Heo Jin

Heo Jin

Рождение : 1949-08-28, South Korea


Heo Jin
Heo Jin


Concerning My Daughter
Green is a professor in a long-term relationship with her lesbian partner. Failing at preparing the deposit for the house and Green being laid off for helping her homosexual colleague, the only option they can choose is to move in with Green’s mother. As their awkward stay prolongs, the mother drives all her energy into her job as a caregiver.
Возвращение в Сеул
Фредди - 25-летняя кореянка, которая выросла в приёмной семье во Франции. Поддавшись порыву, она впервые возвращается на родину, чтобы найти биологических родителей. Её путешествие разворачивается в новом и неожиданном направлении...
Devil in the Lake
Grandmother Wang
Bo Young moves into the mansion of the previously wealthy grandmother, Wang, as a caregiver with a dangerous intention. Mother Kim, the only blood relative of Wang who hired Bo Young, sets conditions such as 'Do not bring anyone, especially children,' and 'Do not go near the reservoir'. Ominous and bizarre signs continue in grandmother Wang's huge mansion located next to a reservoir called 'Gwimot', where people are dying, and Bo Young finds out that foreigners who have visited the place have suffered a mysterious death...
One's Family Gravesite
Natasha, originally from Uzbekistan, gets citizenship in Korea. She wishes to buy a family graveyard as Koreans do. At the last minute, she finds a miraculously low-priced land put by some old lady, but the lady declines to sell her property to Natasha because she is a foreigner. Natasha decides to meet this lady...
Wang Mae-ja
The story revolves around a master of the traditional funeral play called Jindo Dasiraegi. One day, his daughter returns home years after she left, saddled with debt. Their relationship remains uneasy as she is still in agony over the death of her mother in total disregard of her father, as his heart and soul were dedicated to performing Dasiraegi.
Студент Ён-сок помогает на улице девушке в инвалидном кресле и отвозит её домой. Та живет в ветхом доме со старенькой бабушкой и предпочитает реальному мир фантазий и книг, даже просит называть её именем героини романа Франсуазы Саган — Жозе. Ён-сок решает по мере сил помогать Жозе и вскоре понимает, что его тянет к этой странной девушке.
Тень убийства
Ji-hee's Grandmother
Полицейскому детективу Ким Хён-мину из отдела по борьбе с наркотиками информатор устраивает встречу с человеком по имени Кан Тхэ-о, утверждающим, что несколько лет назад он закопал части тела за списание игорных долгов. Тут же сознавшегося хватают коллеги из убойного отдела по другому обвинению в убийстве. Через полгода детектив Ким получает звонок из тюрьмы от уже осужденного Кана — тот признаётся ещё в шести убийствах, но даёт детективу неполную информацию, а взамен просит деньги и вещи. Хотя никто в полиции и не верит этим признаниям, Ким уверен, что раскроет преступления, и переводится в отдел по раскрытию убийств. Так начинается психологическое противостояние между детективом и преступником.
The Mimic
The mother of a missing child takes in a lost girl she finds in the woods, but soon begins to wonder if she is even human.
The Way
The human is the lonely existence. It has nothing to do with an age. There is the other reason. Live, therefore. It is that it became an elderly because it was faithful to the given role and it got old one.
How old is my age
В отдалённой лесной деревне Коксон происходят ужасные вещи — люди вдруг покрываются язвами, странно себя ведут и даже нападают на своих родных. Уже произошло несколько убийств. Полиция в растерянности. Судя по слухам, виноваты то ли какие-то ядовитые грибы, то ли приезжий японец. Местный полицейский Чон-гу смотрит на происходящее довольно отстранённо, но ровно до тех пор, пока этот кошмар не касается его дочери.
Не забывай меня
Seok-won's Mother
Из-за автомобильной аварии Сок-вон забыл последние 10 лет своей жизни, и сейчас не может узнать ни друзей, ни семью, ни даже самого себя. По какой-то причине он боится вспоминать прошлое.
Divorce Court
Yeon-ha is charged with adultery by her husband, but as events of her unhappy and violent marriage are revealed, the court comes to sympathize with her.
Divorce Court
Yeon-ha is charged with adultery by her husband, but as events of her unhappy and violent marriage are revealed, the court comes to sympathize with her.
Daughter of a Ghost
In a valley village in Hwanghae-do province, there is a legend about an old wolf that has lived there for a thousand years and takes the form of a woman to make trouble. Ok-hwa is the only daughter of Kim Jwa-su. She loses her parents to the plotting of Wol-sun, her stepmother. Unjustly accused of being a 'mad wolf,' Ok-hwa is sentenced to death. The ghost of Ok-hwa's mother, Kang, tries to save her poor daughter. The ghost of Kang punishes the evil Wol-sun and her lover, Choi Si-baek for their sins. However, Buddhist monk Mu-ryang teaches her that the life and death of humans as well as emotions like joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure are transient. He takes Ok-hwa's hand and they leave. Sixty years later, a descendent of Si-baek is at a small Buddhist temple in Mt. Gu-wol when he sees Si-baek and Wol-sun's…
Yo-kwon Gwoi-kwon
Kim Chi-hwan, the magistrate of the Ok-ra county, wiped out the family and relatives of Lee Min-bu with his wicked tricks. In order to avenge her family, the spirit of Min-bu's wife, Yun, is reborn. Yun invokes the spirits of Jang-hwa Hong-ryon and coaxes them to take revenge upon their stepmother Heo. (The stepmother Heo had been called back to earth and presently living with the magistrate. She is his servant, carrying out his murderous crimes.) Jang-hwa Hong-ryon is reborn. Yun also calls upon the spirit of maiden Suk who had killed herself when Chi-hwan raped her one day before her wedding. The four reborn women take their revenge and then return to the spirit world.
A Man Who Died Daily
Grudge of the Moon Lady
A woman is tricked into betraying her lover and her father is slain. She throws herself into a lake, but the legendary spirit inhabiting the lake takes possession of her body.
Woman Prisoner No. 407 II
Japan conquers China just before WW2 starts. Chinese women are captured and placed in concentration camps, where they are tortured and humiliated. Some try to escape incurring enormous risks, and death if they fail.
Woman Prisoner No. 407
Kang-hie recalls from her cell how she was used by Japanese detectives to track down and destroy the Korean Independence fighters. She manages to escape from prison during a break and proceeds to hunt down her former lover who was a Japanese agent.