Jean Aymé

Jean Aymé

Рождение : 1876-04-25, Switzerland

Смерть : 1963-01-17


Jean Aymé


Lost Souvenirs
Le patron (uncredited)
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Just Out
Satire of publishing circles, featuring a ferocious boss, Moscat, a successful but handsome author, Maréchal, another successful but bitter author, Bourgine, a writer plagued with ambition, Brégaillon and the hero, Marc Fournier Zola Prize winner. Naive, the latter quickly becomes formidable, especially since his wife's infidelities have provided him with the material for a new novel.
Тайна Майерлинга
Le nonce
30 января 1889 года стало роковой датой для Габсбургов, в этой день судьба отвернулась от старейшей королевской династии Европы. Бывшая любовница Рудольфа, графиня Мария Лариш знакомит его с молоденькой семнадцатилетней Вечерой, влюбленной в него без памяти. Красавец, донжуан, честолюбивый наследник престола, мечтающий о возвышении Австро-Венгрии, Рудольф воспринимает это знакомство за попытку графини хотя бы таким способом привязать его к себе, а искреннее смущение девушки — за кокетство искушенной женщины. Однако, постепенно цинизм и легкомыслие отступают перёд силой искренних чувств. К несчастью для обоих, принц женат, а Габсбурги не хотят скандала в королевской семье... Рудольф участвует в заговоре против императора на стороне венгров, но всё срывается. У загнанных в угол возлюбленных остаётся, на их взгляд, только один выход. Символично, что и первая и последняя их встречи состоялись в маленьком поместье Майерлинг в двух часах езды от Вены. Круг замкнулся.
Fantomas Against Fantomas
Everyone in Paris thinks Fantomas is dead. A wave of extortion, blackmail and murder all point to the master criminal. Inspector Juve and his reporter friend Fandor set out to find the truth.
Глазами памяти
Маленький самолет частной компании разбивается в пустыне, недалеко от Дакара. Пилот самолета, Жак Форестье, и его механик, Поль Маркадур, остались невредимы: они были пьяны и потеряли контроль над машиной! Благодаря вмешательству их друга, командира боевого самолета Эйр Франс, Пьера Обри и стюардессы Клэр Маньи, Жак и Поль были оправданы. Некоторое время назад Клэр и Жак провели вместе неделю, наполненную любовной страстью, после чего Жак оставил ее, плачущую на вокзале. Клэр пыталась покончить жизнь самоубийством, но ее спасли. После этого, Клэр, которая мечтала стать актрисой, решила стать стюардессой.
Impasse of Two Angels
Un invité
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Конец дня
В аббатстве Сен-Жан-Ля-Ривьер, приюте для престарелых актеров (не знающих, что их общему дому грозит закрытие), изводят друг друга три пожилых жильца: Рафаэль Сен-Клер, старый красавец, когда-то обласканный славой и женщинами, а ныне растративший состояние на азартные игры и любовные похождения; Жиль Марни, актер амбициозный и уважаемый собратьями, но никогда не знавший успеха (его жена ушла от него к Сен-Клеру и погибла на охоте; ее смерть была похожа на самоубийство, и эта тайна до сих пор преследует Марни) и, наконец, Кабриссад, затейник и шутник, любящий при случае приврать, всю жизнь просидевший в дублерах. Марни — его главный мучитель — презирает Кабриссада. В отместку Кабриссад каждый день изобретает новые каверзы и однажды зачитывает вслух некролог Марни, по ошибке напечатанный в местной газете…
Mon curé chez les riches
In the village of Sableuse, the local manor has been bought out by a nouveau riche, Emile Cousinet. When his wife Lisette, a former music hall actress, flees to Paris with young Pierre de Sableuse, Cousinet asks Father Pellegrin, the village vicar, to bring the lost sheep back home.
Beautiful Star
Le receleur
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
In the middle of the 19th century, Tsar Alexander II made the acquaintance of a young aristocratic girl from the provinces, unruly in character. He falls in love with her and tries to see her again.
Café de Paris
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
The Little Thing
Now that their parents are ruined, Jacques Eyssette and his younger brother Daniel, are driven to fend for themselves. Jacques becomes the secretary of a marquis who exploits him by making him work so hard that his health gets damaged. Daniel, on his part, is hired as a supervisor and Latin teacher in a school in the province. It soon happens that he is in a bad situation too as, after being subjected to repeated harassment, he ends up being fired. Daniel then decides to join Jacques in Paris, hoping to embark on a literary career. Unfortunately, Irma Borel, an actress, sets her sight on him and drags him into a life of vice.
