Один из самых именитых чешских режиссеров снял заведомо непроходной фильм - крайне жесткую сатиру на тогдашний коммунистический режим. Фильм пролежал на полке 20 лет, вышел на экраны лишь в 1990 году и получил восторженные отзывы критиков. По роману Богумила Храбала. Прага начала 50-х. Действие фильма происходит в трудовом лагере. Разношерстная команда рабочих, среди которых и профессор литературы, и повар, и несколько женщин-заключенных, открывает в себе солидарность после того, как двое молодых людей влюбляются и решают пожениться. Они готовятся к свадьбе...
A poetic story about eleven years old girl who is mostly sitting at home on her wheelchair but with the help of a green balloon is able to find new friends.
Marta Zvonová
The Lavicka's, a Czech family from the city, rents a house in the country with the option to buy. However, old Mr Komarek seems reluctant to sell the house as they agreed.
Naďa Urbánková
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Zofie and Dominika, two girls of very different temperaments, become friends during hop-picking volunteer work in the summer. Zofie (Jaroslava Schallerová) is serious to the point of reticence and she is delighted with her friendship with Dominika. For the self-assured and superficial Dominika (Irena Svárová) the whole thing is just a momentary whim. When she leaves the work camp before everybody else, she doesn't even say goodbye to Zofie. The two girls meet again after the holidays as first-year students at medical school, and become close again during the nursing techniques class.
Narrator (voice)
The harsh reality of a home for abandoned children blends with episodes of youthful fantasy and slapstick comedy in this story of an orphan girl. Lucy's fondest wish is to find new parents and leave an orphanage. She befriends a man who can create doors from paint. He gives her a stuffed dog that magically comes alive when placed on the ground, and he and his wife end up adopting the little girl. After finding parents of her own, Lucy sets out through fantasy to find parents for her orphan friends. All of the people Lucy meet during her remarkable make believe wanderings end up taking children home.
Radúz, the son of a Magurian king, has lost his way hunting in the territory of the Tatra King Stojmír. He learns from his loyal servant Radovid the reason behind the two countries' conflict. When Radúz's mother Nyola married his father, the rejected wooer Stojmír married the evil Princess Runa. Runa out of jealousy continually incites hatred for Maguria. Radúz and Radovid have only just crossed the border when an army commanded by Runa detains them. The white deer that Radúz has killed belongs to the youngest of Stojmír's three daughters, the beautiful and delicate Mahulena.
A horror film set in and around an opulent theater, featuring vampirism, ghosts, romance, and music.
Comedy based on short Sean O'Casey play. John Jo Mulligan finds himself in a situation with which his pious conscience cannot cope. He has spent a night with the cunning seductress Angela. Full of remorse and dreading the ruin of his reputation, he tries to get rid of her, fearing that his pal Halibut or his landlady Miss Mossie might get to know. Angela sees her chance, turns gold-digger and does not leave before relieving John of a considerable amount of money.
Victoria Freie
1944 год. Оккупированная фашистами Богемия. На маленькой железнодорожной станции начинает работать молодой паренек Милош Хрма. Новичок пытается во всем равняться на диспетчера Губичку, у которого и на работе все в порядке и на сердечном фронте: редкая дама не попадает в объятия Губички. Милош же влюблен в кондуктора Машу. Но пока разгораются любовные страсти, Восточный фронт становится все ближе и ближе. Партизаны дают о себе знать все чаще и чаще, и немецкое командование отдает приказ взять под особое наблюдение все поезда, идущие в сторону фронта…
A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to prison in place ofthe "sheriff" of his gang. He naively hopes that the sheriff will appreciate his gesture and leaves the stolen goods in a safe hideaway to later divide them fairly among the gang members. This conviction gives Jakub the strength to endure the unbearable conditions in the center. But reality is often much harsher than naive ideals and hollow relations in the gang.
Alena Pešková (segment "Jak se koupe žena")
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case between climbers, the death of the dancer in the music theater and the strange disappearance of the mathematics professor.
In 1965, during eminent trumpeter Louis Armstrong’s visit to Prague, Jan Spata then a young promising documentary filmmaker, created the report 'Hallo Satchmo'.
В военном гарнизоне Алкалис в день открытия памятника Иоганну Себастьяну Баху разворачиваются загадочные события. Солдат Шульц, прекрасный кларнетист, дезертирует из гарнизона при помощи молодого учителя и И.С.Баха. В тот момент, когда Шульцу угрожает опасность, ружья, направленные на него, превращаются в кларнеты. Все оружие в гарнизоне становится музыкальными инструментами. Церемония открытия памятника великому композитору превращается в музыкальное шоу.