Fung Hak-On

Fung Hak-On

Рождение : 1950-09-18, Shaxi, Zhonghsan, Guangdong Province, China

Смерть : 2016-03-02


Fung Hak-On (Chinese: 馮克安, 18 September 1950 - 2 March 2016) was a Hong Kong actor.


Fung Hak-On
Fung Hak-On


Soccer Killer
Yi Fei Lun
In the Song Dynasty, a group of patriots play soccer against the traitor with a team of foreign enemies, royal pro-nobles, bandits, martial arts masters and embrace the country hatred to compete for the first time in the history of China International soccer match.
Однажды в Шанхае
Scruffy Chou
Начало 20-го века. Чжэнь Ма Юн оказывается в рядах людей, надеющихся найти работу в Шанхае. Будучи человеком порядочным, он отказывается стать членом одной из бандитских группировок и находит друга в лице благородного гангстера Ци Луна. Японский шпион Хасимото, возмущённый отказом Ци Луна принять его предложение, пытается убить их обоих…
Жетоны ярости
Kung Fu Master
Когда через Гонконг проносится волна жутких убийств, дело поручают двум проблемным полицейским. Это молодой баламут Ван и умудрённый опытом Хуан, который по горло сыт безрассудностью младшего напарника, постоянно втягивающего их обоих в неприятности. После того, как выясняется, что все жертвы были бывшими парнями честолюбивой и перспективной молодой актрисы Лю, их расследование заходит в тупик, и детективы должны начать смертельно опасную игру — чтобы выманить убийцу, одному из них придётся выдать себя за возлюбленного Лю.
Ип Ман: Последняя схватка
Chess Onlooker
В послевоенном Гонконге легендарный великий мастер Ип Ман вскоре после событий, связанных с, казалось бы, простым соперничеством между различными стилями кунг-фу, оказывается поневоле втянутым в тёмный и опасный преступный мир триад. Теперь, чтобы защитить жизнь и честь, ему не остаётся ничего, кроме как сразиться в последний раз…
Тай-Цзи - Ученик мастера
Old Zhao
Первая часть о юности Яна Лучаня, мастера Тай Цзи. Он стал легендарной личностью еще при жизни и о нем сохранилось множество историй. По мотивам одной из них и снят этот фильм. Невзирая на то, что все считали Яна Лучаня местным дурачком, его мать сумела разглядеть в сыне великий талант и прочила Яну славное будущее. Ян Лучань стал изучать боевые искусства. Спустя 10 лет усердных тренировок и бесстрашных сражений, он отправляется в отдалённую деревню Чэнь обучаться стилю Чэнь Джа. Однако жителям деревни запрещено раскрывать аспекты стиля чужакам. Юному Яну предстоит не легкая задача - расположить к себе местных жителей и убедить их обучить его стилю Чэнь Джа.
The Loan Shark
The story begins with a pair of siblings, Ah Mun and Ah Long who hate loan sharks because they caused the death of their father. They vowed to each other that if given an opportunity, they would rid the world of this social menace. However, as time wears on, the siblings realize they have to choose between justice and love. Malaysia’s MCA Public Service and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong (who has been actively addressing loan shark problems) will make a special appearance.
Китайская история призраков
Second village head
Странствующий ученый Лин забредает на ночь глядя в волшебный лес, где встречает девушку-привидение по имени Сиан. Мимолетная встреча становится началом бурного романа, но у Сиан есть злобная наставница, которая не одобряет романов между людьми и призраками. Даже защитник Лина, отважный меченосец-таоист, с которым юноша познакомился по дороге, хоть и сочувствует влюбленным, также считает, что их любовь обречена..
Ип Ман 2
Master Cheng
Вторая Мировая война закончилась, но Китай все еще слаб и беден. Ип Ман открывает свою школу боевых искусств, однако завоевать свое место под солнцем оказывается непросто — чтобы избежать проблем, Ип Ману нужно сначала завоевать уважение представителей других кунгфу-школ, а председательствующему в их ассоциации Хунгу Ип Ман не понравился с первого взгляда. А тем временем в Гонконге усиливается присутствие британцев, и некоторые из них плевать хотели на китайские традиции и обычаи.
