João Maria Pinto

João Maria Pinto


João Maria Pinto


Avelino de Almeida
Поначалу никто им не верит, но весть об этом разносится по всей стране, что становится толчком для масштабного паломничества в Фатиму. Десятки тысяч религиозных паломников начинают стекаться к этому месту в надежде стать свидетелями чуда. То, что они испытают, навсегда изменит их жизнь.
Acácio-Toca Harmónica
История Жасинты, одной из троих детей, которым в 1917 году около португальского селения Фатима явился образ Пресвятой Девы Марии.
Refrigerantes e Canções de Amor
A love story between a failed musician and a girl in a dinosaur costume.
Benedict Ironbreaker: The Red Taxis
Mari chien
At first sight, 10-year-old Benoît Brisefer, seems like any other little boy his age. However, Benoît is endowed with amazing force. All the bandits who cross his path learn this to their own cost. But, unfortunately, no one is perfect... As soon as he catches a cold, Benoît loses his extraordinary physical abilities. Hence he never takes off the woollen scarf wrapped around his neck. Brave and very determined, he doesn't hesitate a second to take action to defend his friends. So, when Poilonez - a well known crook - and his gang decide to focus on Mr. Dussiflard, his taxi driver friend, Benoît does all that he can to thwart his plans.
It is April 1974 and Julie Dujonc-Renens, young feminist journalist and the cunning Joseph-Marie Cauvin, leading reporter for the Swiss radio, have been sent to Portugal to investigate Switzerland’s aid to poor countries. Sparks fly during the bus trip with Bob, sound engineer approaching retirement. The projects financed by Switzerland prove to be calamitous and the workers’ revolution that suddenly breaks out doesn’t help, obliging our heroes to disregard first the radio’s management, and then their own codes of conduct.
Полиция пытается остановить банду преступников, виновных в нескольких ограблениях в Лиссабоне.
Quarta Divisão
Dono Quiosque
The film tells the story of Martin, a child of nine years, who one day disappears from private school where he studied. Police mounted a major search operation across the city to find him. All hypotheses are possible: What happened?
Comandante Mário Simões Maia
Для Зе эта поездка будет намного больше, чем опасное приключение. Где будет необычная история любви с молодой португалкой, чья судьба необъяснимо переплетается с ним...
Man / Dolly's Client
Молодая девушка отвергает скучную жизнь обывателей и погружается в манящий и опасный мир темных страстей и больших денег. Отныне она известна всем как Жигола — девушка в мужском костюме, предлагающая экстравагантные удовольствия только избранным.
Réceptionniste hôtel Lisbonne
Il y a des jours où le destin entrecroise les vies, où les solitudes s'animent sous l'effet du hasard, où un événement bouleverse le cours de plusieurs vies. Six personnages vont se croiser, se réunir, s'abandonner, se retrouver alors que rien ne les prédisposait à se rencontrer. Un lien existe pourtant entre eux. Et le destin va se charger de le leur rappeler.
Viúva Rica Solteira Não Fica
Dr. Melo
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when, on the same day, the young woman becomes a widow and an orphan, a fact that leaves her heir to an incalculable fortune and coveted by all the aristocrats in the region.
Выстрел в темноте
client Tamila
В бразильском аэропорту похищен ребенок. Годы спустя мать живет в Лиссабоне и работает в стриптиз-баре, чтобы выжить. Когда ее увольняют, она присоединяется к банде грабителей банков..
Kiss Me
This movie bring us a story about a woman named Laura (Marisa Cruz) that lives in a small portuguese town during the 50's. Tired of living in such a small town she travells to a bigger town, in which she'll have the opportunity to feel free.
The Miracle According to Salomé
bank's director
Portugal, 1917. The country is experiencing a great political and social agitation and it is said that in Fatima the virgin appeared to three little shepherds. Salomé, a young lady from the province, is one of the many girls who cheers Lisbon brothels, but she is such a special girl that a rich man invites her to live in his house and presents her to the high society of Lisbon. But her past will not stop chasing her and Salomé, who thought that this would be the beginning of a new life, will eventually lose everything by becoming an involuntary character of this miracle that agitated the country...
O Rapaz do Trapézio Voador
