Jacques Limozin
Гортензия Лабори — известный шеф-повар в Перигоре. Однажды она получает приглашение от Президента Республики. Он хочет, чтобы Гортензия стала его личным поваром. Ее истинно французская кухня быстро соблазнит Президента, но сможет ли она преодолеть все закулисные препятствия президентского дворца? Удасться ли ей противостоять зависти коллег?
Richard and Philippe live hand to mouth, backing up a gang of Spanish pickpockets on the streets of Paris, posing as policemen who arrest a gang member while the others rifle the pockets and purses of gawkers. When all of the gang except Richard and Philippe are pinched, things look grim. Plus, Richard insists that they take in a wide-eyed immigrant lad, a deaf-mute left behind in the arrests. Philippe suggests a three-person pickpocket trick, using the boy, but when that goes spectacularly badly, they hit rock bottom. Then, at the cinema, the lad finds a solution. It's time to celebrate.
Franssou, a charming Parisian English teacher, who shares part of her life with a boring middle-aged lover, dreams of another life. So, when she unexpectedly inherits 50,000 euros, she grasps the opportunity and goes to the French Riviera in order to take it easy in luxury. In the four-star hotel where she rents a room she comes across Stéphane, a strange guy who is in the process of arranging Elton John's next coming to the place. Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him. She knows Stéphane is at bay and decides to take advantage of it.
Eight-year-old Judith was plucked from everyday life to act in a film that was made in Paris. After returning home from the experience, she finds that her parents' marriage is on the rocks. She makes her way back to Paris with her friend Nora, and the two of them do what they can to survive.
Voluptuous and bored, rebellious sixteen-year-old Sabine is interested in sex and clubbing, and not much else. But when she leaves home to move to Paris, she finds herself plunged into a world harsher than she ever imagined, a minefield of exploitation that will test her courage.
Françoise breaks up with Jacques after living with him for fifteen years. She's left alone with their three children, a lovely home, and her nursing job at a hospital. Françoise quickly refuses to assume responsibility for this new situation beyond her control. She starts going out, living by night… hanging out in new places, ready for chance encounters.
Действие происходит в 1962, когда местный учитель и священник были неотъемлемыми фигурами в каждой деревне. Это история взросления тринадцатилетнего католического мальчика с застывшим конфликтом между религиозной навязчивостью и возрастающей половой просвещенностью. Им раскрывается страсть, к красивой послушнице, практикантке в его школе-интернате. В попытках достичь более тесной близости он проникает к ней в комнату...
Fausto enters an orphanage and is initially bullied, but then makes friends with a new bunkmate, Raymond. He is apprenticed to Mietek, a tailor in the Jewish quarter, who teaches him the trade. Fausto charms everyone in the quarter, and falls in love with Tonie, the mechanic's daughter. He starts making outrageous suits for publicity and, after dressing Tonie, decides that he wants to be a famous couturier.
A prostitute, released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.
A prostitute, released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.