
Original Music Composer
Accompanied by his old manservant, scholar Sung Li Ho (Hong Hoi) is on his way to the capital for the imperial exam. They spend a night in the house of Mrs. Yuan and Li Ho takes a fancy to her pretty daughter, Pei Fang (Dana). Li Ho is discovered by a maid peeping at Pei Fang as she takes a bath. He slips and falls into the bathtub, creating a most embarrassing situation. His old servant is also implicated and both are beaten up before being thrown out. Continuing their journey in the desolate countryside, they come across woodcutter Hsi Hsueh Kuei who puts them up for the night. Captivated by the beauty of the owner’s two daughters, who are vampires, he spends a night with them and turns into a skeleton. Chased by the vampires, Shun Lai makes a narrow escape.
The Fantastic Magic Baby
Original Music Composer
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
The Super Inframan
Original Music Composer
The surface of the Earth is under attack, thousands of people are killed in this unprovoked attacked. The cause, Princess Dragonmon and her army of monsters have decided to invade. Princess Dragonmon is an alien whose race has been hiding under us for centuries waiting to attack and the time is right. A doctor has been preparing for something like this and turns his assistant Rayma into the cyborg hero known as Inframan. Now only Inframan stands between the Earth and Princess Dragonmon but when a close friend is captured and brainwashed, can she be stopped with this inside man feeding her info?
The Empress Dowager
Original Music Composer
This dragon lady of the Ching Dynasty was the power behind the throne for 50 years, and hew vast tapestry of palace intrigues is vividly brought to the screen in this memorable epic.
Big Brother Cheng
Shaw Brothers' number one action hit of 1975, and deservedly so. The character of one-man kung-fu dynamo Big Brother Cheng and kung-fu superstar Chen Kuan-tai were made for each other. A Robin Hood-like restaurant manager who socks it to the thugs in order to make the mean streets of Hong Kong a little less mean, Big Brother Cheng made his first appearance in the extremely popular The Tea House, the success of which spawned this even more successful sequel.
Disciples of Shaolin
Original Music Composer
A penniless bumpkin from the country who fights his way to quick riches in the city as an enforcer for a textile factory that's threatened by a competitor.
Bruce Lee Against Supermen
Original Music Composer
"The Green Hornet" (a red spandex and cape wearing duo) is called in to assist in rescuing a kidnapped scientist.
Lady of the Law
Original Music Composer
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.
Original Music Composer
Abortion, birth control and unwed cohabitation are social issues rarely associated with 1970's Hong Kong cinema. Cohabitation not only faces them head on but does so with insight, compassion and sex!
Fists for Revenge
Original Music Composer
3 felons facing the death penalty, escape the night before they are due to be executed and plot their revenge on the people that put them there.Prepare for the hardest hitting martial art action that never stops.
All Men Are Brothers
Original Music Composer
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
The Gambling Syndicate
A provincial detective seeks to take down a local gambling syndicate with the help of two convicts.
Temperament of Life
Original Music Composer
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Little Sister-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Ho are longing for a grandson. Their son, Ho Chieh and daughter-in-law, Wan Ping, come home from abroad. Wan Ching, the little sister-in-law, is a nurse and comes with Mrs. Ho to meet her sister. At the airport, old Mrs. Ho mistakenly hears that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. After that, Ho Chieh has to attend a business party. However, his wife is not free for it so he begs his little sister-in-law to go as his wife. Wan Ching turns out to be a hit with the guests. In order to please his mother, Chieh asks little sister-in-law to take Wan Ping to the hospital for a pregnancy test and get a false positive report. But through a mistake, Wan Ping gets the report of a sterile woman. She is saddened by it but everyone lies to the old people in order to spare them the disappointment...
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
Original Music Composer
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Na Cha the Great
Original Music Composer
Na Cha stars Fu Sheng as the prodigal son of a wealthy local official. When obnoxious sea dragons take on human form and cause trouble on the land, he realizes that the common people need help and takes up his mantle as their protector, fighting the dragons and their flunkies with the aid of supernatural powers.
