Viorel Comănici

Viorel Comănici

Рождение : 1941-05-15, Bucureşti, Romania


Viorel Comănici (born May 15, 1941, Bucharest) is a Romanian theater and film actor. Parents are Gheorghe and Dochia Comănici. His wife is called Natassa Merkonriadou (they got married in 1999) and their baby is Victor Comănici. He is actor of the Nottara Theater in Bucharest.


Viorel Comănici


Алис Т.
Алиc - жизнерадостный и дерзкий рыжеволосый подросток, совсем не похожая на очаровательную маленькую тихоню, которую когда-то взяли из приюта. Она - бесконечный источник проблем и настоящее разочарование для приемной матери. Алиc постоянно врет и манипулирует всеми, существуя между своими фантазиями и реальностью. Это продолжается до тех пор, пока однажды мать не узнает о беременности дочери.
Сказки Золотого века
The Party Secretary (segment "The Legend of the Party Photographer")
Румынский коммунизм на последнем издыхании, но люди еще живы. Паззл из шести, ничем, на первый взгляд, не связанных, историй — комичных, странных и зловещих: по улицам ездят полуразвалившиеся "дакии", люди несут домой все, что плохо лежит, партия отдает абсурдные приказы, обязательные к исполнению, граждане мрачнеют с каждым днем, но внутри каждого живет неуничтожимая мечта — любить и быть любимым
The Paper Will Be Blue
Maior Costinas
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
Păcală se întoarce
Civilian #4
Kurt Gerstein—a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS—is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. he is then shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops by using Zyklon-B, is now used to kill people in gas chambers.
War in the Kitchen
Feature film.
Too Late
An inexperienced prosecutor becomes involved with a local woman while investigating a miner's death.
The Snails' Senator
This Romanian dramatic comedy offers metaphorical commentary on life after Ceausescu's reign as it tells the story of a rural community turned topsy-turvy in their mad quest for the snails a prominent senator has requested for his dinner. The trouble begins when a rather imposing, pompous senator comes to visit a small rural Romanian town for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new hydro-electric dam. After he finishes his speech, the senator is accosted by a Swiss film crew eager to interview him. The senator is inordinately concerned with presenting a positive image of Romania to the world at large and so when he learns that he and the journalists are to stay at the same villa, does everything he came to make sure that they see nothing scandalous.
Фильм описывает положение в Румынии в конце Второй мировой войны, обращаясь к одной из самых драматических и спорных тем в современной истории Румынии - перевороту 23 августа 1944 г. В фильме затронуты и период мятежа легионеров 1941 года, отречение короля Михая, правление, арест и казнь маршала Антонеску, установление правительства Петру Гроза, смерть Маниу и казнь Пэтрэшкану. Большая часть эпизодов основаны на исторических документах того времени.
Подвиды 2: Кровавый камень
Athene Palace Desk Clerk
Со времени пришествия зла, вампиры прославляют ночь, пируя на крови. Источник их силы заключен в священном кровавом камне. Случайной обладательницей этого камня становится американская туристка, приехавшая в Румынию, известную родину вампиров. Легендарный вампир Раду преследует девушку. Проходя через чудовищные испытания ей приходится выбирать между смертью и проклятьем…
Niște băieți grozavi
Mechanic I
A farm team-leader, Tudor, is accused for having failed the harvesting. Unhappy with what he considers an unfair verdict, he leaves the farm and moves to another village, getting a job as an ordinary worker in another farm. At first, he is upset by the very severe leader of that team, Mihai, but soon he discovers that his hard style is necessary to keep the work in good order and face all the problems. He also finds a bunch of great friends (the "Swell Guys" / "...baieti grozavi" in the title) and learns in what had consisted his own past mistakes. —Mihnea Columbeanu
O lumină la etajul zece
maior de miliție, comandantul închisorii
A local Romanian chieftain in 16th century Transylvania discovers a great treasure of Decebalus. He decides to send it for safekeeping in Moldavia, but he has to evade the Transylvanian prince and the king of Hungary, who get wind of it and want it for themselves.
At the Crossroads of Great Storms
In 1848 during the tumultuous era of European revolutions shaking the continent out of its feudal-based empire-based system the Wallachian politician Nicolae Balcescu is trying to reach the same revolutionary goals at home.
Captain's Ion Arrow
In 1462 the Ottoman Turks displeased with Wallachian Prince Vlad the Impaler plot to overthrow and replace him with puppet ruler Prince Radu the Handsome.
Pistruiatul 2: Ascunzișuri