Milorad Majić


Traces of a Black Haired Girl
A railway worker moves to another city and experiences a love affair with a suburban prostitute. Their encounter disturbs his solitude, and the two begin their life together.
I'm Poor But Angry
A young barber comes to the small village to open a barbershop. He gradually gets to know with the locals and farmers, makes friends with them and even tries to organize the plans, activities and schedules of the village. He also runs a parallel, intimate life with the several village girls. When the locals realize that these plans will not come true, they blame him for the failure.
Passing Days
Starac koji živi u buretu
A confused young man seems like he's eternally waiting for something, but he never really lives up to see it.
The Ambush
Starac Božo
Idealistic young man supports the party and the new Yugoslavia's communist regime, but soon gets involved in various political and criminal machinations becoming more and more confused about what's right and what's wrong.
Do Not Mention the Cause of Death
In an atmosphere of WWII, a village dyer wants to help his folks in their sorrow and distress by supplying them with the black paint, but there is not enough black paint for all of them, because death works faster than the dyer. His wife was raped, but the naive dyer believes in "straight" intentions of his godfather - black marketeer, and he gives away free canvas to the people. But in all their pain, people are unable to distinguish good intentions from the evil ones.
It Rains in My Village
A bizarre and tragic love story involving swineherd, village fool, teacher and an agricultural pilot. The story unfolds in a remote village in the communist ruled Yugoslavia at the down of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
По мотивам одноименного романа Младена Олячи. В июне 1942 немцы и усташи решают уничтожить партизан, дислоцированных в лесах в районе горы Козара в Северной Боснии. Они окружают гору и начинают штурм. Осаждённые партизаны отчаянно сражаются с превосходящими силами противника. Оставить позиции и уйти от преследования они не могут: вместе с отрядом в лагере находятся беспомощные раненые, женщины, старики и дети.
The Steppe
Based on a Anton Chekhov short story, this slight tale has some good moments as the drama of a young boy's journey unfolds. The lad comes from peasant stock, and one day his family decides it would be best for him to go live with his uncle in the city. The only problem is that the city is all the way across the Russian steppes, and at this time in history, that arduous journey could only be undertaken by horse and carriage. Reminiscent of the American pioneer wagon trains heading West, the tale lacks any attacks from hostile forces but is filled with charming vignettes. In one part of the journey, the boy comes across some fishermen along a river, harpooning their catch for the day. In another segment, he is entertained when some folk dancers do a lively show. But in general, it is too long and unmomentous a journey to hold attention well for nearly two hours.
Five Minutes of Paradise
Two concentration camp prisoners are taken by Nazis to disable un exploded bombs in German towns. When they work on the ruins, with their guards safely away, they enjoy a few precious moments of freedom.
Four Kilometers per Hour
Op Jo
A bleak prewar environment of Yugoslavian provincial town during 1930s.