Original Music Composer
Hua Heng is a poverty-stricken aspiring painter whose day job involves painting the ads that go up on the sides of buildings. He and his buddies hang out in a makeshift gym set up in an abandoned building where they train and practice kung fu. His girlfriend is Gao Xin, a bar maid who is in debt to loan sharks. Into their lives comes Jiaji, who happens upon Hua Heng in a street fight with local thugs who'd made fun of the painting he's carrying and decides to help him out.
Wild Whirlwind
Original Music Composer
Following Tung's death in a mysterious plane crash, a police investigator replaces him to investigate the shady dealings of a gang of criminals led by Feng Wei, cousin of the dead. Feng's faults soon come to light. He wants to trick cousin Ivy, Tung's sister, the only beneficiary of a significant fortune. To achieve his purpose, Feng does not hesitate to kill Tung's butler, housekeeper and girlfriend. After realizing that Ivy is unaware of where the key to the safe in which the inheritance documents were kept is hidden, Feng tries to escape by taking her cousin hostage, but will be captured by the investigator and imprisoned with all of his band, while Ivy will be able to live peacefully near her savior.
The Savage Five
Original Music Composer
A pacifist village is beset by bandits in this martial arts thriller. "Savage Five" hands-down rivals the ornateness of "Kid With The Golden Arm" and the twist-heavy "Five Deadly Venoms". The always great David Chiang plays a lesser version of his Rover character from "Duel Of The Iron Fist", and Ti Lung, looking incredible here, is at his physical best. Accolades to Chen Kuan Tai and Wang Chung in great sympathetic roles, too. A kung fu classic where the actual martial arts display takes a back seat to the mesmerizing story.
Золотой лотос
Original Music Composer
Фильм снят по известному эротическому древнекитайскому роману «Цзинь, пин, мэй (Цветы сливы в золотой вазе)». Золотой Лотос — имя главной героини романа — девушки с красивой внешностью, но коварным и жестоким характером. Золотыми лотосами в Древнем Китае называли маленькие женские ножки, которые пеленались девочкам с детства. У Цзинь-лянь (Золотой Лотос) ножки были самые маленькие, что считалось главным признаком женского изящества.
Original Music Composer
A crooked insurance investigator conspires with a factory boss to collect the indemnity payment after the building is burned down but has to destroy a piece of incriminating evidence in the possession of a woman.
The Wolf Girl
Original Music Composer
Seeking vengeance, a man is directed by a sorcerer to cut his child out of his pregnant wife so he can create a miraculous 'ghost child'. Overhearing this conversation, his wife flees into the forest where she ends up giving birth to twins with the help of a kindly woman living there. Afraid her husband is chasing her, the wife flees further into the forest with just one of her children, but dies when she falls off a cliff after being chased by wolves. The wolves raise the child as one of their own, whilst her twin sister is raised by the kindly woman living in the forest.
Heroes of Sung
Original Music Composer
Heroes of Sung stars one of the original kung-fu ladies of the silver screen Shih Szu playing swordswoman Meng Hung who must work with Fan Tien-fu, played by perennial Shaws bad guy Lo Lieh (although he's good in this) to find then protect the royal seals of the Sung Dynasty. If they should fail, the dynasty will fall. Shih's magnificent performance earned her the female hero role in the Shaws-Hammer Studio hit "Dracula" and the 7 Golden Vampires.
The Pirate
Pirate Chang Pao-Chai springs a leak after an otherwise successful raid on a foreign ship. He goes ashore to get materials to patch his ship up, where he encounters corrupt Qing officials and poor, oppressed peasants. Being a good man at heart, he decides to help out and becomes an even bigger outlaw in the process.
Woman of the Night
Original Music Composer
A captivating examination of human obsession and love, Woman of the Night offers three stories in one film. In the first tale, a perverse young student with a voyeuristic habit spies on two of his female roommates. The second story follows an office manager who develops an infatuation with his secretary. The last part is a complex family drama about a debilitated father who forces his family to leave him, only to have a bittersweet reunion when his daughter’s life is threatened.
