Jürgen Klauß

Jürgen Klauß

Рождение : , Wroclaw, Polen

Смерть : 2009-09-11


Jürgen Klauß


Erich, lass mal laufen!: Die Filme der Elisabeth Wilms
Elisabeth Wilms(1905-1981), the baker's wife from Dortmund-Asseln, made more than 150 films from the early 1940s until her death in August 1981. She not only recorded the everyday life of her immediate surroundings, but also life in the bomb-destroyed city of Dortmund and the later reconstruction after 1945 with the camera and thus captured it for posterity. But there are also industrial, commercial and travel films as well as reports in her work.
Erich, lass mal laufen!: Die Filme der Elisabeth Wilms
Elisabeth Wilms(1905-1981), the baker's wife from Dortmund-Asseln, made more than 150 films from the early 1940s until her death in August 1981. She not only recorded the everyday life of her immediate surroundings, but also life in the bomb-destroyed city of Dortmund and the later reconstruction after 1945 with the camera and thus captured it for posterity. But there are also industrial, commercial and travel films as well as reports in her work.
The Dove on the Roof
Three people from very different walks of life meet at a large construction site. Young, unmarried, self-confident construction manager Linda Hinrichs dedicates herself completely to her work and enjoys living more independently then most women. Daniel, a student works on the construction site to make money during his summer holiday, and impresses Linda with his spontaneous energy and idealism. Brigadier Böwe, an older, divorced man works his way from one construction site to the other and has lost his own personal happiness on the path to developing what was seen as officially suitable social standards. Both men try to win Linda over, not realizing that they are taking her freedom away from her.
Die Rückkehr der Zeitmaschine
Die Matrosen von Kronstadt
Satan ist auf Gottes Seite
Die Barrikade
Die Grenze
Till Eulenspiegel
In medieval Germany, poor and witty Till Eulenspiegel fools and cheats citizens, churchmen, and landlords. Although in most cases he uses his wit for personal well-being, he often helps the poor and weak. Eventually, he gains an influential but also dangerous position as royal fool at the court of the emperor.
Erziehung vor Verdun
Rechtsanwalt Porisch
Как выйти замуж за короля
Крестьянская дочка разрешает три задачи короля и освобождает своего отца из тюрьмы. Сердце властителя королевства покорили ум и доброта девушки, и он женился на ней. Став королевой, умная жена пытается обратить внимание мужа на несправедливость, которая происходить по его вине...
Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.