Lee Ka-Ting

Lee Ka-Ting

Рождение : 1946-11-01, Guangdong, China


Lee Ka-Ting


Дом гнева
Tortured man
Тедди Ю - китайский костоправ и отец-одиночка. Его дети Никки, дрессировщик дельфинов в океанариуме, и школьница Натали, - изучают под руководством отца боевые искусства и с недоверием относятся к его рассказам о том, что он - героический телохранитель одного отставного агента. Но однажды появляется Рокко в инвалидном кресле и требует у Тедди информацию об экс-агенте Драконе. Двенадцать лет назад Дракон прервал миссию Рокко, при этом Рокко лишился ног. Когда Тедди отказался отвечать, Рокко послал несколько боевиков, чтобы захватить его. Дети наконец понимают, что отцовские рассказы были правдой, и им надо применить все свои познания в боевых искусствах, чтобы выручить отца...
Century of the Dragon
Loan Shark Ko
Rookie policeman Shing (Louis Koo) grapples with right and wrong in this action-packed story about Hong Kong gangsters. Assigned to go undercover, Shing is so successful in playing the part of a gang member that he becomes right-hand man to gang leader Fei Ling (Andy Lau). Shing comes to respect Fei Ling and question his original motives, but the troubled cop must make a crucial decision before rival gangs and impatient cops move in for the kill.
The Inside Track
John Wayne
The Inside Track is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Bill Tung.
A female murderer gets involved with a man and becomes intensely jealous.
Swordsman III: The East Is Red
General Tin Kai Wan
A royal official accompanies a Portuguese warship to the Black Cliffs to see the site of the defeat of the evil Invincible Asia, who attained supernatural abilities by following the sacred scroll and castrating himself.
Legend Of The Liquid Sword
Batman's Godfather
The young Chor Lau-heung learns martial arts from Tuk-ku Kau-pai and has attained a high level of skill. His teacher sends him to Shaolin Monastery to attend a contest that is held once every ten years. On the journey, Chor meets Wu Tit-fa and Chung-yuen Yat-dim-hung. When Chor arrives at Shaolin, he fights with a Shaolin student called Mo-fa but neither of them is able to defeat each other. They decide to have a match again on another day. One night, Chor meets Mo-fa and strike up a conversation with her. Both of them decide to enter the palace in search of adventure. They disturb the prince on his wedding night but are accidentally caught in a trap and only manage to escape with the help of Chor's friends.
Бабочка и меч
Lui Chung Yuen
Фильм повествует о трех героях, друзьях детства, которых наняли для того чтобы раскрыть заговор против Императора…
Flying Dagger
Erotomania man
The well-known "Flying Dagger" Chung and his nephew Lam lived on rewards from apprehending bandits. Chung refused the love of "Great Coquette" Lady Fung. Therefore, Fung always mess up Chung's business for revenge. Flying Fox, the country's number one bandit, had stolen the millionaire Tsao's evidence of being a traitor. Hence, Tsao employed Chung to catch the bandit. Flying Fox's wife, Flying Cat seduced Chung to save her husband, which caused jealousy and a severe fight with Fung. Meanwhile Lam was kidnapped by Tsao. Chung and Fung finally realized that Tsao was the head of East Wing. They united together to beat against Tsao...
Королевский бродяга
Lai Chun, brothel keeper
Проходимец Уилсон Бонд спасает от королевских войск опасного повстанца, который вербует его на опасное задание - проникнуть в императорский дворец в Запретный Город и помочь изнутри сбросить династию Цин. Однако внутри его вербует советник императора, имеющий виды на могущественную книгу «сорока двух движений», хранящуюся у вдовствующей императрицы. Одно за одним, на бедного Бонда сыплются двойные и тройные поручения, которые должен выполнять он один.
Once a Black Sheep
Gang boss beaten by Dee
Dee (Carol Cheng) is a disheveled, hot-headed HK cop; Apple Yu (May Lo) is an urbane, designer-dressed inspector from the ICAC. Now, they're partners trying to bring down (still another) triad crime ring. To intimidate Apple, Dee dresses like a model, but finds that her partner has taken on a street-punk guise to intimidate her. They locate a priest who's a triad defector; and while Dee takes a nun's guise, her partner tries to pull off being a junkie in withdrawal.
Dreams of Glory, A Boxer's Story
Action Director
Two up-and-coming young fighters struggle to reach the top of their sport and survive the difficulties of life outside the ring. An inspirational drama with exciting boxing footage.
Return of the Lucky Stars