14 клинков
Justice Escort's counselor
Во времена правления династии Мин Император учредил секретную службу безопасности, которая подчинялась только его указам, Цзиньивэй, или Охрана в парчовых халатах. Члены этого органа наделялись самыми широкими полномочиями и действовали исключительно в интересах главы государства. Неподсудны. Безжалостны. Непобедимы. Действие фильма разворачивается на закате династии Мин, когда службой управляли евнухи. В изгнании томится принц Чин, вынашивая план отмщения. На удачу он сумел переманить на свою сторону главного евнуха Цзя Цзин Чжона, и тот отдает императорский приказ главе Цзиньивэй — Чин Лону — схватить Советника Чжао Шэнь Еня и забрать его шкатулку якобы со списком предателей. Да вот беда, там хранилась Императорская печать, символ власти, которую следует оберегать как зеницу ока. И Чин Лон осознал, что его здорово подставили. Избегая ловушек, он пытается выяснить правду, но век члена Цзиньивэя недолог, смерть бежит по пятам, выполнит ли Чин Лон свое последнее задание?
Uncle Man
В богатом и опасном районе Гонконга дружно и мирно уживались пять групп триады. Каждая из них занималась своим бизнесом на своей территории. А иногда их боссы собирались поговорить о делах, выпить вина и поиграть в маджонг. На беду всех один из пятерки Джимми женился на красивой и хитрой женщине. И равенства внутри пятерки как не бывало. В Джимми кто-то стреляет. С этого момента в компании друзей все пошло наперекосяк. Кто заказал Джимми?
The First 7th Night
Bandit chief
A helpless Taxi driver, a mysterious delivery boy, a 30 years abandoned motel, a touching past, all come together to form a strange tale. One day, a strange passenger Xiao Ma hires a taxi driver named Map King, paying him a huge sum of money to take him to an abandoned old motel. The Chun Lei Motel was mysteriously burnt 30 years before, and has been abandoned since. Very few people remember that the hotel ever existed and no one ever speaks of it. To Xiao Mas' surprise, the taxi driver actually knows the way to the motel. Ah Fang, was the owner of the motel. She had lived peacefully in the motel with her young son and husband. Seven days after the unfortunate death of her beloved husband, four thieves visited her motel. By the end of that evening, the motel was in flames and everyone involved had vanished. Thirty years after that fateful night, Xiao Ma and the taxi driver reach the motel.
Смертельный шаг
Li Chun Tong
Сюжет картины “Смертельный шаг” (Duo shuai) раскрывает всю суть преступных синдикатов, которые ради денег способны на самые страшные дела. Однажды, допустив несколько грубых ошибок, одна из самых влиятельных мафиозных группировок, которой руководит человек по имени Ланго, потеряла прошлое влияние и вскоре может прекратить свое существования. Чтобы избежать этой беды, Ланго решает объявить настоящую войну своим конкурентам из соседних кланов. Он засылает на их территории своих людей, которые пытаются установить новые правила путем насилия и грабежа. Теперь все должны знать, что мафиозный клан и ее жестокий руководитель не потеряли былого могущества и влияния в городе. Но этому бесчинству есть еще одно объяснение. Благодаря разгулу преступности и полиции, которая постоянно сидит на хвосте, Ланго может сколотить неплохие деньги. Но война есть война и опасность поджидает на каждом шагу. Опытному мафиози теперь надо быть начеку.
Gong Tau
Master Clear Sea
CID detective Rockman was sent to Thailand to investigate a case involving the Hong Kong and Thai underground syndicate. During his visit he met a sexy table dancer called Elli, they had a brief but hot steamy affair. Unexpectedly Rockman was ordered to return to Hong Kong. Before leaving he promised Elli he would return. But he never did. Heart broken Elli felt she was deceived. Rockman never expect his affair would bring the worst luck for him and family. Three years later in Hong Kong, when Rockman was busily investigating a murder case one stormy night, a senior policeman was murdered by a most wanted fugitive Lam Chiu. On the other hand, Rockman's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously. All the major newspapers headlined the two cases, saying the murder and the baby's death are related. Frustrated Rockman worked closely with Brother Sum well seasoned detective...
