Chao Hsiung

Chao Hsiung


Chao Hsiung


Немного Кунг-Фу
В группу, охраняющую священный нефрит, приходит новичок, ничего не смыслящий в боевых искусствах. Профессионалы обучают его мастерству, и вскоре все они вступают в неравный бой с преступным кланом.
Broken Oath
Hao Chi
Lotus never had a chance. Her mother seethed with anger at being unjustly imprisoned for turning her attemped rapist into a cyclops. Mother repeatedly asked her good friend and fellow prisoner, Pickpocket, to urge Lotus to take revenge for her as an adult. Lotus is given to a monastery and grows up there, but twenty years of peace and love make no impression on Lotus, who skips classes to practice pole and sword skills. Joining forces with Pickpocket and Big Rat, Lotus gets her chance at revenge.
Монах с железным кулаком
Manchu from Capital/Brother
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
Detective Lung is investigating the murder of his father and discovers his father belonged to a syndicate of smugglers. He finds out the murderer used to be his father's business partner and that he's now living in Hong Kong under a new name (Wang). Lung tries to lure Wang to Bali where he hopes to get his revenge.
The Golden Lion
Golden Lion Dai Xiaoyao
Director Ho Meng-hua is one of Shaw Studio's most versatile directors. He's helmed romances, mysteries, award-winning dramas, contemporary action films, historical costume dramas, fantasies, and, finally, popular swordplay movies. The title character in this one is a chivalrous thief who raises the jealous ire of the rival Red Shirt Gang. There's plenty of action in this adventure, which sweeps from the plains to the mountains ... to the sound of slashing swords.
Plain-clothes detective Wang is the best in his trade. One day he stumbles across a young girl's body who apparently is died of abortion. Wang investigates the guilty abortionist who leads Wang to a secret organization called "The Welfare Association". Actually it is an international prostitution racket. Wang sneaks into the association. When he is about to arrest the association's organizer, a girl, Lei, whose sister's death cause by the secret society, saves Wang in certain death. Wang arrests the organizer but has set her free from headquarter. Wang and Lei get together in getting the commander dismissed.
Небесный ястреб
Master Wong (Kwan Tak-Hing) and his disciple Fatty (Sammo Hung) are paying a visit to Thailand when they are assaulted by a hot-headed street fighter dubbed “Little Lion” (Carter Wong). In true Wong Fei Hung fashion, the master takes Lion under his wing after the impetuous youth gets his clock cleaned by a rival martial arts instructor. Meanwhile, Wong’s friend Chu is facing trouble from the local crime boss, who’s trying to seize control of Bangkok’s lucrative shipping business. Wong urges his friends and students to seek a peaceful resolution to their problems, but when the bad guys attack Fatty’s sister (Nora Miao), the master agrees to take up arms.
Constable Wan Chao Fan
Констебль Ван Чао-Фан (Чиу Хунг) расследует дело о нападении на эскорт, перевозивший крупный груз драгоценностей, когда неожиданно выясняет, что основным подозреваемым в этом деле является его отец. Правда, тот погиб во время нападения, поэтому все подозрение падает на Вана. Не собираясь мириться с этим, Ван сбегает и прибывает в дом владельца эскорт-сервиса, который должен был обеспечивать безопасность перевозки...
Пять пальцев смерти
Mr. Okada
Талантливый ученик из школы боевых искусств Чао Чи Хао отправляется на турнир в другой город, покинув любимую и наставника. Чао Чи Хао останавливается в местной школе кун-фу. Там он узнает, что представители конкурирующей школы готовы на все, чтобы устранить своих соперников еще до старта приближающегося соревнования.
The Black Enforcer
Kuan Ta-Tzu
Constable Hsueh Pa
Instructor Lin who is home from training the imperial troops for several years. He meets his wife and runs into his brother who has become a monk at the local temple. His superior Lord Gao, strangely decides to rape Lin's wife in the temple but Lin interrupts the crime. His brother is enraged and tries to kill Gao but Lin stops him with the help of Lin's training brother and old friend Lu who works for Gao. Lin is loyal to the Commissioner and will not do anything to harm his son. Once back at the Commissioner's house, Gao and Lu hatch a plan to discredit and eventually kill Lin all with the Commissioner's approval. The plan is put into motion and Lin is unjustly arrested for trespassing on imperial property.
