Wenceslao Fernández Flórez


Живой лес
Действие разворачивается в огромном лесу, где все, от деревьев до кустов, оживает, как только уходит последний охотник. Лесной мир скрывает от людей свои тайны — деревья даже назначили добрую тетушку Сосну своим дозорным, и она зорко следит, нет ли поблизости человека. А пока никого нет, веселые обитатели старого леса живут своей жизнью — мухи ловко уворачиваются от паутины, деревья хором поют любимые песни, а маленький крот Фури тем временем по уши влюбляется в свою подружку, красавицу Линду. Он уже готов признаться ей в любви, но тут в лесу появляются люди, и это приводит к беде — всех кротов ловят в сеть и забирают в усадьбу богатой и злой сеньоры Дабондо, которая хочет сшить из них шубку. Уцелел только Фури, и теперь он готов на все, чтобы спасти своих товарищей. В этом нелегком деле ему помогают новые друзья — двоюродный братец мышонок, добрая кошка Моринья и парочка озорных и бесстрашных мух Хо-Хо и Ху-Ху.
The Enchanted Forest
In the fantastic world of the "bosque animado" meet some people who have been transported to this place by a magic force. Now their histories cross one another.
Sergio falls in love with Federica, the maid of the house whom everyone calls "Volvoreta" ("butterfly" in Galician). Aware of the situation, the mother of the young gentleman dismisses the maid, who has no choice but to go to the capital city. But Sergio's love is so strong that he will follow her wherever she goes.
Why Does Your Husband Deceive You?
Eduardo, a man about to get married to his lifelong sweetheart, begins having second thoughts about the step he is going to take. His future wife is not one-of-a-kind and, among the wedding guests, there are several women he would not mind spending the rest of his days with. So, while the ceremony carries on, he fantasizes about the lifestyle he could experience with some of them.
Those Who Did Not Go to War
First World War. In a largely rural area of neutral Spain, two families confront one another and play a part in embarrassing situations because they don't support the same side in the war. This will influence the breakup of an engagement.
Those Who Did Not Go to War
First World War. In a largely rural area of neutral Spain, two families confront one another and play a part in embarrassing situations because they don't support the same side in the war. This will influence the breakup of an engagement.
Luxury cabin
Aurelio leaves his village and goes to the capital to work with a relative in an emigration shipping company. He soon discovers that his relative earns a bonus extorting migrants who sell tickets. But Aurelio is an honest, sensible man who cannot allow such injustice, and he gets fired. Without telling his parents or girlfriend anything about what happened, he decides to stow away on a boat to America.
The Wicked Carabel
Since he wants get married, the young Carabel, who is employed in a real estate agent, decides to ask their bosses for a raise in order to maintain his future wife. However, all he gets is to be fired. He then realizes that honesty is what has led him to unemployment and decides to change his life and live outside the law. He plots to steal the safe from his former company
El sistema Pelegrín
Hector Pelegrin, an unsuccessful insurance agent is admitted to the prestigious school Ferran as a gym teacher. The only problem is that he completely lacks the necessary skills for the job. He organizes a game between the football team at his school and another center, a historic rival, resulting in a surprise full of humorous criticism to our society. Pelegrin tries to convince everyone that football is just a sport
El capitán Veneno
Additional Dialogue
In Madrid, under Queen Isabel II reign, rebellions are frequent events. During one of them Captain Jorge de Córdoba, nicknamed Veneno (poison) for his quarrelsome disposition, bad temper and outright misogyny, is hurt and taken to a house where two women, a widow and her daughter, are to take care of him.
Ha entrado un ladrón
La casa de la lluvia
In a country house of Galicia (Spain), Teresa and Fernando, beset by their economic situation, rent rooms to Mr. Morell and his niece Lina, who are looking for a quiet place to rest. Everything seems normal but, at night, when the doors of the rooms are closed, it seems as if uncle and niece apparently practice spiritualism.
El hombre que se quiso matar
Unos pasos de mujer
The Wicked Carabel
Based on the novel of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, this comedy where two friends try to become criminals achieved certain recognition.
An Adventure Worth a Movie