Animated film composed of three short separate parts. In one we watch the struggle of matches with a teapot. The matches will be helped by a candle and the matches will thank her very interestingly for disposing of the teapot. In the next story, we follow the story of a little weather pencil and a little knife who falls in love with her. But the knife is unlucky, and so in the end we see how the pencil turns out when instead of a knife he uses the services of a grater. The last story presents the relationship of clothes and irons. As in the previous cases, "gratitude for help"again comes into play. I'll keep the points of the individual parts for myself, so that you have something to watch if you're lucky enough to get to these films.
Sound Recordist
The folktale about Bloody Lady Bathory, doomed to bathe in the blood of young girls in order to be forever youthful herself
A satire on the dangers of overly-oppressive child-rearing.
There is a cinema in town. Masses of film-eager moviegoers are queuing in front of it. The cinema screens slapstick comedies, westerns, horror films and even some arthouse erotica. But when the local audience has had enough of traditional films, the door is open to an alternative lineup.
Снятый в эстетике старых, пожелтевших от времени фотографий фильм рассказывает о том, как сорванные войной из домов своих предков и затем подхваченные ветром странствий, они разрываются между жаждой свободы, не обремененной никакими привязанностями, и столь же сильной и естественной тягой к родному гнезду, теплу и любви. В образных решениях фильма сюрреалистическая метафоричность уже лишь одно из слагаемых художественного опыта художника, мечтающего возродить непосредственное отношение человека к реальности, освежить восприятие мира, в котором он живет. Последним объясняется его ориентация на асоциальные слои общества в выборе персонажей. Воплощением его идеи полноты и целостности естественной жизни становятся воры, бывшие солдаты, ставшие бродягами, авантюристы, странники и т.п. ...
This animated slapstick is set on a chessboard. Kubal’s film is an allegory on society without freedom in which our every step is governed by strict rules and “kings and queens” who prevent us from disobeying the clear rules of the game.
Tom Thumb wants to help his parents, but he’s so tiny that he’s not much help to them. Determined to fix this, he decides to go search for a Magician who can solve his little problem. However, it’s not always advisable to dabble in magic…
Как джойсовский Улисс, потеряв все, что было ему дорого, не может укорениться ни в своем городе, ни в своей семье, так и трое героев этого фильма, трое сирот, однажды уже обездоленных войной, где погибли их родители, ищут убежище подальше от людей и пытаются найти забвение в странных играх в безумие.
A tragic story of two young people who are in the precious moments of first emotional flare deeply disappointed by the shallow feelings of their parents as well as their relatives and friends.
An animated anti-war short. Between explosions and submachine guns, Dita lands and kindly calms the senseless aggression.
An apocalyptic story of three wars in three film tales encompassing the end of the WWI,WWII, as well as a vision of the world destroyed by nuclear weapons. This film was honored at the film festivals in Venice and Sorrento. Immediately after that the copy with Italian subtitles was locked in a safe as evidence of the anti-communist activities of the director, who used real footage of the Soviet invasion.
Juraj, a Slovak artist living in Prague, takes stock in his life, realizing that his days pass without purpose. He lives a carefree life. But now he has to choose between two women, between the city and the country, and between creative work and craftsmanship. He has a passion for art but he also has to make a living. Through his relationships with close people, he grows aware of his position and this knowledge helps him to live a more fulfilling and better life.
Film portrait about folk artists - wooden spoon maker, basket maker, artist, who make useful and beautiful objects from wood.
Sound Mixer
Documentary film about apprentice youth about to enter real life.
Poetic documentary about works of several artists from ideas to “births” of works of art.
A documentary about the work of lumberjacks in hard-to-access locations.
Sound Assistant
Военная драма, рассказывающая историю 71-го Тренчианского полка, из-за которого во время Первой мировой войны началось восстание против австро-венгерского командования. Произошли события фильма «Сорок четыре» неподалеку от сербского города Крагуевац. Картина основана на реальных событиях.