Lethal Angels
Sgt. Wai
A group of women who have been wronged by various men or groups are given a chance at vengeance. One woman, once beaten to a miscarriage, trains these once mistreated women to become artful killers; using their looks to get close to targets. In the end, though, two befriended women find that not all is as it seams and vengeance without conscience is worse then the acts committed by their targets. Deception, reversals, and betrayal on all fronts fill this journey into the minds of the abused; and the world of the dark art of vengeance killing.
Разборки в стиле кунг-фу
Harpist Assassin # 2
Действие фильма происходит в Китае 40-х годов и разворачивается вокруг неудачливого гангстера, который мечтает стать членом легендарной группировки «Топоры». В то же время лидер группировки начинает терроризировать один из районов, местные жители которого оказываются не так просты и оказывают ему достойный отпор в разгорающейся войне. Все это приправлено юмором, знакомым нам еще со времен «Убойного Футбола».
Shark Busters
TC Lee, a senior policeman whose mounting debts are making headlines in the local press. Lee's not the only person in trouble at his police station, where a handful of colleagues are paying off the bank or worse, are becoming locked into repayments to gangland debt collectors. When Lee and his colleagues become caught in the loan sharks' spiraling interest charges and organized pressure tactics, they become vigilantes and fight back.
Teenage Gambler
Gao Jun can memorize everything he sees and Zhou Xing Xing has a special will power. Together they use their special abilities to make money through gambling. They meet Uncle Da, known as "Master of Mahjong," who teaches them professional skills.
Teenage Gambler
Uncle Da
Gao Jun can memorize everything he sees and Zhou Xing Xing has a special will power. Together they use their special abilities to make money through gambling. They meet Uncle Da, known as "Master of Mahjong," who teaches them professional skills.
Black Mask Vs. Gambling Mastermind
When Gao, the young saint of gamblers, vows not to gamble again after his latest win, he becomes the target of assassination from rival gamblers. He teams up with Black Mask to combat the assailants when he is challenged to an ultimate gambling duel.
Ghostly Bus
The victims of a bus crash live on as ghosts, but some having a pressing need to finish the business of their earthly lives.
Ghostly Bus
Stunt Coordinator
The victims of a bus crash live on as ghosts, but some having a pressing need to finish the business of their earthly lives.
Oh! Yes Sir!!!
Thai gang leader
A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.
A Warrior's Tragedy
Siu Bee Lei
Based on a novel by Gu Long, Frankie Chan's A Warrior's Tragedy details the parallel stories of two warriors: one trained to love, the other to hate, both to be superior swordsman. On one side of this twisty tale of murder and revenge lies the dark and brooding Fu Hung-Suet (Ti Lung). Dressed from head to toe in basic black, Fu wanders from town to town, dispatching his enemies with his impressive ebony sabre. On the other end of the spectrum is the happy-go-lucky Yip Hoi (Frankie Chan), a cheeky, mustachioed fellow who dresses in white and happens to be a proficient martial artist. As one would expect, the two contrasting swordsman are locked on a proverbial collision course with destiny as both are invited to the home of the villainous Ma Hong-Kwan, who has a sinister connection to our heroes.
Да, мадам‘ 92: Серьезный шок
Martial Arts Choreographer
Полицейская, обвиненная в убийстве своего жениха, вынужденна скрываться от закона. Никто не может ей помочь, и ей приходится довериться угонщице автомобилей Коко. Коко не так жестоко и безразлично относится к происходящему, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Но, помогая героине Синтии Хан, она подвергает опасности свою незаконную деятельность...
Да, мадам‘ 92: Серьезный шок
Possessed man
Полицейская, обвиненная в убийстве своего жениха, вынужденна скрываться от закона. Никто не может ей помочь, и ей приходится довериться угонщице автомобилей Коко. Коко не так жестоко и безразлично относится к происходящему, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Но, помогая героине Синтии Хан, она подвергает опасности свою незаконную деятельность...