Street Without Joy
Jeanne supports supports his family on his modest salary. Her boss is arrested for fraud. Jeanne is forced, out of poverty, in the street.
Monsieur de Fouguerolles
Сюжет построен на истории трех добровольцев-марсельцев. Трое героев в колонне марсельских добровольцев идут в Париж, чтобы спасти родину и завоевания революции. Марсельцы идут с победной песнью. Они приходят в Париж 10 августа, когда национальные гвардейцы, марсельцы и бретонцы с боем берут Тюильри и низвергают монархию.
Lady Killer
Adrien, le valet de chambre
Lucien Bourrache, a good looking non-commissioned officer at the Spahis, is used to charm many women. He met Madeleine Courtois at Cannes. She is beautiful and lives in luxury. He lends her a large amount of money, which she loses gambling. Then she drops him. But Lucien is now in love, and once demobilized, he goes to Paris to find her again. But he's not so sexy without his uniform, and Madeleine and him do not belong to the same milieu.
Southern Carrier
Le joailler
A pilot on one of the air mail flights between France and its African colonies has a brief romance with his distressed cousin before he returns to the call of duty, and the rebels in the desert.
Passé à vendre
Maryse blackmails her former lovers by threatening to mention their names in her memoirs. But a real blackmailer appears and cashes the checks for him.
Le secret d'une nuit
The director
A very nice young man, Sylvain Renaud is "surrounded" by two bad guys who want to drag him into some very dirty business.
Bach millionnaire
600,000 francs per month
A disillusioned rich American bets with a railroad worker that the latter will not be able to spend the 600,000 francs a month that he will pay him for a year. All the railwayman's attempts to win his bet fail but his daughter luckily conquers the American.
Die Tochter des Regiments
Le soir des rois
The ingenuous libertine
An eighteen year old boy is pressured by his god-mother to begin instructions to become a priest, but he changes his plans when he arrives in Paris and sees how much fun he can get there.
Страсти Жанны д`Арк
Judge (uncredited)
В этом фильме суд на Жанной д`Арк, который в действительности длился целый год, спрессован в один единственный день. В этот день её неоднократно допрашивает духовный суд, ей постоянно угрожают пытками, её лишают причастия, если только она не сознается в колдовстве. Наконец, когда она сталкивается с тем, чтобы быть сожжённой заживо, она отрекается, но после отрекается от своего отречения, и ее публично казнят.
La folie du doute
Les étapes d'une douleur
Blessée au coeur
A man is accused of the murder of a banker in order to get some money. In the meantime, the banker's wife is somehow convinced that she killed her husband after a violent fight to save her child's honor. But the actual murderer happens to be a third party.
The King of the Sea
La joueuse d'orgue
The Vampires or, The Arch Criminals of Paris
The Great Vampire
Paris is prey to an invisible terror against which the police can do nothing: a sinister organization that sows chaos and death. The intrepid journalist Philippe Guérande and his partner embark on a long crusade to put an end to the crimes of the Great Vampire and Irma Vep, his dangerous accomplice. (A ten episode movie serial.)
Son passé
The Mystery of the Rocks of Kador
Maître Létang de Jeandé
Count Fernand De Keramic plots against his niece in order to acquire her wealth to pay his debts.
Hand of Iron
A 1912 crime film.
Graziella la gitane
The Living Dead
The Roman Orgy
The tyrant Emperor Heliogabalus lives a life of debauchery and set lions loose among his guests.
The Defect
Alphonse Marnier
LA TARE is about Anna, a woman who is rescued from a Parisian dance hall to work in a charitable hospital. Over the years, she rises to become the head of the institution, but when an old habitué of the dance hall recognizes her picture, he attempts to blackmail her.
The Vipers
Directed by Louis Feuillade. Part of the 'Life As It Is' series.
La Souris blanche
Part of the series La Vie telle qu'elle est that Feuillade did in which people were shown as they really are and not as they ought to have been. This one is about Hypocrisy