The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio presenter who, unexpectedly, finds himself in charge of a bankrupt and falling apart radio station. Relying only on his passion for rock'n'roll and a crazy team, he created one of the most emblematic radio stations in the history of Brazilian rock, Fluminense FM. Between guitar solos and signal interference, we follow the adventures and misadventures of Luiz who, on top of that, falls in love with a married announcer.
Scenario Writer
Aimée is a millionaire influencer who has all her family's assets blocked, except for a farm in the countryside of Ceará that she inherited from her grandfather. She leaves for the hinterland in an attempt to sell the property, but ashamed of the new reality, she invents that she will take a "sabbatical period" for a year. Thus, she will have to deal with her new life and sustain the lie on social media.
The women's athletics (4x100m relay) is about to win a gold medal at the 2016 Olympic Games, the Brazilian victory is almost certain and the athletes are one step closer to what would be a milestone. If only one fatal error hadn't put off their dreams: the carelessness of the young Maria Lúcia causes the group to be disqualified. This changes Maria Lúcia and Adriana's lives forever, Adriana does not forgive her teammate after the final. Four years go by. Maria Lúcia is still the great promise in athletics while Adriana makes a living out of MMA fighting. A few months away from the Tokyo Olympics, they are called in to join the new 4x100 team. This time, Maria Lúcia and Adriana need to overcome the mistakes of the past. They count on the help of veterans Rita and Jaciara as well as newcomer Bia, athletes who rediscover their true power as a team, showing that the Brazilian women's athletics is stronger than ever.
The story of Allan Kardec, from his days as an educator to his contribution to the spiritist codification.
An emotional dive into the music and life of Erasmo Carlos, from his years as a young rock-and-roller looking for gigs through his enduring musical partnership with Roberto Carlos.
Camila Mendes is a pop star who only thinks about her fame. However, her life changes completely when she suddenly wakes up in 2004, as a not at all popular girl.
После убийства дочери спецагент Мигель объявляет войну погрязшим в коррупции политикам. Он обрушивает всю свою ярость на политическую элиту страны в самый разгар президентских выборов. Мигель не подозревает, в какую опасную игру ввязался и чем это для него может обернуться. Но останавливаться на достигнутом он не собирается, даже если придется поставить на кон свою жизнь.
Paulo Ventania is a black Brazilian man, always doing his best to bring some happiness in his life, and by happiness he means money. When he's at a dead end, he discovers the opportunity to become a football manager by leading some boy from the neighborhood to becoming the new Neymar of international soccer. Going through the suburbs of Rio, he finds Glanderson, a young boy with an enormous talent for soccer despite missing two toes. With good humor, high hopes, and a lot of mistakes, the quixotic duo tries their best to make their dream come true.
Suellen (Thalita Carauta) is a cook who works hard to keep her little son, her younger sister and her mother alone. One day, your dreams come true: she splits in two. Her copy, identical physically, has different personality, being much more extroverted and courageous. The idea would be to divide the tasks with the other one, but soon Suellen realizes that the look-alike has plans of its own, and decides to betray the original.
The main actor believes that true success is the attaining WHAT money can't buy and encourages people to follow their dreams. He forms a huge following which becomes cult like following. Officials start feeling threatened and conspire to kill him.
Dudu is a shy boy who, in his senior year of high school, is still a virgin. This situation makes him the constant target of jokes from his inseparable friends. One day, at the end of the school year, he is invited by the gorgeous Professor Deborah to take extra lessons at her house. The situation soon causes Dudu and his friends to believe that she is flirting on the boy, who cares more than never about his sexual inexperience.
Aluízio Li is a martial arts fan who lives with his head in the world of fights from dreaming and watching Chinese films. He believes he is a Shaolin monk, dressing and behaving just like his cinematic references. However, he is the subject of mocking jokes in his hometown, Quixadá, in the backlands of Ceará. His days of peace will end when retired MMA fighter Toni Tora Pleura announces a "tour" of challenges to bullies in several cities in the interior of Ceará, including Quixadá.
Аманда и Бруно летят из Рио-де-Жанейро в Сан-Паулу. Она — домой, он — из дома. Их самолет совершает вынужденную посадку в другом городе, и героям фильма «Воздушный мост» приходится ночевать в отеле. Ту ночь едва знакомые Бруно и Аманда проводят вместе, и оба не считают свой роман чем-то серьезным — скорее, просто дорожным приключением. Но случай (или, если угодно, судьба) вновь сводит их вместе.
Biographical film of Sister Dulce, who, in life, was called the “Good Angel of Bahia”, also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and canonized by the Catholic Church. Contemplating from the 1940s to the 1980s, the film shows how the Catholic nun faced an incurable respiratory disease, machismo, the indifference of politicians and even the dogmas of the Church to dedicate her life to the care of the miserable, leaving a legacy that continues today.
Элено де Фрейтас — величайший бразильский футболист конца 1940-х, его называли белым Пеле, белым бриллиантом и принцем проклятым. В динамичном черно-белом фильме Жозе Энрике Фонсеки заносчивый, самовлюбленный, помешанный на женщинах Элено проходит путь от звезды мирового масштаба до инвалида — и обратно, благодаря многочисленным флэшбэкам.