One bad thing never comes alone, says the people. The village Estrela is threatened by the waters of the new Alqueva dam. It will become an "island". But, as one bad thing never comes alone, the daily lives of the inhabitants of this small mountain village are changed by the death of Adriano. "In order to create, I destroyed myself; I have so much externalized within myself that within me I exist only outwardly. I am the living scene where various actors perform various plays." (from Livro do Desassossego by Fernando Pessoa), as Adriano liked to quote Adriano. He committed suicide on the day of the village feast, hanging himself in the main square. For Adriano, the main square of the village has long been the center of the world. Adriano felt surrounded, depressed, unable to escape his destiny. "No one can stop a man who travels with suicide on his lapel" Adriano repeated to Lisete, always to the point of exhaustion.
Ruy Blas
Huissier 1 Reine
Chased out of the Spanish court, a nobleman uses the services of his valet to take revenge. He orders him to seduce the queen in order to better compromise her.
Amor Perdido
A story about two people (Clara and Tó), from different economic backgrounds, who love each other, but whose love is not accepted by everyone, especially by the father of Clara, who will do everything he can to stop their love. Things go even worse when Clara becomes pregnant.
Dr. Madeira
The anniversary, celebrating the thirty years of the marriage of Francisco and Leonor Teixeira, celebrated on their family farm. It is time to party and everyone party with the Teixeira's. Well, almost everyone. Ricardo, the youngest son, does not speak with his father for five years.
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.
Rui Sequeira, a former fighter in the Colonial War, resident of a small village of Alentejo, celebrates another anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in the company of his wife and her daughter, the young Sara, with which he has a not so good relationship. On the night of the celebrations, the death of a friend forever alters his live, waking up a whole past long dormant.
Amo-te Teresa
Amo-te Teresa tells the forbidden love story of Teresa and Miguel, aged 35 and 15, respectively. Teresa is a doctor and, after a frustrated love life, she decides to abandon Lisbon and returns to her native land. Immediately, a strong attraction forms between Teresa and Miguel, a friend of her oldest son.
Monkeys Like Becky
The first part of this documentary deals with the Portuguese neurologist António Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1949, one of the first surgeons to apply the technique called lobotomy for the treatment of schizophrenia. The second part deals with the everyday life of people with schizophrenia today: behavior and relationships, and treatment for the disease.
Natal 71
Natal 71 is the name of a record given to the soldiers of the portuguese colonies overseas for Christmas 1971. Niassa's Songbook is the title of an audiotape illegally recorded by soldiers during the war years, in Mozambique. They are memories from a country which was shut from the rest of the world, poor and ignorant, laid to sleep by a stale and primitive propaganda which tried to hide all the conflicts from us and kept us from thinking and recognising the repressive nature of the regime we lived in.
The train controller
What is the nature of life? What is the nature of art? How can art influence our lives? These are the questions of this movie. The main character, a man who lives both in the world of dreams and reality, searches his past, in order to understand its meaning. He has meetings with the ghosts of his dead friend, his dead lover, his dead father and Pessoa, the great portuguese writer. These four encounters give him clues about what he is looking for. Beside that, he finds himself in front of art, discovering how it modifies our comprehension of life. It's based in one of Tabucci's (the italian writer)books: "Requiem". This few lines cannot resume the greatness of this movie. The last thing I can say is: If you like art, I recommend you to see it. If you ever wonder about the nature of dreams, or you live in dreams half of the time, I think you'll feel like this movie was made for you.
Ti Marto
1917, a beautiful apparition of Our Lady forever alters the lives of three children: Lucinda, Jacita and Francisco who lived in Villa Fatima in Portugal.
The Jew
The story of Brazilian Antônio José da Silva, a jewish poet, playwright and lawyer living in the 18th Century Lisbon, who managed to avoid Inquisition by converting himself to Catholicism, after being tortured. But his fierce criticism of Portugal's élite led him to persecution and torture, becoming kind of a scapegoat.
A Borboleta na Gaiola
"The Butterfly in the Cage" is a novel by Luís Filipe Costa adapted to film by the author, it follows the daily lives of several people connected to newspapers, television, film and theater in Lisbon, in the days leading up to the revolution of 25 April 1974.
No Trace of Sin
Undertaker #2
A young man from a high-bourgeois family, Henrique receives mysterious phone calls from a woman at the barracks where he is serving in the military, which attracts him to meetings without consequences.
Guerra do Mirandum