Director of Photography
Sou Makimoto works in the "send-off" department at the city hall. The department's main responsibility is to hold funerals for people who die alone and bury them at a cemetery. Makimoto doesn't like to socialise with his colleagues or listen to them. By doing his job, he meets various people and slowly begins to change his life.
Director of Photography
В старшей школе для девочек погибает ученица. С крыши здания упала Шираиши Ицуми. Но непонятно, совершила ли она самоубийство или же ее кто-то убил. В руке у нее нашли лилию, и по школе сразу поползли слухи, что в смерти виновен кто-то из литературного кружка, президентом которого была Шираиши. Ее подруга и нынешний президент Саюри собирает клуб, и каждый из членов зачитывает вслух свою версию того, что в действительности произошло с Шираиши Ицуми.
Director of Photography
Юри Касиваги – знаменитая пианистка, неожиданно прервавшая успешную карьеру. Впервые за многие годы она возвращается из столицы в свой родной город, расположенный на островах Гото. Она согласилась поработать учительницей музыки в местной школе, чтобы заменить ушедшую в декрет подругу. Кроме того, в ее обязанности входит руководство школьным хором девочек. Ученики в восторге от того, что им будет преподавать известная пианистка. Но Касиваги отказывается играть для них на рояле, а участницы хора, готовящиеся выступить на национальном конкурсе, возмущены тем, что она позволяет вступить в хор мальчикам.
Director of Photography
История разворачивается в Шанхае. Часовщик Рё влюблен в женщину, у которой есть сестра-близнец.
Director of Photography
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Director of Photography
The mayor of Oita wants to improve the image of his city, so he instructs Chiaki - a young woman working for the city's PR department - to form a female tug of war team. Nobuo MIZUTA mixes comedy, drama and a pinch of social criticism to tell a tale of eight women, their everyday struggles and their support for each other.
Director of Photography
High school student Ayumi is trained by his grandmother to act as a "tsunagu," an intermediary for people who want to reach the dead.
Director of Photography
Abandoned by his father as a boy, Yuta grows up as the foster son of a restaurant owner and takes over the restaurant at the owner's death. Cheery, always smiling, always helpful, Yuta is known as Yama-chan, the friend everyone turns to. When Yuta discovers he had a hitherto unknown baby brother, he sets out to track him down. But the baby brother, Yusuke, has grown up to be half of a successful comedy team, the Kinjo Brothers, and Yusuke's professional "brother" has just written a best-selling book about their adventures growing up together. Yuta's appearance on the scene threatens to reveal that the book is a complete fiction and to set all three "brothers" into conflict with each other.
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very important message for their loved ones. The show was inspired by her own experience after reading a letter from her father after he died. Through her radio show, various characters come to light as everyone awaits for a miracle to happen. A miracle which can occur only by them expressing their true feelings... The movie is full of emotions and music plays an important part of it. It has a great cast that represent the many faces of love. Parents, sons, lovers, and friends. The movie takes you to several locations within Japan, you can get a look at the beautiful coast and shrine, as well as the city sights
Six guys wacky guys, who worked together at a summer beach bar job, come across a letter from dream girl Eriko. The letter isn't addressed to anyone in particular, but asks if the recipient would meet her at the beach bar on Christmas Eve. Each of the men believe they are the one Eriko wants to meet and a heated battle between the lovelorn men begins. A seventh man, attorney Sekiguichi, then appears and also enters the competition!
Director of Photography
Soichi Negishi moved to Tokyo to chase his dream of becoming a musician playing stylish, Swedish-style pop. Instead, he finds himself leading the death metal band Detroit Metal City, or DMC, as the costumed and grotesquely made-up "demon emperor" Johannes Krauser II. Although he hates the role and the things he has to do as a member of the band, he has a definite talent for it.
Director of Photography
Asato is a young man who returns to a slummy neighbourhood (referred to as 'The Street') to be near his Mum who is in prison. He is able to transfer other people's injuries and is unable to walk past a child with a grazed knee or broken arm without helping them. Asato is protected from street thugs by Takeo, another troubled young man who has issues involving his father who is lying in a coma in hospital. The third member of their group is a young waitress, Shiho, who has her own secret.
Director of Photography
Shinya is in debt as a result of his gambling habit. He attempts to defraud an old woman with a bank transfer scam, but the woman reminds him of his late mother and they start to relate to each other. Meanwhile, Shinya meets a girl called Hisako in town, and ends up helping her to find out the whereabouts of an unsuccessful comedian, Raita, whom her mother was in love with in her youth. Shinya's father, Ryutaro, is disowned by his son after his wife's death. When Ryutaro meets a homeless man called Moses, he starts living on the street as well. One day when the old woman dies, Moses comes to the deceased and confesses his past. Subsequently Shinya resumes communicating with his father Ryutaro.
Director of Photography
Shy, quiet, and unsure of herself, Ryo Aihara doesn't quite fit in anywhere. Though she wants to make friends, she has trouble speaking up and holding a normal conversation like everyone else. It seems that whenever she talks, the words just don't come out correctly. Gradually, Ryo has gotten used to living life in silence as a lonely and introverted student. With no one to talk to, Ryo also has no need for a cell phone. Longing for friends to talk to, she creates a cell phone in her mind for imaginary phone conversations, and much to her surprise, one day Shinya picks up on the other side. For the first time in her life, Ryo has found someone she can talk to.
Director of Photography
Kae Horii moves into her new flat in an undisclosed area of Kyoto. While unpacking her belongings, she discovers a hidden compartment behind a inconspicuous mirror. In that compartment, Kae finds a notebook, that turns out to be a diary belonging to the previous tenant. Later that evening Kae starts to read the diary. The writer of the diary is Ibuki Mano, a young lady about to embark on her first year as an elementary school teacher. Ibuki is also in love with a man named Takashi, who may or may not hold similar feelings for Ibuki.
Director of Photography
Подрабатывая в кафе на набережной, Кодзи знакомится с Каору, уличной певицей. Каору страдает от неизлечимой болезни, из-за которой её кожа сверхчувствительна к ультрафиолетовому излучению и она не может находится на солнце, кроме того болезнь ослабляет работу нервной системы и девушка, возможно, не доживет и до двадцатилетия. Но несмотря на это у Каору есть мечта — стать профессиональной певицей и она усердно трудится для её осуществления. И Кодзи, глядя на неё чувствует, что Каору пробудила его собственную страсть к музыке и его мечту, которые он похоронил 4 года назад.
Director of Photography
Guitarist Ko-chanis a mess of sexual repression after a childhood at the mercy of two elder sisters eager to use him as a guinea pig for their make-up skills. Bassist Gaku-chan keeps a bucket in the wings for whenever his nerves get the better of him, and drummer Momo-chan is doomed to forever carrying the botched childhood attempts at self-tattooing. It's not until this foursome is forced to look for an additional guitar player after Jin's dad burns his Stratocaster, that attitude and musical ability enter into the equation. Leather-clad, shade-wearing Tani (Tamaki), inseparable from his black Les Paul, is introduced as the king of R'n'R cool and Jinnai keeps him firmly seated on his throne throughout the film, retroactively proclaiming the guitarist, rather than himself, as the band's true hero.
Director of Photography
Violinist Shion's parents were killed in front of him. Then, his sister Misa dies of an accident...