Nuria Mencía

Nuria Mencía


Nuria Mencía
Nuria Mencía


The Tunnel
The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
A Song of Lisbon
How happy and proud they are those two ladies back in Oporto! Thanks to them, their bright nephew can study medicine in Lisbon and may already have become a doctor. Little do they know, not only Vasco wastes all his time drinking, dancing and picking up girls but he has just failed his final exam! And in that same day, he receives an email from the two aunts announcing their visit to Lisbon! Will he be able to make them believe he is such a good student as they think?
Между пальцами
История распавшейся семьи, члены которой пытаются общаться, но подавлены путаницей их отношений и проблемами повседневной жизни.
Solitary Fragments
Life for Adela, a single mom trying to raise her infant son, and Antonia, a widow with three daughters, are forever altered by the terrorist bombing in Madrid.
The Night of the Sunflowers
Two speleologists, Esteban and Pedro, travel to a mountainous area located in northern Spain, near a small village, to study a newly discovered cave and determine if it is of scientific interest, while Gabi, Esteban's wife, awaits their return on a lonely road at the foot of the mountain.
La semana que viene (sin falta)
Ворчание острова
white prostitute
В конце 1960-х Эвита приезжает в Мозамбик, чтобы выйти замуж за Луиша, студента-математика, который там исполняет воинскую службу
Laura works as a newscaster and José Maria as a stockbroker, and while they live in the same housing complex, their lives never cross directly. Nevertheless, he watches her from a distance, seeing all her movements without her knowledge. But their lives finally meet when he is invited onto her news program. From there, a romance begins which coincides with the desire of two beings who finally find a reason to seek love once again.