Inez Bjørg David
Рождение : 1982-02-06, Aarhus, Dänemark
Ella Wolf
The lawyer Ella Wolf and her childhood friend Florian come from the same place but live in different worlds. He stayed in idyllic Bad Friedlingen and continues to run the organic farm of his deceased parents. For him, the modern milking machine means maximum change. Ella, on the other hand, is about to take the next step in her career in a renowned Munich law firm: one more test and she will become the youngest junior partner of all time! At her best friend's hilarious wedding party, the two meet and get closer than ever! When Ella returns to her home village six weeks later, she has two serious issues in her luggage: Firstly, she is pregnant by "Flo", which nobody but her knows yet, and secondly, she is supposed to push through a destructive construction project for an important client, which of all things is fought by Florian as the leader of a citizens' initiative.
Sanne Johnen
Laura Blau
Inez Bjørg David gets a career chance like in a fairy tale as Laura Blau in the TV movie "When it comes to love": Without ever having been on stage, the winemaker's daughter should win a duet contest alongside a hit star! Ironically, her sister, played by Cristina do Rego, threatens to destroy all Laura's dreams, to step in the spotlight in their place. Counterparts are also Julian Looman and Maxim Mehmet in the roles of the hedonistic pop star Sunny and his manager Vincent, who falls in love with Laura and wants to start her own music career.
Frida Blum
The unsuccessful writer Max Rhode is a law-abiding citizen. But what Max doesn't know yet: In a few days he will commit a crime so horrific that it is hard to imagine for a human being.
Sophia Schwarz
Gerri does not like anymore. Stylishly she wants to promote herself to the hereafter. She does not mince words in her farewell letters. But then the tablets do not work. "You are not the problem, you are the solution!" Her friend Charly tries to comfort her. And she's right: Gerri grabs himself by the head, pulls himself out of the mess and orders the chaos that has triggered them.
Jonas (Benno Fürmann) and Marit (Maja Schöne) lead an unconventional relationship. They moved from Cologne to Berlin because Marit got a lucrative job there. This makes Jonas temporarily unemployed - but one has to take care of children and household.Talking together, being open and honest and making music together is the basis of this family, where everyone can make their own thing and feel at home at the same time, a family where parents see themselves as life-long companions of their children. This modern family code is put to the test when the couple meets a pioneering agreement after 14 years of relationship -both of them do not want to miss family as it is now , but they do not want to give up their sexual needs completely for the sake of domestic peace.
Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.
Даниэль — изнеженный цивилизацией бюргер, который не слишком избалован женским вниманием. Но однажды на отдыхе в Турции на него запала сногсшибательная местная красотка. И все бы хорошо, но чтобы жениться на ней и увезти в Германию, он должен произвести правильное впечатление на её семью, а для этого ему придется пройти ускоренный курс, чтобы предстать перед ними настоящим мачо.
The 94 years old Alma is a passionate environmentalist. She doesn’t like the deforestation of the rain forests at all, that the Germans eat ever more meat, and that animals are fattened in concentrated animal feeding operations across the country. The pensioner looks for equal minded people via adverts in the local papers and gets to know the young kindergarten worker Vicky. Both participate in a group meeting in the restaurant “Los Veganeros”, where they and other environmental activists plan their projects. During one of these meetings Vicky propose to abduct the pig fattening industrialist Heinz Granitzka to force the public to take notice of the horrible conditions the animals are being forced to live in. The group all but jumps at that idea and start to carry it out, with fatal results.
Рождество не за горами, праздник любви, а вот с последним кое-кому очень не хватает. Ханнес сталкивается с проблемой, что он изменил своей девушке Кларе с учителем начальных классов и его возлюбленная теперь не хочет его прощать, а Кики не может думать ни о чем, кроме мужчины мечты. Мартин, с другой стороны, сожалеет о том, что бросил жену, и хочет вернуться к ней. Клаус не совсем уверен в отношениях и сомневается, стоит ли ему на самом деле жениться на своем друге Викторе. Керем счастлив в браке и скоро станет отцом троих детей, но перед праздниками его семья находится на грани разорения. Его жена Симона ничего не знает обо всем этом...
Freundin des Notarztes
Alaska Johansson is the perfect woman and she is the best in her profession as a headhunter. One day she is fired by her boss, a married man who she has an affair with. He also tells her that their relationship has no future. She decides that her best option is to commit suicide with a poison cocktail. She is saved when a child in a Halloween costume enters her apartment demanding sweets. Something is not right about the child. Later her neighbor is going to tell here that there never was a child. Alaska’s world is turning upside down, her perceptions seem to be merely illusions. When her car starts to act on its own and causes a crash, she becomes convinced that someone is conspiring against her. Or is there another, darker secret in Alaska’s life?
Prinzessin Amanda
Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.
Что произошло в комнате №205? Почему на протяжении года в ней никто не жил? Катрин сильно по этому поводу не заморачивается и поселяется в комнате, а это означает свободу. Свободу от дома, свободу от надоевшего своей опекой отца. Семестр вот-вот начнется, а это значит, что пора повеселиться, завести новых друзей, попасть на вечеринку, переспать с кем-то, и конечно же отправится в свой класс. Но, вскоре начинают происходить загадочные события в ее комнате и она начинает понимать, почему до нее никто не хотел поселяться в комнату №205.
Maria Hellström
Сюжет комедии показывает разных по характеру и роду деятельности мужчин. Один из них — хозяин кафе и будущий папа, второй — безработный, третий музыкальный продюсер и бабник, а четвертый разводится. Чего именно хотят мужчины — неизвестно. Ясно только, что все они весьма схожи в своем стремлении к счастью и любви.
Maria Steiner
East-Germany, 1984: Frank Korbach is looking forward to attending drama school, while his rebellious best friend Thomas is refusing to do military service. Together with the adventurous but naive Alex, Thomas plans to make a desperate attempt to escape to the West. Knowing that he might never see them again, Frank accompanies Thomas and Alex to the frontier. Suddenly, they are confronted by a special unit of the Stasi, the East German secret police. Although the boys manage to avoid capture, Frank's old life is gone forever - he has now become a fugitive. Frank's father Kurt Korbach is stunned by the escape. Unknown to his son, Kurt is a Major in the Stasi. Convinced that Frank is innocent, he persuades his superiors that he alone can bring his son back. Together with the suspicious Colonel Frey - a time bomb waiting to explode - Kurt sets off to track down the runaway boys.
Maria Hellström
Все герои мужчины весьма разноплановые, от музыкального продюсера и бабника Джерома, до одинокого романтика Гюнтера, от успешного менеджера Никласа, до реальной драмы одного из чиновников метрополитена Роланда.