The Human Goddess
Wan Si Tong
Li Ching is the Seventh Sister, an angel who comes down from heaven to see what life in Hong Kong is like. In Hong Kong, she runs into Zili(Chin Feng), a reincarnated version of her deceased lover, Dong Yong. Zili, with help from cook Uncle Bull(the warm, portly Peng Peng), do their best to watch over homeless kids in an run-down orphanage. However, a heartless tycoon named Xu Caifa wants the land where the orphanage is and he's willing to go to extremes to get it. Armed with omnipotent powers, spirit, and help from her "celestial sisters", Seventh Sister works to defend Zili, Uncle Bull, and the orphans from Xu Caifa.
The Lady Hermit
Black Demon's disciple #1
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
The Chinese Boxer
Lei Ming, a noble young martial arts student who doesn't know the meaning of giving up. He faces a treacherous, blood-thirsty Japanese karate expert, which leads to many memorable battles as well as several unforgettable training sequences.
Девушка из стали
saves little Ying Qi
Всю семью малышки Фанг убил кровожадный грабитель Хан, позарившийся на богатство, которое перевозил отец девочки, но Фанг выжила и попала в ученицы к престарелому отшельнику, обучившему ее всему, что знал сам. Проходят годы, девочка вырастает в девушку и учитель отправляет ее в путь — она должна явиться в форт, где собрались силы сопротивления вторжению династии Цзин, и помочь защитникам в их нелегком деле. На месте Фанг знакомится с лидером клана нищих, который немало поможет ей не только в борьбе с наймитами Цзин, но и в поисках убийцы ее отца. Это один из первых фильмов, где снялся Джеки Чан. По некоторым данным, ему здесь 14 лет.
The Swordmates
2nd brother
Ming dynasty traitors have sent a secret message in a jade goddess statuette, containing their plans of treason to help tribal warlords usurp power from the Ming government. The message and statue being intercepted, powerful swordsmen (and a swordswoman) of a famed security company are hired to protect the statue and its hidden message.
Vengeance Is a Golden Blade
Long Zhenxiong
Li Zhishan is a rich man, but wealth cannot keep the loyalties of his wife, who has been visiting the bed of a rival. She helps plot against him, and the Vicious Long Brothers invade his home and steal the Golden Dragon Blade - a sword that makes its wielder unbeatable. Zhishan, crippled in the attack, and his young daughter are whisked away by a devoted servant, and the trio soon find shelter in the home of an herbalist. Years pass, the daughter grows up to be a lovely young woman and a powerful fighter, and the Long Brothers use the Golden Dragon Blade to gain power in the region. Zhishan's family of sorts has managed to stay well hidden, but a trip into the city - the daughter's first - sets off an old power struggle as Zhishan's wife discovers her daughter is quite alive.
Dragon Swamp
7th disciple of Lingshan Clan
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
Twelve Deadly Coins
Shen Ming Yi
An escort team was on a perilous journey to transport some gold taels. When they fell into the ambush set up by a gang of thieves and their gold shipment was robbed, a formidable student of the escort agency set off to the bandits’ hideout to retrieve the goods…
Долина смерти
Lau Yuen Hawk
Старый мастер Юэ Ян решает отойти от дел. Его племянница Цзен Ин ждет не дождется, когда дядя передаст ей все дела. В самый последний момент старый мастер меняет свое решение и вызывает к себе другого племянника Юй Луна, в надежде передать ему все дела. Раздосадованная Цзен Ин убивает старого мастера и готовится к встрече с Юй Луном. Она не намерена делить власть и богатство.
The Angel Strikes Again
Tan, the Hercules
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
The Magnificent Swordsman
Merciless Bandit
Lone swordsman Jiang Dan-Feng (Wong Chung-Shun) is ambushed by a pair of bandits and quickly despatches them. One of them, as he is dying, asks Jiang to take his personal effects to his sister. This being a Wuxia film, our hero is bound by a strict code of honour, and he agrees. The bandit’s sister, Xiu Xiu (Shu Pei-Pei), is surprisingly forgiving and tells him that he got mixed up in a bad crowd of robbers before he died. As it happens, these self-same bandits are threatening to tear up the village at any moment, and Jiang prepares to defend it despite being despised by the town folk for killing Xiu Xiu’s brother.