Kidnap of Wong Chak Fai
Action Director
Pink Bomb
A bunch of Hong Kong residents go on a bus tour to Thailand and get mixed up with counterfeiters who’re chasing an underage hooker (Gloria Yip) who stole their bogus loot. Waise Lee is the tour guide, a loopy priest who’s preoccupied with changing money. Sean Lau does a Travis Bickle impression as a jaded taxi driver who’s sweet on teacher Rachel Lee. Cynthia Khan is a kick-butt meter maid, and Fennie Yuen is a money grubbing beautician. Dayo Wong is a wacky ex-triad.
Handsome Siblings
Monk Blackie
One hundred seventy years ago, a wise monk made a section of land known as the Villians Valley, a sanctuary. Anyone who came to the valley was considered protected and safe from the law. The proclamation also stated that they should have a chance at repentance. The Master of Eva Palace, who is now master of the martial arts world, holds no regard for the ancient laws and enters the valley in search of the 10 Untouchable Villians because she has a warrant of justice to destroy them. The remaining 8 villians were actually the 10 Untouchable Heroes until they were framed by two of their own members, The Twin Villians, and used as scapegoats.
Вечеринка многочисленной семьи
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues
Fight Choreographer
Lung comes from China to Hong Kong in search of a new life and fortune. He is employed as a security officer by Lee at a night club that he runs. When Lee’s partner dies, his business is endangered by his partner’s son, Soufu. As retribution, Lee’s daughter May, hurts Soufu. Soufu’s anger gets the best of him, and he murders Lee. May must now make the next move in this deadly game of chess, and asks Lung to help her avenge Lee’s death. Lung hesitantly agrees, and the hunt is on to give Soufu exactly what he deserves!
Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues
Lung comes from China to Hong Kong in search of a new life and fortune. He is employed as a security officer by Lee at a night club that he runs. When Lee’s partner dies, his business is endangered by his partner’s son, Soufu. As retribution, Lee’s daughter May, hurts Soufu. Soufu’s anger gets the best of him, and he murders Lee. May must now make the next move in this deadly game of chess, and asks Lung to help her avenge Lee’s death. Lung hesitantly agrees, and the hunt is on to give Soufu exactly what he deserves!
Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues
Lung comes from China to Hong Kong in search of a new life and fortune. He is employed as a security officer by Lee at a night club that he runs. When Lee’s partner dies, his business is endangered by his partner’s son, Soufu. As retribution, Lee’s daughter May, hurts Soufu. Soufu’s anger gets the best of him, and he murders Lee. May must now make the next move in this deadly game of chess, and asks Lung to help her avenge Lee’s death. Lung hesitantly agrees, and the hunt is on to give Soufu exactly what he deserves!
Ghost for Sale
A trio of bungling ghostbusters help oversee the newest attraction at a struggling fun park: two ancient mummified corpses, sure to pack 'em in. But will their efforts be enough to supplant the ghostly chaos that comes from tampering with the dead? Probably not.
Thunder Run
Two Hong Kong police officers end up in a Laos prison and must escape.
Sexual Devil
Hong Kong horror film from 1991.
Point of No Return
Eagle's target in disco
Woefully underrated HK action drama concerning hitmen and gangsters. Circa 1990, were there any other characters befitting of a HK film? Nope! Jacky Cheung dresses the part as a hitman who falls for the lovely Joey Wong. Wong is reduced to the part of a flower vase but the juice of the film is the loving early 90's HK action. Some crazy characters in this one. Look out for the colorful hitman duo of Ken Lo as 'Puma' and Ling Gwai-yuet as Lily. Are there better action films from this era? Sure. But this one doesn't disappoint.
Kawashima Yoshiko
Martial Arts Choreographer
This film is based on the life of Kawashima Yoshiko, originally Manchu princess who was the 14th daughter of Emperor Xu, later brought up as a Japanese and served as a spy in the service of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo during the Second World War.