The Generation Gap
Original Music Composer
Ling Xi (David Chiang) is a rebellious youth whose liaison with underage girlfriend Cindy (Agnes Chan) is the spark which lights the eventual flame of his rebellion. Against the wishes of her parents, Ling Xi and Cindy move in together, and the two find a measure of bliss in their shared life. However, rumors circulate that Ling Xi is using Cindy as a means of financial support. After his brother Ling Zhao (Di Lung) returns Cindy to her parents, Ling Xi is branded an outcast. His anger only leads to spiraling bitterness, and finally employ in a triad gang which gives him the ability to release his frustration - which he does until the bitter end.
Мастер со сломанными пальцами
В фильме Джеки Чан учится владеть самым смертельнум оружием на свете — своими руками и ногами, для того, что бы отомстить за смерть своего отца. Он решает предпринять опасный поход в логово самой опасной в районе банды, которая в битвах не знает никаких правил, у банды есть предводитель, который не знает жалости ни к кому, а жаждет только крови.
Blood Brothers
Original Music Composer
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
White Butterfly Killer
A girl who witnesses the brutal murder of her grandfather plots revenge on the killers who are involved in an opium smuggling ring. Unbeknownst to them, she becomes "The White Butterfly Killer," unleashing her deadly kung fu power.
The Delinquent
Original Music Composer
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.
The Thunderbolt Fist
Original Music Composer
A small village is taken over by the nasty Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the Thunderbolt Fist with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese.
Four Riders
Original Music Composer
Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
Trilogy of Swordsmanship
Original Music Composer
Three martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the "godfather of the kung-fu film," Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.
Man of Iron
Original Music Composer
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Flower in the Rain
Original Music Composer
Lily Ho and Ling Yun are star-crossed lovers who suffer untold agonies before finally being united forever.
The Delightful Forest
Original Music Composer
Legendary fighter Wu Song is sent to prison in Mengzhou province after murdering his sister-in-law and her lover. There he meets with the prison officer Shih En, who saves Wu from the baton punishment required for new prisoners. Wu learns that Shih's restaurant, "The Delightful Forest" has been occupied by Chiang Chung. Wu returns to the restaurant-- A place he's dined in previously.
Young People
Original Music Composer
The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
The Devil's Mirror
Original Music Composer
The Jiuxian Witch and her Bloody Ghouls Clan (somehow you just know that these aren’t the good guys) are planning domination of the Martial Arts world. Standing in their way are two clans who posses a magic mirror each. The two clans enjoy friendly relations, but when one mirror is stolen and the blame seems to rest with the other Clan, suspicions and tempers run high. It’s left to the young renegades from each Clan to find the true culprit or culprits, and to ease the tensions of their families. Not to mention ridding the world of the evil Jiuxian Witch.
The Merry Wife
Original Music Composer
Under false pretenses, Zhenzhen marries Mr. Lin, who happens to be her teacher. She wants to still study and wants to enroll in his school in Hong Kong. The head of the school agrees to this under the condition that they conceal the fact that they are married. Zhenzhen finds out right away that her husband is fawned over by the girls, they all have a crush on him, as also does the spinster librarian. However, Mr. Lin finds that that the boys in the school (they are late teens, 17 or so) really like Zhenzhen. This leads to hurt feelings, questions about fidelity and even, in Zhenzhen's case, innocuous dates with one of the boys who rides a motorcycle.
Пять пальцев смерти
Талантливый ученик из школы боевых искусств Чао Чи Хао отправляется на турнир в другой город, покинув любимую и наставника. Чао Чи Хао останавливается в местной школе кун-фу. Там он узнает, что представители конкурирующей школы готовы на все, чтобы устранить своих соперников еще до старта приближающегося соревнования.
The Water Margin
Original Music Composer
The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.
