Stuart Yung Sai-Kit

Stuart Yung Sai-Kit

Рождение : , Hong Kong, China


Stuart Yung Sai-Kit


Бэтмен: Начало
Chinese Police Officer
Это иной Бэтмэн. Это новое начало. История о происхождении легенды Брюса Уэйна, юного наследника огромного состояния, потерявшего своих родителей. Покинув родной Готэм, он отправляется в путешествие по миру. Многочисленные преграды и лишения закаляют его характер, а мудрый наставник помогает вновь обрести смысл жизни. Легендарный герой, защитник слабых, борец с несправедливостью преображается у тебя на глазах. Вернувшись в Готэм, Бэтмэн становится единственной преградой на пути у сил зла, готовых ввергнуть город во мрак беззакония.
И грянул гром
Chinese Man I
В недалеком будущем, путешествия во времени станут удивительной, непредсказуемой реальностью. За деньги, богатые путешественники могут пробудить свои дремлющие инстинкты охотников, заказывая доисторические сафари, чтобы охотиться на настоящих живых динозавров. Есть только три важных правила, которые нельзя нарушать: не менять ничего в прошлом; не оставлять ничего там; и самое важное — ничего не брать с собой назад. Малейшее изменение могло бы привести к глобальному изменению эволюции способами, которые даже трудно представить.
Банды Нью-Йорка
Chinese at Sparrow's Pagoda
Нью-Йорк, 1863 год. В диких трущобах города «американской мечты» действует только один закон — закон силы. Здесь идет в ход любое оружие, никто не считает потерь и не оплакивает погибших. В одной из жестоких стычек от рук вожака «коренных американцев» — Мясника Билла погибает предводитель банды «ирландцев» Вэллон.
007: Умри, но не сейчас
General Dong
На этот раз Джеймс Бонд в глубокой конспирации проводит операцию в Северной Корее. Однако его разоблачают, после чего Бонд оказывается за решеткой.Сумев выбраться из плена только через несколько месяцев 007 возвращается к своей привычной жизни, однако вскоре ему вновь приходится вступить в противоборство со своими корейскими «друзьями» — он узнает о плане британского миллиардера Густава Грейвса создать супероружие, и о его взаимодействии на этом поприще с корейскими военными…
Роберт МакДугал, уже пожилой, но еще крепкий мужчина импозантной внешности, — выдающийся вор международного масштаба. Во время кражи полотна Рембрандта судьба сводит его с очаровательной конкуренткой Вирджинией, тоже воровкой большого таланта. Она следователь страховой компании.Еще ни разу МакДугала не удавалось поймать с поличным. Виджиния надеется, что ей удастся войти к нему в доверие и заманить в западню. Оба они — люди неординарные — начинают работать вместе. Крадут старинную китайскую золотую маску, а затем планируют кражу путем компьютерного перевода на свой счет с разных корпоративных счетов 8 млрд. долларов. Однако случается непредвиденное: Роберт и Вирджиния испытывают друг к другу нежные чувства, между ними начинается роман. Это доставляет массу неудобств и им самим, и спецслужбам различных стран…
From China with Love
Красная скрипка
Manservant (Oxford) (as Stuart Ong)
Накануне аукциона группа экспертов, возглавляемая Чарльзом Моррицем, исследует необычную по своему цвету и идеально звучащую старинную скрипку. Выясняется ее удивительное прошлое. Созданная в семнадцатом веке итальянским мастером Николо Буссоти, скрипка загадочным образом вершит судьбы своих владельцев, даруя и отнимая любовь, а порой и саму жизнь. Понимая истинную ценность скрипки, неизмеримую деньгами, словно завороженный, Морриц пытается стать ее обладателем.
Evil Instinct
Penny and Wendy originally are co-workers and best friends until Wendy is promoted. Penny feels that she is getting old and can't compete with Wendy, she leaves Hong Kong, takes snake blood to cleanse herself, and then returns to Hong Kong for revenge.
Легендарная парочка
Lam Tak Sing
Бухгалтер Ко Тин-Лам десять лет верой и правдой служил своему боссу, влиятельному бизнесмену, но тот не оценил его преданность, и когда на машину, перевозившую его деньги, напали грабители, посчитал виновным в происшедшем именно Ко. Тот отошел от машины именно в тот момент, когда на нее напали. Полицейские не смогли доказать причастность Ко к ограблению, но его босс решил перестраховаться и уволил его без выходного пособия, что толкнуло мужчину на ряд необдуманных поступков — в частности, похищение дочери босса.
