Marie Strömberg


Well, We Were Lucky with the Weather – Again
Costume Design
Almost 30 years has passed and Gösta and Gun are retired. This summer they're going on a trip to their sons wedding in Göstas new RV.
Good Advice
Costume Set Supervisor
It is the early 1980's. Ten-year-old Rasmus is tired of his parents never listening to him and decides to run away from home. But before leaving he records a cassette tape with different advice on how to handle life. His mother is pregnant and he plans to leave the tape for his unborn brother.
Costume Design
"Tag!" - About the American malaria researcher Nkruma who arrives with a family to Gothenburg for a lecture at Sahlgrenska Hospital. Nkruma ends up in a strange prank. The adults play tag in the streets. Nkruma refuses to participate in the game. This will be fatal for him and his family.
When Elvis Came to Visit
Costume Design
When Elvis Came to Visit takes place in a suburb to Stockholm and is an intimate film about a small, but yet momentous, meeting between Lukas and the young boy Elvis, whose parents are from Iran. Lukas, not an immigrant friendly person, tries to keep his distance but the young boy's innocence gradually affects him.
По высшей воле
Costume Design
Лето 1975 года. Стокгольм охвачен небывалой жарой. Днем Хуан пакует фрукты в «Арстахалларна», как и его брат, который живет с ним. Вечером начинается его вторая работа — уборщиком в ресторане быстрого питания. Через неделю в Стокгольм приедет его жена, и поэтому все должно быть идеально. Недосып и угнетающая жара делает его одиночество более очевидным. Однажды рано утром его место на автобусной остановке оказывается занятым красивой женщиной Юли. После пары случайных встреч, ночные свидания с Юли становятся самой важной вещью в жизни Хуана. Если будет на то воля божья, фантазия может стать реальностью.