Действие происходит в ближайшем будущем. Шайки бандитов на мотоциклах терроризируют обывателей, в секретной лаборатории ведутся эксперименты по контролю над мозгом, медсестра пытается облегчить конец смертельно больным людям. Но какова реальная цель этого ангела милосердия?
A young woman who wants to marry an earl's son wants to refine the habits of their parents, people from a village that has been enriched in the overnight by selling their land.
Торговец оружием Йолаф Петерсон собирается провернуть сделку с партизаном Монго. Однако деньги Монго заперты в банке, а комбинацию от сейфа знает лишь профессор Ксантос, находящийся под стражей у американцев. Йолаф соглашается освободить Ксантоса и в сопровождении лейтенанта Васко отправляется в стан американского флота.
Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable couple. Now Juan is a prominent businessman in bullfighting. But Manuel's feelings toward him have changed radically: an inexplicable hated seizes him when someone mentions his name. It has been more than twenty years since that afternoon, when Manuel was bullfighting and fell to the ground.
Pedro Montero, left Spain when he was young, he become famouse in Brazil and Italy as a boxer. When he comes back to Spain , he enters the body of Marines and continues with his career. On the eve of winning the European Championship, the guardians of his rival send him a dangerous woman, an old friend who he had in Rome, to hinder his physical preparation.