The Million Dollar Woman
The mysterious deaths of men linked to a charming singer unleash the resentment of her suitors.
Seven Sexual Maniacs
Rock on Fire
Yeung / Yiang Yi
Some dope cops trying to bust the "Big Boss", but faces stiff opposition in the form of his fiery minions.
Four Beautiful Amorous Ghost
Two Taoist priests are fighting against four beautiful snake elves (fairies)
Snake Beauty
Some female ghosts seduce and kill trespassers on their mountain.
Sex and the Emperor
On Tak Hoi
In the Qing Dynasty, the only people who lived in the Forbidden City are the Emperor's concubines, their maids, the eunuchs and the Emperor himself. Li Lianying is an eunuch who enters the Forbidden City with a big secret. One that will have his head on the floor if the wrong people find out...
Indecent Beast
Wei Zeng Jing, the president of a company, maintains an extramarital relationship with a beautiful girl, Yi Ling. His wife, however, will hire a private investigator and soon discover the infidelity.
Sex Revenge
Pong not only has lots of past and present girlfriends, but lots of triad type buddies that are up to no good.
Escort Service
Director: Lin Zixiong. Leading actors: Zeng Yuru/Li Zhongning/Weng Shijie/Lan Yin/Charlie Meng Dingge set up a company to attract customers by package meal.
Sweet Peach
Kuo Ying Jie
An innocent girl falls for the wrong man and is pushed into prostitution and fraud.
Love is Over
Little Ong
A sleazy insurance sales man is given the job of looking after a new member of staff. Instead,he decides to show him the art of seducing women.
Don't Call Me Gigolo
A gigolo makes the mistake of getting involved with the local triad leader's girlfriend. She makes the mistake of falling in love.
Night Life Hero
Baby's fiance
Chung (Max Mok) and Peter (Chin Kar Lok) are two loyal friends who move from scrape to scrape with the latter often being saved by the former. When a loan shark (Shing Fui On) and his heavies start to put considerable pressure on Peter because of his copious debt, Chung devises a plan that puts the villains behind bars. This proves to be especially well-timed when Peter announces that he is getting married and Chung himself finds also falling in love. Unbeknownst to Chung though, his new love is in fact the daughter of a wealthy real-estate tycoon and all of his subsequent attempts to earn a living are all being orchestrated by his potential father-in-law. These tests are put into perspective when Chung's nemesis is freed from prison and immediately sets his sights on revenge...
Unforgetful Holiday
A sleazy PR Man (Cho) shows dumb mainland businessman (Ong) a fun time in HK. Cho finds him three lovely hostesses (Rena, Wing Chi and Git) and they go on an island tour, where they are stranded. But they have…
Skin Striperess
Officer Yung
A hot broad is reincarnated as a skin stripperess who sexes guys up, sorta pulls on their skin and stuff and kills them.
Sex and Curse
Women keep throwing themselves at Charlie, but he falls for charming masseur Si Wai, who is beholden to a cute little idol who once saved her from being raped by a gangster. Unfortunately, the ghost of the gangster goes after Charlie, making him have sex with the women he is obliged to show around for work purposes.
Girls Without Tomorrow
"Girls Without a Future" - About five escort girls in misery. Hung is getting to old for the job. Her daughter Ling follow in her footsteps. Wah is Hung's foster daughter. A hot tempered dancer at a night club. Eva is the glamorous top model escort.
Escape from Brothel
Mr Chou
Hung and Ann are down-on-their luck prostitutes trapped in Hong Kong. Pauline's boyfriend, Sam, back in China, who is under the impression that she is away working at a factory, is double-crossed by Billy Chow, and while looking to escape; flees for Hong Kong and winds up at the Brothel where Pauline is employed. He is crushed when he finds out the truth, but by this point, everyone involved on all sides is too deeply involved to turn back. This is the type of movie that could only come from HK. It combines plenty of gory fighting, romance, violent A great scenes and comedy, all into one. A grand finale, where those who haven't already been killed fight it out on a construction site. In summary; heaps of sex and violence-has a few great bits, but not recommended for the weak-hearted.