The Sniping
The Sniping is a Hong Kong Crime movie starring Eric Tsang and Alex Man
Just Heroes
The assassination of a gang lord triggers a power struggle amongst his men. Who will win the game the righteous or the villain?
Семь воинов
In the early 1920's of China, seven former soldiers band together to defend a helpless village against a group of vicious bandits in this Hong Kong remake of Seven Samurai.
Forever Young
Action Director
Five orphans, five friends. They grow up together, still good friends, and travel to Thailand, where a witch doctor has invented a brew which returns one to childhood permanently. Robberts attack and force the five to test the brew. Rescue comes after four of them have shrunk into child sizes, leaving Bo the only adult. The doctor forgets how to reverse the process and the quintet return to Hong Kong. Teacher Wong takes the four children into a primary school.
One of Tiger Lo's Men
В поисках лучшей жизни и без гроша в кармане Чарли приезжает в Гонконг. Свои последние центы он отдает бедной торговке за цветок розы, который должен принести ему удачу. И «счастливый» случай не заставил себя ждать. Чарли становится невольным участником перестрелки двух мафиозных кланов и выносит из-под огня главного босса одной из гангстерских группировок. Умирая, главарь мафии назначает Чарли своим наследником и Большим Братом своего клана. В роли «крестного отца» доброй половины криминального Гонконга Чарли приходится проявлять чудеса ловкости и изобретательности…
Горящие амбиции
Action Director
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Chinese Cop Out
Action Director
Mainland cop (Lam Wai) travels to Hong Kong to team a Hong Kong police officer (Melvin Wong) in order to investigate a case involving a brutal killer (Simon Yam).
Little Cop
Yi's henchman
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
Клетка тигра
Hsiung's Buddy
Специальный отдел полиции готовит разоблачение крупной банды, но каждый раз бандитам удается ускользнуть сквозь расставленные сети. Становится ясно, что происходит утечка информации внутри отдела, а вскоре известен и информатор. Это Майк – начальник отдела, а точнее тот, кто возглавляет банду. Пытаясь уйти от возмездия, Майк организует серию убийств, убирая свидетелей. Он действует, как затравленный ТИГР. Остановить его можно, только загнав в КЛЕТКУ…
Miss Magic
When a woman suspects that her actor-husband has been fooling around with an actress, she commits suicide. Afterwards, she becomes a vengeful ghost and haunts her former husband and his co-workers. As a result, the actors seek the help of stagehand Uncle Fok, who practices Taoist magic.
Драконы Навсегда
Thug on Ship
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
Edge of Darkness
Fake policeman
A Hong Kong cop's first undercover assignment sends him on a psychological downward spiral, unable to separate his two identities after unearthing a connection between his supervisor and the crime syndicate he's investigating.
Edge of Darkness
A Hong Kong cop's first undercover assignment sends him on a psychological downward spiral, unable to separate his two identities after unearthing a connection between his supervisor and the crime syndicate he's investigating.
Inspector Chocolate
Chen Long
Inspector Chu is an idiot to rival Inspector Clouseau. After he fails to catch a car-park full of thieves he is demoted to the missing persons squad, only to be faced with the kidnapping of the son of the star of a TV cooking show. Inspector Chocolate bungles the case, fails to dance the tango and interferes with the Miss Hong Kong pageant in his attempts to solve the case
Безумная миссия счастливых звезд
Xiao Ke
Две преступные группировки готовят большую сделку, касающуюся продажи краденных бриллиантов, а полиция, недолго думая, решает помешать ей банальным путем — выкрав эти драгоценности, для чего вербует Чайника, дает ему в помощники пятерых полицейских-неудачников, девушку-инструктора и три дня на подготовку. Все идет насмарку, когда Чайнику начинает мешать Болди, уверенный, что тот — тайный любовник его жены, с которой Чайник на самом деле знаком еще с младых ногтей.
