Han Chang

Han Chang

Рождение : 1974-02-01, Taipei, Taiwan


Han Chang


Чёрный чай
Aya, a young Ivorian woman in her early thirties, says no on her wedding day, to everyone’s astonishment. After emigrating to Asia, she works in a tea export shop with Cai, a 45-year-old Chinese man. Aya and Cai fall in love but can their affair survive the turmoil of their past and other people’s prejudices?
Маленькие большие женщины
A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she encounters his younger and more sophisticated girlfriend while she finds out her kids might have been secretly in touch with her late husband all these years.
Juvenile Counselor
Судьба простой семьи из четырёх человек, оказавшейся под гнётом неожиданной трагедии, несбывшихся желаний и непоколебимой гордости.
Mayor Guo of Wanhe City was seeking re-election but got kidnapped a few days before election day by a young man from the poor and seriously polluted area of the city. It was a scheme plotted by a local petrochemical company hoping to ensure Guo’s victory in the election so that their expansion application could be approve. However, this false kidnapping goes wrong, and soon everything is out of control.
Black Sheep
White Lies, Black Lies
Heads are lined up on the shelves one next to another, with different colors and hair styles, yet all the faces are cold and nonchalant. This is Rainbow Salon, a supplier of hair models and wigs to salons and schools. Among these countless "heads," the shop owner's wife lies in the basement of the Rainbow Salon tonight--struggling to breathe, her windpipe cut. The shop owner rushes her to the hospital and then flees. A reporter follows this case and finds that the shop owner has fled the city with his first love. As the reporter attempts to unveil the truth, an unsolved murder from the past seems to be connected to the case--and nothing is as it first appears.
Frank Chang
Customer relationship officer Alex (Kang Ren Wu) downloaded a mysterious App "Code" on his cellphone. As soon as Alex realized that Code can answer to any wishes he asked for, he became addicted and the App began to rule his life. Until one day, when Alex was asked to commit a criminal act in return for his wishes, he started on a journey of making pacts with the devil.
When Miracle Meets Maths
Sean Shih
Jin-Hui Chiu is a 28-year-old single girl recently returned home from Japan. Sean Shih is a 35-year-old Silicon Valley bachelor in search of a wife. Will these two overseas Taiwanese ever tie the knot and live happily ever after? They need some miracles and let us see if God will do the math for them? We shall all find love in Taipei, Daqiaotou area.
Chang Chen Ghost Stories: Be Possessed by Ghosts
Chang Chen Ghost Stories (Chinese: 张震讲故事之鬼迷心窍) is a 2015 Chinese suspense thriller film directed by Zhengchao Xu. It was released on July 3, 2015.
Viva Baseball
To get his team to play a clean game, a high school baseball coach must put his life at stake.
Meng-Jian (uncle)
Юмико Яно вместе со своими сыновьями, Ацуси и Токи, отправляется из Токио с прахом покойного мужа в его родной дом, расположенный в горной деревушке на юге Тайваня. Юмико, вышедшая замуж против воли своих родителей, после смерти мужа вынуждена полагаться только на себя. Ее сын Ацуси, ощущая себя «посторонним» в моноэтнической Японии, бунтует против общества и своей матери. Но в сельском доме, окруженные заботой стариков, которым пришлось пережить немало драматических политических перемен и стать свидетелями разрушения традиционной системы ценностей, мать и сын вновь находят то, что их соединяет. Отправляясь в путешествие на старомодном грузовике-дрезине, Ацуси познает окружающий мир по ту сторону дома и школы и приходит к пониманию того, что значит быть «сыном» и «старшим братом».
Taipei Exchanges
Doris simply wanted to open a refined, stylish coffee shop in a bohemian Taipei neighborhood, but when she's stuck with a load of useless gifts from the opening celebration, her younger sister Josie turns the café into a burgeoning bartering business. There, even a soulful song (by Japanese singer Atari Kosuke in a cameo) is a tradable commodity. One day, a traveler brings in 35 soaps from around the world with a story for each of them, awakening Doris' imagination about the outside world that she has never seen.
Lawrence Lau directs Ballistic, a crime thriller that uses the turbulent world of Taiwanese politics to tell a riveting story of cops, corruption, and how righteousness still has value in this grey-shaded world.
God Man Dog
A professional hand model Ching suffers from post-natal depression and her architect husband Hsuing is unable to deal with it, driving their marriage to the brink of collapse.
Oshima wakes up in the middle of a desert in South America with no memory. A woman named Coco is lying beside him. Coco tells Oshima that he was originally planning on crossing the desert with his girlfriend May to get to Snow Mountain, but May suddenly disappeared, leaving him at bay. Coco helped him out by chance, and now they're heading to Snow Mountain together.Perhaps May is already there...
Exit No. 6
Takenouchi Yutaka
Mystery Drama starring Eddie Peng, Ethan Juan, Ha-na Yoo Exit No. 6 is a place where anything is possible; One summer Van Dine, an urban Jedi teams up with his buddies Vance, Fion and Vivian to investigates a series of mysterious incidents involving disappearing high school girls. All the evidences lead to an online secret society named "Autumn Leaves Club"; the terrifying truth lying beneath the cherry blossom will soon be discovered.
Двойное видение
Detective Chang
Тайваньский полицейский Хуанг Хуо-Ту с трудом приходит в себя после событий двухлетней давности - тогда он дал показания против собственного кузена, уличенного во взятках, и обезумевший родственник взял в заложницы его дочку Мей-Мей. Девочка осталась жива, однако Хуанг после того случая потерял уважение коллег и впал в затяжную депрессию. Тем временем в городе начинаются странные убийств, для расследования которых из США приезжает уважаемый эксперт. В качестве переводчика к нему приставляют Хуо-Ту...
Blue Moon
There is usually only one full moon every month, but occasionally there are two – and that second full moon is called the Blue Moon. It is said that when a person sees a blue moon and makes a wish, he will be granted a second chance in things.
Яркий летний день
Elder Brother
Тайбэйские подростки 60-х годов живут в мире, где царит отчуждение и неуверенность в будущем. Повествование разворачивается вокруг отношений 14-летнего сына государственного служащего и подружки одного из главарей уличных банд.