Aurélien Devaux


Double foyer
Director of Photography
Foreign Body
Director of Photography
In the turbulent aftermath of the Tunisian revolution, young Samia flees her homeland. She braves hostile seas in the crossing to France, but once there she finds that her struggles have only just begun. With no friends, no family, and — most crucially — no immigration papers, Samia has to figure out how to make a life and a living in a foreign land. She meets a young man, Imed, and soon finds work in the employ of the elegant Leila. But her presence in Leila's middle-class household triggers a shift in its dynamics, and soon Samia is enmeshed in a web of sexual tension.
Foreign Body
In the turbulent aftermath of the Tunisian revolution, young Samia flees her homeland. She braves hostile seas in the crossing to France, but once there she finds that her struggles have only just begun. With no friends, no family, and — most crucially — no immigration papers, Samia has to figure out how to make a life and a living in a foreign land. She meets a young man, Imed, and soon finds work in the employ of the elegant Leila. But her presence in Leila's middle-class household triggers a shift in its dynamics, and soon Samia is enmeshed in a web of sexual tension.
Director of Photography
This film brings together in sequence shots men, animals and plants. It is an inventory of the cohabitation of living beings. Man's awareness of being alive among other living beings is diminishing. Gradually, we stopped considering animals and plants as truly alive. These cinematographic haiku tell the story of two snails crossing a road, a baby and a physiotherapist, two ripening tomatoes, a cow, a crying body, field flowers and cities.
Ab Irato, sous l'empire de la colère
Director of Photography
Я счастлив, что моя мать жива
Мне 20 лет. Меня зовут Тома. Тома Жюве. Но это мое ненастоящее имя. Мое реальное имя — Томми Мартино. Я сменил его, потому что моя мать, Джули Мартино, бросила меня и моего маленького брата, когда мне было 4, а ему 2 года. Почему она так сделала?.. Я знаю, что настоящая причина в том, что мы мешали ей жить своей жизнью, о которой она мечтала. Я нашел свою мать год назад, у нее есть еще один сын, Фредерик. Ему 7 лет, мне сегодня — 20. И как некоторые мужчины, у которых есть две девушки одновременно, у меня было сразу две матери: моя настоящая мать и мадам Жюве, приемная, которая вырастила меня, которая пахла сиренью и нежно прижимала меня к своей прекрасной груди. И так как я нашел свою мать, я жил сначала с одной, а потом с другой, и ни одна из них не подозревала об этом. У меня было две матери и, возможно, одна была лишней…
Аврил - имя девушки, воспитанницы монастыря. Считаясь круглой сиротой и с рождения живя в стенах монастыря с его строжайшими правилами и уставом она не помышляет о другой жизни, однако незадолго до своего пострига узнает от одной из сестер, что у нее есть брат, с которым ее разлучили при рождении. Она отправляется повидаться с братом, в этом путешествии она познает мир, любовь и в конце долгого пути примет важное решение. Фильм удивительно тонкий, нежный, по-французски эротичный, и одновременно светлый и чистый.
A young woman prepares a recipe for American-style lobster, which calls for cutting the live lobster into pieces, before throwing it, still alive, into boiling oil. Alone in her kitchen, faced with the two lobsters that are still moving, she tries to kill them as cleanly as possible.
La Danse Éternelle
Saïd, seventy, has been demoralized by his wife’s illness which has left her hospitalized. He withdraws into solitude and writes poetry to express the infinite love he carries for his beloved.
The Days When I Don’t Exist
Director of Photography
A story that mixes fantasy, philosophy and everyday reality. The problem with Antoine Martin is that he only exists one day out of two. And it is from this circumstance so personal that he meets Clémentine, a girl who lives full time. All this will only deepen his anguish.
Little Light
Fatima is a little girl of eight years. By opening and closing the refrigerator, she wonders if the light stays on when the door closes...
Director of Photography
An isolated farmer's daughter dreams of becoming a cow.
Leave It to Lucie!
Director of Photography
Lucie makes her living selling bathing costumes on the beach at Marseilles. She would like that her ten-year long boyfriend, Lucien, becomes her best friend. But this requires truth. For Lucien, newly made secret agent who has to play a young idler, it is mission impossible. Even more so when a young american beauty will ask him to initiate her into sensual pleasures.
Just Walk Naked!
Everything would be perfect between Stéphanie and Clément if only he would accept to walk before her naked.
Les Vacances
Anne doesn't have enough money to take her daughter, Mélody, away from the small provincial town where they live for a few days during the summer holidays. In the face of her daughter's disappointment and incomprehension, she does all she can to find the money.
Les Vacances
First Assistant Camera
Anne doesn't have enough money to take her daughter, Mélody, away from the small provincial town where they live for a few days during the summer holidays. In the face of her daughter's disappointment and incomprehension, she does all she can to find the money.