Полицейская история
Danny Koo
В результате удачно проведенной облавы в руки полиции попадает босс наркомафии Чи. Одному из полицейских, Кевину, принимавшему непосредственное участие в аресте, поручают охрану секретарши преступника, которая проходит по делу в качестве главного свидетеля. Но в день суда она исчезает. Только разыскав девушку и арестовав Чи, Кевин сможет снять с себя подозрение в соучастии…
Сердце Дракона
Rascal at Restaurant
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
Zu: Time Warrior
Evil Disciple
This is the US Release Version of Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain. Features additional footage extending the backstories of the main protagonists, and a simpler story line with the deletion of other footage.
Double Trouble
To help his sister with her debts, John goes to a pawnshop when robbers rush in. John draws suspicion from the police and only escapes from them with the help of Bunny, who is a kid running out from an orphanage. John and Bunny, therefore, become good friends.
Duel of the Masters
Ah-fei and Dragon, students under the brother kung-fu masters Shorty and Uncle, are sent to clear the ghosts out of a haunted house. After a brief search, they soon find that the "ghosts" are nothing but props set up by a couple of con artists. After making quick work of the cheats, the fighting pair discover that there is actually a real ghost hiding in the house! Ah-fei and Dragon may have studied their martial arts well, but how do you beat up something that's already dead?
Победители и грешники
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
Mission to Kill
Mission to Kill (1983)
Зу: Воины с волшебной горы
Evil Disciple
In the fifth century, constant civil war scars western China. To escape death, Ti, a young scout, jumps through a crevice in the Zu mountains where he gets entangled in a great battle against the Blood Demon, a supernatural entity seeking to wreak havoc upon the world.
Bloody Mission
Bloody mission
Night Orchid
A secret society is out to ruin a nobleman’s reputation and destroy those closest to him while a swordsman returns to find himself embroiled in the plot after discovering that the nobleman has married his childhood love.
Legend of a Fighter
This is a powerful, yet fictionalized life story of Huo Yuan Chia, a real kung fu master in Southern China who brought respect to the populace and allowed kung fu to be taught to all Chinese during a time of revolt and low morale in the country's history.
Лорд Дракон
Лунгшан — сонный провинциальный городок на юге Китая. Ничего, кроме ветхого «культурного наследия» здесь нет. Два закадычных друга случайно становятся свидетелями криминальной разборки. Сами того не желая, воспрепятствовав вывозу за границу ценнейших экземпляров Китайского искусства, друзья оказываются втянутыми в борьбу за сферы влияния.
The Gold Hunters
Jack Wong
The Gold Hunters is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie action-directed and produced by Jackie Chan
The Gold Hunters
The Gold Hunters is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie action-directed and produced by Jackie Chan
Demon Tailor
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
Read Lips
Action Director
Frankie Chan plays a movie dubber who can read lips.
Carry on Wise Guy
On Yuen
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Carry on Wise Guy
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Bruce, King of Kung Fu
Bruce Le stars as Bruce Lee, a young teenager who is the leader of the Liu City gang, who gets into trouble and street fights every now and again. Bruce is a student in the style of Chinese boxing, but when his skills are not enough to fend off a rival kung fu gang, his father has him go to a man named Master Yen, who teaches him Wing Chun fist. Later, to avenge the death of a friend, Bruce learns the secret art of drunken snake fist boxing!
Молодой мастер
Master's Kam's men
За провинность зазнавшегося юного мастера исключают из школы кунг-фу. Он попадает в сети злодеев, которые вовсю используют его умение махать руками и ногами в преступных целях. По следам молодого бесшабашного мастера идет и полиция и его лучший друг. Успеет ли приятель вырвать его из кольца криминального окружения и направить талант лучшего ученика в мирное русло?!
Snake Deadly Act
Yu Yee
Kwok Chung is a righteous rich kid whose hobby is to fight and brawl. One encounter nearly gets him killed, but he is saved by Yueh (Fong Hak On), the Snake Fist Master. Yueh befriends and teaches Kwok the deadly art of the snake. Soon, Kwok realizes that his teacher has more in common with a snake than just techniques. He's being set up by his teacher, and his family is also targeted for murder!