Don't Fool Me
Mr. Yung
A gangster and a broker change jobs.
Whoremonger [cameo]
Безумный, но гениальный изобретатель роботов идет на крайнюю меру – он соединяет свой разум с телом продвинутого робота и похищает сына арабского нефтяного магната, надеясь таким образом вынудить того принять его предложение о совместной работе над армией разумных роботов. Остановить безумца берется отряд гонконгских полицейских, которым отряжают в помощь изобретателя-японку и двух ее созданий – современных роботов в обличье соблазнительных красоток.
Deadly Deal
Simon Yam takes on the mob to save his girlfriend and his future.
Это деньги
Wong Ching Lee
К бизнесмену средней руки случайно попадает в руки чемоданчик с деньгами мафии, которые у них украл один из ее членов. Вполне логично, что теперь деньги хотят вернуть и мафия, и вор, так что теперь бизнесмену и трем его помощникам придется отбиваться от постоянных посягательств на их жизнь. Вдобавок ко всему, герои еще и не знают, почему это и кто постоянно пытается ворваться в их дом — о присвоенных героем Нг Ман-Татом деньгах никто не узнает до последнего.
When Fortune Smiles
Robert Hu
The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed "Tricky Star" to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man's evil son.
Sunshine Friends
The war of ratings is over when Mars TV, with its two popular shows bears down Earth TV. Mak, the boss of Mars TV, plan to takeover Earth TV while Lee, the boss of Earth TV wants to jump from a skyscraper to make publicity for his station.
Simon Yam plays a cop that has just been released from jail after serving some years there. He claims he is innocent of all charges, and was in fact "framed".
Sentenced to Hang
After being fired by his penny-pinching boss, Wai and his two life-long friends decide to kidnap and ransom his son. The situation spirals out of control after the boy is accidentally killed as a result. Based on a true story.
Gift from Heaven
Three colleagues (Carol Cheng, Joey Wong, Sandy Lam) at a Hong Kong corporation put in overtime at the office one night and stumbled upon a bag filled with 10 million dollars in cash. Ecstatic with their wealthy find, they took the money and began to concoct a safe plan to spend it. However, when the friends discover that their company's senior manager was blackmailed and the money left behind to pay out the blackmailer was reported missing, the friends fear that they might be reprimanded for finding and taking the cash.
Ghost Busting
Gay Vampire
Salesmen Bangladesh and Robert once worked in countryside and came across a female ghost and a sissy ghost, but their driver was killed by the ghosts unfortunately. Bangladesh and Robert were rescued by a Taoist Master, Cheung. They were so scared that they had to find a new job. The boss of the new company, Mr. Kan, authorized his daughter to be the manageress. His son, Tin Wai, was jealous and requested various ghosts to make a mess of the company in order to usurp power. So, the staff receive special training on exorcising ghosts.
Mr. Fortune
Toy designer Yau (Anthony Chan) is always bullied by boss (Wong Wan Si) and ex-girlfriend (Money Lo). One day, Yau runs into a beautiful but rebellious girl named Ching (Chingmy Yau), who tells him she is the target of triad harassment. Yau is determined to help her, and he resigns from his job at the encouragement of Ching. The two take low-pay jobs at a fast food chain, and gradually fall in love with each other. But their relationship is threatened when Ching's true identity as the daughter of a tycoon (Roy Chiao) is exposed.
Satanic Crystals
Two gangs of gangsters fight over a unique crystal in the jungles of Thailand!
The Crazy Companies 2
One the day Horny to get married, his two pals Frank and Kai told him to avoid the trap of marriage. However his finacee forced him to sign the certificate. Kwai, Horny's other pal had a firm with his brother Fu. Fu could not manage the office and owed the Fok's family 2M and Fok's manager Robert persuaded to merge Fu's company. The three pals joined Fok's to solve the crisis...
Last Romance
Philip Hsieh
Though the title may suggest a straightforward romance, Yonfan’s artfully directed melodrama is actually a nuanced tale of friendship. The movie is firmly grounded in the realities of Hong Kong - the stock market crash of 1987 and the Sino-British negotiations over the colony's future.
