Vicko Bilandžić


Dr. Kovačević
After several miscarriages, Tereza's gynecologist, in an attempt to cheer her up, jokes she should try to conceive with a different partner. This remark shakes up her monotonous life and steers it in a new direction.
Смотри в свою тарелку!
Momak s plaže #1
Жизнь Марианны, нравится ей это или нет, вращается вокруг её семьи. Они живут в крошечной квартирке и сводят друг друга с ума. Когда у отца случается инсульт, Марианна занимает его место и берёт все заботы на себя. Девушка работает на двух работах, чтобы как-то удержать судно на плаву, в то время как её мать и брат-инвалид, кажется, делают всё возможное, чтобы потопить корабль. Отчаявшаяся Марианна находит утешение в сексе со случайным незнакомцем, потом ещё с одним. Девушка всё больше входит во вкус, наконец она может позволить себе свободу — пусть и такого рода.
Two Sunny Days
Peter and Martina are a tourist couple on a vacation on the Croatian coast. Both are successful and in their prime. However, the couple is going through a crisis. Both are frustrated and unsatisfied with their lives. They hope this vacation will help save their relationship. They both hope that this, long expected vacation will improve their relationship. They go on a mountain trip, and they get lost. Far from their usual comfort, confronted with the raw nature, they are left with no other option but to face one another...
A Wonderful Night in Split
The film is set over the course of a New Year's Eve night in the Croatian port city of Split, where it follows three parallel plots. The first plot line features a small-time drug dealer Nike (Marinko Prga) and a young widow Marija (Nives Ivankovic); the second plot line deals with a drug addict called Maja (Marija Skaricic) who decides to have sex with an US Navy sailor called Franky (Coolio) in exchange for some heroin; the third one shows a young couple, Luka and Andela (Vicko Bilandzic and Ivana Roscic) who spend the night desperately looking for a place to celebrate the New Year by having their first sexual experience. The plots are connected through Dino Dvornik's concert, where all of them pass through at some point, and through the omnipresent fireworks that dot the night sky over the course of the film.