The Silver Fox
Lui Chiu Fan
The Silver Fox is a throwback, the last of its kind where the heroic swordsmen are women. Lily Ho (before she became one of Shaw Brothers' great erotica actresses) portrays the feared swordswoman Silver Fox, who as a child saw her father senselessly wounded and her mother raped. It's 18 years later and it's payback time.
Братья по оружию
Japanese Commander
События в фильме происходят во времена японской оккупации. Богач Юй Тун — известный плейбой, поддерживающий новую власть. Он встречается с дочерью губернатора и ведет праздную жизнь. Никто и не догадывается, что на самом деле Юй Тун настоящий патриот. Он ведет бескомпромиссную войну с японцами и за его голову объявлена большая награда…
Lady Jade Locket
Fook's Servant
Love knows no limits in the grand period romance, Lady Jade Locket. A young fighter inadvertently falls for the spirit of a beautiful woman, who died years earlier avenging her own father's murder. The beautiful ghost is in fact the sister of his fiancee. Experienced as an actor in many such romances, director Yen Chuan keeps the tone perfect. Plus, with period specialist Li Li-hua in the lead and the attractive and acclaimed Li Ching playing the ghost girl, he really can do no wrong.
Однорукий меченосец
Ah Shun
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
The King with My Face
Shing An's foster brother
THE KING WITH MY FACE (1967) offers a well-produced Shaw Bros. variation on Alexandre Dumas' famous tale, "The Man in the Iron Mask."
Sweet and Wild
Young love and its comedy of errors. Hsiao Fang, played by Li Ching, is a spunky young girl not afraid to fight back against hooligans. Unfortunately, she mistakes the handsome Ma Ta-hai, for one such hoodlum. The two are immediately attracted but refuse to admit their true feelings. The real hooligans are from a rich family led by a devious Madam who devise a revenge plot. With plot twists, mistaken identities, along with some terrific musical numbers, romance has never been this much fun.
The Knight of Knights
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
Пойдем, выпьем со мной
Jade Faced Tiger's Man
Банда головорезов похищает молодого высокопоставленного чиновника и держит его в заложниках, требуя у властей в обмен выдачи своего плененного главаря. Золотую Ласточку посылают разделаться с бандитами и заодно освободить заложника, который приходится ей братом. Хотя она достойно выдерживает неравную борьбу, враг поражает ее смазанным ядом дротиком. На помощь ей приходит нищий, который, на самом деле, оказывается переодетым мастером кунг-фу. Вместе с ним она разрабатывает план освобождения своего брата.
Dawn Will Come
Gai Bao
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sword-wielding ruffians, among other things. Her only hope is her betrayer's new wife, played by the strong and sensual Ivy Ling Po. Dawn may come, but the questions is: will it be too late? Director/writer Kao Li shows both restraint and sadism in this historical melodramatic tearjerker.
Squadron 77
Chinese patriot
Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers that her husband is a collaborator with the Japanese.
The Lark
A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her career.
Sons of the Good Earth
Japanese officer
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
The Butterfly Chalice
The story revolves around Tian Yu Quan (Chin Feng) who rushes to the aid of an elderly fisherman who is bullied by an arrogant relative of the Qiu Shan ministry. In the heat of the ensuing battle he kills the said man and is hence chased by the district's officials. Trying to use the waterway to shake off his enemies, Yu Quan finds a true friend in the old fisherman's bark-stearing daughter, Hu Feng Lian (Ting Hung) who becomes his loyal accomplice. As symbol for his gratitude, Yu Quan bestows Feng Lian with a Butterfly Chalice to reflect their eternal friendship bond...
Cold Nights
Cold Nights features great performances by both Pak Yin as a tough minded “new woman”, Shusheng, and Ng Cho-fan as her weak husband, Wang Wenxuan, whose spirits have been crushed by the Sino-Japanese war.