Frédérique Lapierre


Симон Вернер исчез...
Production Design
Март 1992 г., маленький городок недалеко от Парижа. Во время веселой вечеринки подростки обнаруживают в лесу спрятанное в кустах тело, которое кажется безжизненным. Через две недели в лицее имени Леона Блюма пропадает ученик выпускного класса Симон Вернер. В одной из аудиторий найдены следы его крови. Что это: побег, похищение, самоубийство или убийство? Друзья юноши перебирают все версии. Спустя несколько дней ученица того же класса не приходит на занятия, и ее родители ничего не знают о ее местонахождении. Кажется, что девушка вела ничем не примечательную жизнь и никак не связана с Симоном. На следующий день пропадает третий ученик злосчастного класса…
Melody for a Hustler
Production Design
French novelist Vincent Ravalec made his directorial debut with this French drama about small-time crook Gaston (Yvan Attal) who poses as a millionaire after he picks up hitchhiking 16-year-old Marie-Pierre (Virginie Lanoue). Actually living in a seedy apartment, Gaston deals in stolen goods, but he soon climbs to bigger heists, including car thefts. Concealing his illegal activities, Gaston operates his company, Extramill, out of upscale, posh offices, while he and Marie-Pierre move into a sedate upper-middle-class neighborhood. Life is sweet, but the onset of paranoia, kinky sex activities, and police probes eventually culminate in violence.
Production Design
Pierre (Christian Vadim) is a womanizing photographer, with a slight mean streak. For whatever reason, Camille (Lio), an artist in her own right, finds him entrancing and easily succumbs to his devious efforts to get her into bed. Soon she is trying to hold him to her with her oh-so submissive love, and he is playing some games with her head by pretending (usually) to have been playing around with others. Eventually, he encounters another woman who is not so sticky and tells her to buzz off. When they meet some time later, it becomes clear that the relationship meant different things to each of them.