Dime Iliev


Мать и брат Веле шесть лет назад погибли в аварии. Он живет вместе с умирающим от рака отцом, работает в депо, где задерживают зарплату. Веле в отчаянии, нет денег отцу на лекарства. Тлен и безысходность. Как-то в депо приходит полиция: поступил сигнал, что в одном из вагонов спрятана контрабанда. Рабочих просят осмотреть состав, полиции сообщают, что ничего не найдено. У Веле забрезжила надежда на чудо
Old Iron
A young Roma girl named Fati finds out about her grandmother’s illness—anemia due to iron-deficiency. Disappointed because of her lack of money to buy the necessary medicine, she sees a notice in a discarded newspaper: ‘Ecological Action: wagons for old iron arrive in train station for recycling’. She comes up with a creative plan and goes to see Andrej, the local mafia boss who often visits Grandmother Fatima for fortunetelling. The superstitious boss orders his bodyguards to rob the train and deliver the iron to the old lady. Amazed by the ironic story, the police officers release Perhan and help to obtain the necessary medication for Fatima.
The Red Room
A story about Nikola, a retired math teacher, who leads a quiet and private life, until he begins to feel a need to escape the loneliness that slowly is killing him, day by day. He decides it’s time for change and becomes the star of a very popular TV-show called “Love for all”. The concept of the show is to help old, lonely people to find life partners.
Jovan inherits shoes from his late father. From that moment on, his everyday life-routine is disrupted. Jovan blames his father’s shoes for this, but the actual reason for his unfulfilled life is one crucial event from his past.
Be Loyal
A story of two friends: Gordi, strict law obeying citizen, who wants to secure the future of his daughter Alexandra and his eldery days, and Arno, former Legionaire, a man with no God, nor law. We discover that Alexandra is in fact Arno's daugther, that Gordi is not respecting the laws, and that Arno in fact has one law – his given word. He gave a promise to Alexandra's dying mother, that he will look after her and Gordi; he delivers the promised to his own, bloody way.
Sergeant Janeski
Two nine-year-old girls report a flasher to the police even though they never saw him. Three filmmakers meet the only residents of a deserted village - an elderly brother and sister who have not spoken to each other in 16 years. Retired cleaning women are found raped and strangled in a small town. The fiction slowly turns into a documentary.
Ignjat Perkov
У врача Лазаря Перкова есть все — успешная карьера, красавица-жена и любящий сын. Однако в результате чудовищной автокатастрофы, его жизнь резко меняется. Лазаря начинают преследовать пугающие видения, в которых странные люди на непонятном языке пытаются его о чем- то предупредить.
A Romantic Drama with humor about two different Misfits who meet by accident in an old devastated Villa and step by step discover their feelings for each other...You must see this picture...
The Great Water
Hospital Manager
An ailing communist reflects on a young boy childhood in Stalinist Yugoslavia.
Infidelity on a Winter Night
A marriage is disturbed when an uninvited guest gets confused for someone else.
13 Hofmanova Street
A story between a dream and reality for the perverted games in the head of a lonely, middle-aged man, who with the help of a phantom woman dreams of his own harem.
Alf from Novo Lisiče
Macedonian TV comedy.
Northern Mistake
Macedonian TV film.
Flowers on the Rock
Macedonian TV drama.
Clement of Ohrid
Life and work of Saint Kliment of Ohrid, a medieval Slav saint, scholar, writer and patron saint of the Republic of Macedonia.
Stand Up Straight, Delfina
A Macedonian girl is trying to swim the British Channel. During the ordeal, she remembers her troubled past.
First Evening
Macedonian TV movie.