The Angry Guest
Original Music Composer
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Боксер из Шантунга
Original Music Composer
Начало века, в Шанхай приезжает деревенский бедняк Ма Йонгжен. Ма уверен, что с его уникальными бойцовскими качествами он найдет, как заработать, и знакомство с местным мафиози, мастером Таном, только укрепляет его уверенность в этом. А вскоре представляется и шанс «подняться» — он встает на пути головорезов из банды Четырех Чемпионов и, победив их в неравном бою, получает под свой контроль первую «территорию».
Original Music Composer
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
The Deadly Duo
Original Music Composer
The plot involves patriots during the Sung Dynasty and their attempts to rescue a kidnapped prince from Ching troops who have invaded the north of China. The patriots are led by Ti Lung who recruits a mysterious but seemingly superhuman fighter played by David Chiang to find a way to cross a perilous bridge to enter an impregnable fortress to locate and rescue the imprisoned prince.
Original Music Composer
Teenage heart throbs Ching Li and Paul Chin Pei come across like Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon in the musical Sunset, a musical romp that plays similar to one of Hollywood's famous "Beach Party" movies. A car load of girls meets a car load of boys and Ching and Paul ultimately fall in love. Yet the film takes an acrid twist and turns out to be more like a Shakespearian tragedy than a beach-babe party.
Duel of Fists
Original Music Composer
Two men, one a businessman skilled in Kung Fu, the other a kickboxer discover they are brothers, and together, both in and out of the ring, they must face a crime syndicate. One of the first films to use the martial art of Muay Thai.
The Anonymous Heroes
Original Music Composer
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
Duel for Gold
Original Music Composer
Soon-to-be legendary director Chu Yuan had just joined the Shaw Brothers when he helmed this thriller of bickering bandits. Audiences loved watching three pairs of cunning male and female crooks trying to steal a million gold taels from the Fu Lai Treasury House...not knowing that one of them is actually an undercover hero. Even without him, there's no honor amongst thieves, so the double-crosses and deadly duels come fast and furious, all choreographed by Hsu Erh-niu.
The Duel
Original Music Composer
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
The Jade Faced Assassin
Original Music Composer
The swordsman Zhang Zhen is injured in a misadventure and rescued by Eldest Sister of Changchun Sect, who has a crush on him. However, Zhang falls in love with the maid Yuenu instead, and conceives twins with her. The couple are killed by a group of evil pugilists later. The Eldest Sister is angry with Zhang Zhen for not accepting her and plans to make Zhang's children kill each other as revenge. The baby girl (Xiaolu'er) is saved by Zhang's friend, Lian Lanyan, while the male infant (Hua Yuchun) is taken away by the Eldest Sister. Lian Lanyan encounters the Ten Villains when he passes through Villains' Valley. He is overwhelmed by them and knocked out in a fight. The baby Xiaolu'er is taken away by the Villains, who surprisingly do not harm her, and instead intend to groom her to become the greatest villain ever. Eighteen years later, the twins meet each other by coincidence.
Six Assassins
Original Music Composer
A magician-warrior who protects a man from an ambush, not knowing of his true villainous nature. But he discovers the truth after his wife and friend are killed and must now fight to set things right.
The New One-Armed Swordsman
Original Music Composer
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
The Lady Professional
Original Music Composer
Lily Ho as a deadly assassin becomes the target of murder herself
The Protectors
Original Music Composer
Ling (Lo Lieh) and Guan are the Black and White Chiefs of the Eagle Escort security firm: during the opening credit sequence, we see them recover a stolen shipment of gold; by the time the credits have run, the two are literally knee-deep in bodies.
The Oath of Death
Original Music Composer
Three Sung loyalists decide to become blood brothers to fight the tyranny of the Tartar invaders. They build a stronghold and christen it 'The Flying Dragon Fortress' up in the hills. Gathering together a devoted army of followers, the three brothers wage war against the Tartar defense. Desiring to oust the oppressors altogether, Ma Ching plans to coerce an ally, Hong Zhang Chung to release the kidnapped Tartar princess in what initially seems a strategic and civil effort to gain points with the court. Not long after, it soon becomes apparent Ma desires both a great position and power and is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get it.
The Lady Hermit
Original Music Composer
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
The Singing Killer
Original Music Composer
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.