При исполнении 3
Nakamura Genji
Двое вооруженных грабителей проникают на выставку всемирно известного ювелира Ямато в Токио и крадут самые ценные экспонаты. Ограбление заканчивается убийством — грабители стреляют в помощника инспектора полиции. Кто стоит за этим дерзким ограблением, может, сам ювелир? Следы преступников ведут в Гонконг, и полицейские двух стран объединяются против общего врага.
Большое дело
Ho Ka-Nin
Гонконгский полицейский Джон Вонг страдает от редкой болезни, медленно, но верно парализующей его правую руку. Так как стрелять в преступников нужно именно этой рукой, Вонг готовится подать в отставку, когда узнает, что в Малайзии погиб его бывший партнер. Найти убийц друга – вопрос чести, и Вонг берется за последнее в своей карьере дело…
The Crazy Companies
Tsui Ting Fu
A rivalry between two brothers causes chaos through out the business world. Can the good brother defeat his greedy elder brother at his own game? Only Wong Jing and his usual cronies can sort out this mess with hysterical results and oddball humor
Звезда романтики
Chiu Ting-Sin
Фат работает механиком в гараже своего дяди Кена вместе с двумя друзьями. Во время поездки в Малайзию четверка знакомится с двумя моделями, которых принимают за богачек. Чтобы «соответствовать» их уровню, друзья тоже выдают себя за миллионеров, но что они будут делать, когда обман откроется?
A newlywed couple die in a car accident. He is resurrected into another man's body and begins a love affair with someone else while she remains a wandering spirit. Meanwhile, an evil sorceress sets out to capture them.
Scared Stiff
May's Boyfriend
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
The Goofy Gang
Mr. Shek
Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he's afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don't get the money...
Evil Cat
Mr. Fan Chin-Choi
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Sylvia and Cora Miao play two widowed mothers, best friends and confidants who spend their days reminiscing about times past. Over the course of a lazy weekend afternoon, the two women conjure memories of Cora's husband, his life, his death, and his passionate affair with Sylvia. A series of wistful flashbacks reveal the sometimes touching, sometimes painful circumstances around the women's deep friendship with one another, and their love for the same man.
The Unwritten Law
Murdered client
A lawyer becomes involved in a murder case concerning the bizarre killing of a rich businessman.
Mr. Boo Meets Pom Pom
Charlie Yeung
Hong Kong detectives Chau and Beethoven join forces with Mr. Boo in a daring mission involving a jewelry heist and a museum caper.
Night Caller
Model Agent / Ho Tak
A family guy cop (Melvin Wong) goes deep into a case and gets involved with a deranged killer. His partner and friend (Philip Chan) along with a new protégé Porky (Pat Ha) take over the case and look for his missing partner (who's "enjoying" the twisted company of the killer. Can Inspector Chan and Porky find Melvin before he becomes the latest victim of the psychotic killer?
Hong Kong 1941
General Kanezawa
Years later, a woman narrates her personal story of the Japanese takeover of Hong Kong in 1941. She's Nam, young, attractive, daughter of a wealthy rice merchant, and prey to painful, disabling seizures. Her boyhood friend is Coolie Keung, whose family used to have wealth; he's now impoverished, a tough kid, a leader, in love with her. Into the mix steps Fay, cool and resourceful, an actor from the north, intent on getting to Gold Mountain in the US or Australia. They form a threesome, but the day they are to leave Hong Kong, the invasion stops them. Fay must rescue Keung from collaborators, Nam falls in love with Fay, and danger awaits their next attempt to escape.
Love in a Fallen City
Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai, a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A local match-maker, Mrs. Hsu, takes pity on Pai and decides to bring her to Hong Kong, under the guise of employing her as the Hsu's nanny, but in reality to introduce her to Fan. Pai and Fan seem to hit it off, but Fan's refusal to marry Pai soon sours things. However, as the Japanese begin to invade Hong Kong, the two begin to realize their true feelings for each other.
Maybe It's Love
Rita's rich lover
A thrilling “whodunit” that weaves in and out of the lives of the residents of a small village. Sex and subterfuge bubble to the surface when the young coquettish Mrs. Wang disappears.
Shinsuke Takeda
Four carefree lovers in Hong Kong enjoy their youth while danger looms on the edges.