Ignacio Gutiérrez


Los hijos de...
Production Manager
A Diary of a Murderess
Production Manager
A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.
La boda o la vida
Production Manager
Elena is pregnant and Carlos, the future father does not have financial means to marry her. The solution is in a game show that offers substantial rewards to those who can correctly answer questions about the forties. Patricia, Elena's older sister, mobilizes the whole family. Carlos will undergo an intensive study plan.
The Vengeance of Dr. Mabuse
Production Manager
Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of attributes from a National Research Institute (including female staff members) in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray. Dr. Mabuse has this impressive and horribly scarred man-monster that kills for him while the entire police force desperately tries to catch him.
The Vengeance of Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of attributes from a National Research Institute (including female staff members) in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray. Dr. Mabuse has this impressive and horribly scarred man-monster that kills for him while the entire police force desperately tries to catch him.
Human Cobras
Production Manager
A former American gangster organises a safari in Kenya in order to have his business partner, whom he suspects of being responsible for his brother's death, killed. However, it turns out that he killed the wrong person and a series of murders follow.
Executive Producer
После ограбления дилижанса четверка отмороженных бандитов коротает время в мертвом городе, издеваясь над немногочисленными его обитателями.
Legion of the Damned
Production Manager
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans in what he saw as a suicide mission. So for his next mission, he takes along a platoon a convicted criminals - to prepare the Normandy beaches for the D-Day landings. Wartime drama from Italy, starring Jack Palance, Wolfgang Preiss and Curd Jurgens.
Пистолет для сотни могил
Production Secretary
Бандиты пытаются ограбить банк — но нет никаких денег в том банке, потому что транспорт с 200 000$ еще не прибывал. Они угрожают вскоре вернуться..., и граждане стремятся найти нового шерифа и подготовиться к нападению.
Всё для всех
Production Manager
Действие картины происходит между техасским городом Эль-Пасо и мексиканским Веракрус. Именно по пути на юг, в пустынной жаркой местности, герой Джона Иреленда по прозвищу "Аул (Сова) - ночной охотник" встречает такого же, мастерски владеющего оружием Джонни (Марк Дамон), который не всегда дружит с законом, но знает цену дружбы. Эта встреча закончилась для Аула потерей лошади, и он вынужден вернуться в Эль-Пасо, где становится свидетелем шулерства против Джонни местным шулером Морганом. На следующий день, во время изоблечения Моргана, двоим задержанным мексиканским бандитам Гомесу и Пако удаётся уйти, благодаря Джонни и Аулу, который ему помог восстановить справедливость.
Death Knows No Time
Production Manager
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
Два креста на равнине
Production Manager
Джуди и Алекс — единственные выжившие после карательного рейда на поселение, учинённого по приказу богатого и безжалостного Морана. Девушка становится горничной на его ранчо, а парня приютила семья квакеров. Несмотря на подчеркнутую внешнюю смиренность, Алекс планирует реванш.
Ринго - маска мести
Production Manager
В карманах Фиделя всего лишь пара монет, но зато он является обладателем карты, на которой указано место, где спрятаны огромные сокровища. Эта карта вытатуирована у него на спине, однако она содержит не весь рисунок и чтобы узнать точное расположение клада, необходимо отыскать хранителя остальной его части. Группе авантюристов становится известно об сокровищах и они собираются провернуть это дело и забрать весь клад себе. Начинается настоящая охота за золотом...
Muere una mujer
Production Manager
The Inveterate Bachelor
Production Manager
Marcello is engaged to Gina, the daughter of the boarding house where he lives, but he is undecided whether to marry her or not.
The Coyote's Justice
Production Manager
California, 1840s. Wealthy landowner César de Echagüe, secretly acting as El Coyote, the legendary masked hero, continues his fight against the injustices and abuses suffered by the Hispanic population at the hands of the US Army.
Fail in Communism
Second Assistant Director
The story of two students in a school of terrorism installed in the south of France and considered a "sanctuary" and not by the Virgin of Lourdes, sent to Spain to fulfill a dark mission that failed dismally when mistaken for a priest with his link.
The Coyote
Production Assistant
California, 1848. An invading army has defeated the few opposing forces and the territory has become part of the United States. Don César de Echagüe, an old gentleman, begs his son César to return from Europe, confident that he will know how to confront the oppressor.
Doña Francisquita
Production Manager
Set in the romantic Madrid of the 19th century, it narrates the loves and misunderstandings between various characters. Francisquita secretly loves Fernando, but he has fallen in love with Aurora, a typical Madrilenian woman used to flirting with all men.