Hong Kong Police Supt. Walter Tso arrests Big Dai, the reformed leader of a criminal corporation. When Dai asked his brother Richard Mao to turn himself in to the police, he betrays him and decides to take over the corporation. Dai is imprisoned and an informant is murdered by one of Mao's men. With no evidence against Mao and the corporation, Tso coerced four of the "Five Lucky Stars" to go undercover in the prison, rescue Dai, and help nab Mao and bring down the corporation
Городская война
Assistant Chief Officer. Ho Ka Ting
Гонконгский детектив Кен Чоу и специалист по освобождению заложников Дик, ведут расследование убийства их коллеги. Расследование осложняется тем, что из тюрьмы, отсидев десять лет, выходит триадовец Тедди Ю, который поклялся жестоко отомстить арестовавшим его полицейским, в числе которых был Кен Чоу. Масла в огонь подлил и Дик, который закрутил роман с красоткой Пенни, а она оказалась подругой Тедди Ю...
Драконы Навсегда
Hua's Bodyguard
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
Why, Why, Tell Me Why!!
Why, Why, Tell Me Why!! is a Hong Kong Drama starring Anita Mui
The Isle of Fantasy
A bunch of teenyboppers are stranded on the Isle of Fantasy, where they join forces with Chappie the Gorilla and his long-haired old master to overcome the inevitable pirates.
Crazy Romance
Hung is a street-wise smart aleck and Mak is his dumb sidekick. They are partners, mostly in unlawful jobs. One night, the two are spotted by Zaza in the middle of a heist. Consequently, they go to jail. Hung hates Zaza for this. In prison they are befriended by old timer Hui. The three run afoul of boss Orca and try to avoid Orca by insulting chief warden Ko. They are brought before correction officer who is none other than Zaza. Hung hates Zaza more.
Mad, Mad 83
shaw production
Победители и грешники
Man Interrogated by #7086
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
Legend of a Fighter
Sanaka Junior
This is a powerful, yet fictionalized life story of Huo Yuan Chia, a real kung fu master in Southern China who brought respect to the populace and allowed kung fu to be taught to all Chinese during a time of revolt and low morale in the country's history.
God Father
Chieh's cousin
A combination of God Of Gamblers and The Sting. Git is a young mechanic working for his uncle in a small garage. Git's cousin is tricked out of a large amount of money by a card sharp, and Git promises revenge. But the card sharp, called "Card Devil", works for the ruthless gang boss Kwok, and Git is also tricked. Having pledged the garage against the debt, Git desperately seeks the assistance of the one man who is up to the task of tricking the crooks, Ghost Eye.
Low Society
Shen Chang
A misguided youth falls into the bad company of an underground brothel syndicate but redeems himself on discovering that his mother was murdered by the syndicate's female boss.
Let's Rock
Drama by James Wong Jim
Fighting Dragon
Lung Yen Fei returns from Japan to investigate the cause of his teachers' death.
End of the Wicked Tigers
Captain Ling
Righteous Captain Ling has come to town to wipe out crime, which is sure to bring up against Wicked Tiger’s gang. A couple of murders occur and, initially, the investigation proves fruitless. This is mainly because the main witness, Ma San, is convinced by his brother to keep quiet. But events force him to reconsider.
Black List
Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.
Apple thief
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
The Shadow Whip
One of the Serial Trio
This top ten box office hit reunites the star duo from Come Drink With Me in another classic action adventure. Cheng Pei-pei radiates her trademark charm while wielding the deadly title weapon, which is implicated in multiple murders and a major heist. Whether single-handedly fighting sixteen bandits or avenging her father's brutal death, she demonstrates why she was Hong Kong's number one swordswoman and no slouch with the whip either!
The Crimson Charm
Leader Wang Yi
A noble swordsman and a one-armed swordswoman go up against the vicious Crimson Charm gang of thieves and cutthroats. The lovely and lethal Ivy Ling Po teams with the amazing Chang I for a classic tale of good versus evil in which the best man and one-armed woman wins.
The Invincible Eight
Whip-wielding henchman
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
Duel at the Supreme Gate
This kung fu classic focuses on a contested succession at the Supreme Gate School. When turncoat Shen Darong kills several of the Supreme Gate students, the survivors are forced to accept him as their leader. Or are they? The students organize a tournament for Shen to prove his skills, inviting other formidable warriors in the hopes that someone can defeat him.