Břetislav Rychlík

Břetislav Rychlík


Břetislav Rychlík


Dědictví aneb Kurvaseneříká
Белла миа
Действие фильма происходит в небольшом посёлке. Из-за подозрений на бешенство было решено отвезти на бойню несколько коров. Но животные, чувствуя опасность, убегают. В то время как коровы живут в лесу, населенный пункт, из которого они сбежали, разбивается на два лагеря: одна часть людей хочет срочно коров найти, потому что им не место в лесу, другие желают, чтобы животные оставались на свободе...
U stánků na levnou krásu
U stánků na levnou krásu
The story, written by former George Stransky former political prisoners and today's chairman Pen Club is situated to 50 years and uranium camp of political prisoners in Pribram, where after the fall of the Stalinist cult comes at the end of 1958 as a prisoner of the former Chief of Main Administration of correctional facilities Colonel Good. Former chief topic of coexistence, "a guard" and political prisoners in the Bolshevik camp served timeless makers to reflect on the possibility (or impossibility) of forgiveness and a sense of justice. The film, unfortunately, below expectations - mainly because of its rarity and lack syžetovou arching dramatic arc of the story, including natural gradation. Nice camera and vice versa are cast, formed literally myriad of top Czech actors. A representative of one of the main roles - Jiri Schmitzer in 1997 was awarded the Czech Lion.
...ani smrt nebere!
...ani smrt nebere!
The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday
Bohus is indolent and spends his days drinking brandy. One day he finds he has inherited a brickworks, several shops and a five-star hotel. Bohus sets out to tour his new empire, insulting everyone on the way.
Pražákům, těm je hej
The story begins in 1984 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, few years before the end of Communist era. The band Pražský výběr (Prague's selection) has just received the news thier 5-year ban has expired and they are alowed to perform once again. This half fantasy half document about the band would draw the atmosphere of middle european late Communist era and the eufory of it's end.
Vojtech, Called the Orphan
Symbols and political analogies abound in this dramatically frustrating first work by a recent film-school graduate. In the story, Vojtech has survived World War II in a Czech prison following an unjust sentence. Now he is free, and the world is full of possibilities.
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