This is the story of Queen Victoria as never heard before; a psychological insight of the woman told through her own words, her experiences recounted solely through her personal diaries and letters.
Лондон нередко называют современным Вавилоном. Он многолик, многонационален и неоднозначен. Документальный фильм рассказывает не только о коренных жителях этого города, но и об истории иммигрантов. Архивные кинопленки начала ХХ века, голоса лондонцев прошлого и настоящего и популярная музыка прошедших лет помогут совершить незабываемое путешествие во времени к сердцу столицы Туманного Альбиона.
"This is the last ceremonious public appearance of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. The picture was taken in Phoenix Park, Dublin, April 4th, 1900, and shows the Queen in an open carriage, being cheered by thousands of people, as she passes through an arch of welcome."
Queen Victoria seated in her carriage with her back to the camera (on the left hand side of the frame, barely visible), and surrounded by invited guests, acknowledges the salutes of the officers as the 1st and 2nd Life Guards (in khaki) march before her at Spital Barracks, Windsor.
Film produced by John Le Couteur for Gaumont, using a 60mm Demeny camera, showing part of the procession to commemorate Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.