Gheorghe Zamfir

Gheorghe Zamfir

Рождение : 1941-04-06, Găești, Bâmbovița, Romania


Gheorghe Zamfir, known professionally as Zamfir, is a Romanian pan flute musician .


Gheorghe Zamfir


André Rieu - Live in Bucharest
Self - Special Guest, Pan Flute
André Rieu and his Johann Strauss orchestra - Live in Constitution Square, Bucharest. Special guest: Gheorghe Zamfir.
Made in Tärnaby
Follows Astrid & Sune as they show techniques and methods of sami handcraft.
Margarit and Margarita
A pair of rebellious high school students get thrown out of home and school, then drift from job to job. Bulgaria's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1990
Парень-каратист 3
Дэниэл одерживает сокрушительную победу над соперниками из школы карате Джона Криза. Разъярённый Криз клянётся отомстить конкурентам. Он обращается за помощью к своему старому армейскому приятелю — Терри, с которым они вместе служили во Вьетнаме. Безжалостный мастер восточных единоборств Терри собирается жестоко покарать Мияги и Дэниэла…
Mircea Eliade et la redécouverte du sacré
Mircea Eliade was a traditionalist Romanian novelist and philosopher. Following the disaster of the Second World War, he moved to Paris and Chicago, becoming a respected and influential historian of religions. He acquired something of the status of a guru, as poignantly told in the 1987 documentary Mircea Eliade et la redécouverte du sacré. The film features interviews with Eliade at the end of his life, artfully spliced with cuts to religious imagery on a background of moving spiritual music. It was released in 1987, the year after his death.
Однажды в Америке
В бурные двадцатые годы, когда Америка веселилась под звуки джаза и каждый бродяга мечтал стать миллионером, в трущобах Нью-Йорка встретились несколько отчаянных парней. Убирая с дороги конкурентов, безжалостно карая предателей и нагло проворачивая хитроумные аферы, они стали королями преступного мира золотой эры «сухого закона». Они поклялись отдать жизнь друг за друга, зная, что самое главное для них — это дружба, долг и справедливость — не утопить в реках крови и бездонном океане денег. Спустя много лет судьба жестоко обошлась с легендарными гангстерами, заставив их исполнить свою клятву. Это случилось однажды в Америке…
Return to First Love
Young diplomat Petre returns to Romania after a long time spent abroad.
Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love
Jon, a young peasant love more "the land" than his engaged girlhood, Florica.Just when Ion thinks he has become master of his own land, he realizes that he has betrayed his heart, and that he is still in love with Florica, not with his wife. It is the curse of love that will be Ion's undoing. Badly mistreated, Ana, his wife, is driven to despair and she hangs herself. Ion, now free and wealthy, believes that the time has come for him to have Florica. Florica's husband, George waylays Ion and savagely murders him with a hoe.
Der Spiegel des großen Magus
Original Music Composer
The evil and powerful King Magus brutally subjugates the people of his kingdom. Anyone who does not want to submit is turned into an animal and locked in a cage. Magus kidnaps the girl Hanna, whom he wants to marry. But Hanna refuses, and her lover, the shepherd Elias, goes to the castle to free her. He learns from Magus' servant Pravos that a mirror gives the king magic power and immortality and that he can only be defeated by water from the Moon Lake. Elijah sets out on his journey to the Moon Lake. Will he withstand the dangers and finally achieve victory over the king? Wrid he be able to free Hanna and the whole kingdom?
Die denkwürdige Wallfahrt des Kaisers Kanga Mussa von Mali nach Mekka
Пикник у Висячей скалы
В 1900 году, в День Святого Валентина, группа австралийских школьниц во главе с учительницей отправляются на пикник в район Висячей скалы, местной достопримечательности, и бесследно исчезают…
Eeeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe