Marçal Aquino

Marçal Aquino

Рождение : 1958-01-28, Amparo, São Paulo, Brazil


Marçal Aquino


Carcereiros: O Filme
Licença Poética
Marçal Aquino, one of the most important contemporary writers in Brazil, talks about how literature liberated him. Felipe, an almost ordinary reader, says that he reads to free himself. The meeting between the two reveals that the wall that apparently separates them is much less thick than being could imagine.
Персона нон грата
Жозе Монтеро и Максим Шарасс - друзья и партнеры в строительной компании на грани банкротства. Из-за необходимости защищать личные интересы они вынуждены принять серьезное решение и скрывать ужасный секрет.
Полицейский, который действует под влиянием своих инстинктов. Его жена, решение которой развестись с ним кажется ей непоправимым. Торговец наркотиками, чей главный мотив - просто выжить. И сержант в отставке, который скучает по своей жизни в казарме.
I'd Receive the Worst News from Your Beautiful Lips
Set in a small town in Pará in the heart of the Amazon, Cauby makes a living as a photographer. Soon he’ll befriend pastor Ernani’s attractive wife Lavínia and embark on an affair – a good portion of the film is dedicated to their passionate relationship. We will also learn of Lavínia’s baggage from her past – how she met her husband, her continuing love for him, and his supportive role. But when rumours of her affair with Cauby circulate, the conservative community do not look at it kindly, leading to tragedy, and their lives will never be the same afterwards…
Cabeça a Prêmio
The Menezes, a powerful family of animal breeders from the Mid-West, have always been at the helm of all illegal dealings in the region. In recent times, they've watched as the system that protected them for so many years slowly disintegrates. Mirão Menezes lives at the mercy of the drug-trafficking industry, the ever-encroaching authorities, and the constant and violent power struggle with his brother Abílio. Mirão's daughter Elaine becomes involved with her father's pilot, finds herself pregnant and decides to flee with him after her Uncle Abílio bribes them. Brito, the hitman sent to find the couple and finish them off, is ironically also victim of a love story.
Stray Dog
In Porto Alegre, the unemployed Ciro has a dull life in a simple apartment with a nameless stray dog that he had found on the streets. Ciro is supported by his parents and works every now and then in translation of Russian. When he meets the aspirant actress Marcela, who dreams on traveling to other places, they immediately fall in love for each other. However, Marcela has a lymphoma and travels for a treatment, and alone Marcelo becomes depressed and returns to his parents home.
A pawn shop proprietor buys used goods from desperate locals – as much to play perverse power games as for his own livelihood, but when the perfect rump and a backed-up toilet enter his life, he loses all control.
Delicate Crime
Antônio Martins, respected theatrical critic, is a very rational man. But a chance meeting with young Inês, a nude painting model, is going to rock him. Inês keeps a relationship with painter José Torres Campana, an older man with a deep influence over her. Antônio gets jealous, and the three become characters of a drama saturated with desire and danger.
Юную художницу комиксов Нину бомонд Рио принимает с распростертыми объятьями. Неон сверкает в кубиках льда бесчисленных кайпириний на бесчисленных вечеринках и отражается в ее зачарованных глазах. Но увы! гонорары Нины не соответствуют ее новому образу жизни, а квартирная хозяйка требует денег. Нина становится нервной, впадает в депрессию, переживает бредовые видения, которые представлены в виде анимированных комиксов, а тут уже рукой подать до идеи пришить старушку.
The Trespasser
Two businessmen hire a hitman to kill their third partner and are then blackmailed by the hitman as he takes over their company.
Friendly Fire
Brazil in the early 70s. Miguel, Eloi, Osvaldo and Paolo take part in armed attacks against the military dictatorship. They pay a heavy price with torture and arrest. Today the four friends still see each other. Only Miguel is politically active. On a photograph from a political meeting in Sao Paolo he recognises the policeman who tortured them 25 years ago and who was responsible for the death of Miguel's girlfriend. The policeman has been officially dead for a few years. On one of their fishing trips together, Miguel tells his friends of his discovery. When they hunt down and confront their nemesis they come into conflict with both themselves and each other.
Belly Up
Two hit men, a veteran and a beginner, chatter in a bar on Brazil-Paraguai border, while waiting for their victim to appear.