Crazy Couple
Joe is on his way to White Cloud Hill to learn kung-fu from Mun the Invincible. Joe found that Chiao is good at martial art. He begs Chiao and finally became Chiao's pupil. Chiao assigns him to take care of his lunatic daughter June. Seven outlaws invades Ox Village. Master Kwan mobilizes his pupils and the villagers to defend but are conquered by the outlaws. Finally, Chiao appears and beats them all. Back to the house, Chiao's daughter is found being tied up. Chiao sends Joe to his brother Tiger Wang for assistance. Joe mistakenly takes Dragon Mak for Chiao and invites him to Ox Village. A fight starts when Chiao and Dragon meet which reveals a story of years ago when they were partners in a robbery. (Joy Sales)
Великолепный мясник
Ko Tai Hoi
Один из учеников знаменитого Вонга Фей-Хунга, мясник по имени Лам Ка-Винг, постоянно влипает в разные неприятности, хотя его вины в этом обычно нет. Вот и на этот раз проблемы устраивает сын мастера кунгфу из соседней школы, отнявший силой жену брата Лам Ка-Винга. Вонг Фей-Хунг уезжает из города по делам и если бы не «залетный» учитель боевых искусств, не сносить бы Вингу головы.
Последний салют рыцарству
Martial Arts Choreographer
Свадьба Као Пана нарушена вторжением заклятого врага его семьи — Пак Чунг-Тонгом . Као удается спастись из завязавшейся битвы. Теперь он жадет мести. Но Пан понимает, сразиться с Тонгом и победить его ему не по силам. И для осуществления своей мести неудавшийся молодожен решает использовать лучшего бойца в округе — Чанга-Величественый Меч . Као Пан знакомится с Чангом и втирается к нему в доверие — сначала помогает ему достать лекарства для его больной матушки, а потом, когда та все же умирает, помогает Величественному Мечу организовать похороны. Чанг движимый честью и чувством долга перед новоиспеченным другом, решает ему помочь, и отправляется к Пак Чунг-Тонгу. Вместе с Величественным Мечом идет его недавний приятель — Цинг И. Чанг рад, что будет, кому прикрыть ему спину и не подозревает, что Цинг нанят Као Паном с целью его убийства...
Последний салют рыцарству
Pray / Let It Be
Свадьба Као Пана нарушена вторжением заклятого врага его семьи — Пак Чунг-Тонгом . Као удается спастись из завязавшейся битвы. Теперь он жадет мести. Но Пан понимает, сразиться с Тонгом и победить его ему не по силам. И для осуществления своей мести неудавшийся молодожен решает использовать лучшего бойца в округе — Чанга-Величественый Меч . Као Пан знакомится с Чангом и втирается к нему в доверие — сначала помогает ему достать лекарства для его больной матушки, а потом, когда та все же умирает, помогает Величественному Мечу организовать похороны. Чанг движимый честью и чувством долга перед новоиспеченным другом, решает ему помочь, и отправляется к Пак Чунг-Тонгу. Вместе с Величественным Мечом идет его недавний приятель — Цинг И. Чанг рад, что будет, кому прикрыть ему спину и не подозревает, что Цинг нанят Као Паном с целью его убийства...
Kung Fu vs. Yoga
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
The Fairy, the Ghost & Ah Chung
Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.
Воины вдвоём
In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.
Dirty Kung Fu
Dirty Kung Fu is about a young bounty hunter who uses his kung fu skills or lack thereof to capture criminals.
Hello, Late Homecomers
An omnibus of tales from the three directors, Sit, Maka and Woo. Each dealing with true love and romance. The third and the best one of the tales deals with a hen-pecked husband trying to kill his wife. An action packed tale written and directed by John Woo who lets the fireworks fly!
Sensual Pleasures
Sensual Pleasures features a collection of three, ghost story, sexual vignettes starring a viscerally sensual trio of hardcore experience with the well endowed Chen Ping, Chinese adult film legend Shirley Yu and the innocent doe-eyed Shaw Yin-yin.
Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка
Приключения Сумасшедшей лягушки и грязного тигра. Главные герои пытаются вернуть уникальную серебрянную неуязвимую броню, которую похитил Белобровый монах.
Выход толстого дракона
Liu Kuei Tai
Ah Lung is a pig farmer and a devoted Bruce Lee fan who is anxious to follow in Lee's footsteps, but only ridiculed for his attempts. He is sent to the city to earn a living working at his uncle's restaurant, but when he arrives, he finds a gang of thugs causing trouble in the restaurant. He takes the chance to prove himself and attacks the thugs, defeating them and saving the restaurant. Soon, he becomes a waiter, and discovers a plot by the same thugs to kidnap a woman he works with. Eventually, he defeats the thugs once again and saves the day.
Breakout from Oppression
Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two brothers (Paul Chin and Dean Shek). Tsao recognizes the brothers as two of the men fleeing the murder scene, so he decides to ally with the factory boss in order to go solve the crime. Soon though, it becomes clear that the boss and his thugs may have other things in mind that aren't so kosher. Tsao becomes trapped in the middle of the feuding groups and must decide who is honest and who is not.
My Darling Gals
My Darling Gals aka Kung Fu Stars is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Sammo Hung
Змея в тени орла
Master Chao Chi-Chih
Китай времён динacтии Цин. Бедный сирота Цзянь Фу случайно спасает жизнь мастеру кунг-фу Бай Чжантяню, последнему оставшемуся в живых представителю школы Змеиного Кулака, уничтоженной зловещим кланом Орлиного Когтя. Благородный мастер берёт юношу в ученики, дабы передать ему секреты своего боевого стиля. А ученик оказывается настолько талантлив, что на основе приёмов учителя даже создаёт собственный стиль. Очень своевременное изобретение, которому вскоре придётся пройти самую суровую проверку, когда орда адептов Орлиного Когтя во главе с непобедимым Шангуань Июнем обнаружат Бай Чжантяня и явятся убить его.
Follow the Star
On that side of the track is Ah Sing (Roy Chiao), uncouth, unkempt, a garage repairman, a bravado with plenty of tricks up his overall sleeve. And on the other side of the track is rich, young recording artist Gayle (Rowena Cortes), idol of the young with her songs and dances, but an orphan. Harry is her manager. They should not meet, least to say forming some kind of partnership, but they do. Gayle goes to Ah Sing's garage for repairs. When Harry and she drive off, the car's undercarriage Ah Sing and drags him along. Fate steps in the form of five toughles who stop the car and kidnap Gayle to a farmhouse. It so happens that Gayle's father and the five were robbers but the father took off with all the money while the five were caught. They want the money back now they have served the time...
Kung Fu Means Fists, Strikes and Sword
Crazy Sword, Blind Fist and Queer Strikes are three kung fu fanatics who team up with Mung, the debonair master in white. Together the four real friends smash a massive kung fu gang led by Moose Face, Tsai Hung. Once smashed the girls are freed from vice and valuables returned to their rightful owners. A kung fu rare classic from Goldig Films.
The Amsterdam Kill
Former DEA Agent Quinlan, removed from the force some years earlier for stealing confiscated drug money, is hired by Chung Wei, a leader in the Amsterdam drug cartel, who wants out of the business. Quinlan's job is to use Chung's information to tip DEA agents to drug busts, thereby destroying the cartel. But when the first two "tips" go awry, resulting in murdered DEA officers, the feds must decide whether to trust Quinlan further...
The Sentimental Swordsman
White Snake
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
Hot Blood
Action Director
Chow Yun Fat plays a police inspector named Cheng who is killed in the line of duty while trying to nab a crook. One of his close friends, Chang Lei (Cheung Lui), decides to take back his resignation letter and track down the crook at any cost.
Hot Blood
Cat Eye
Chow Yun Fat plays a police inspector named Cheng who is killed in the line of duty while trying to nab a crook. One of his close friends, Chang Lei (Cheung Lui), decides to take back his resignation letter and track down the crook at any cost.
Монах с железным кулаком
Rapist Official
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
Deadly Chase for Justice
When Lin and his bride are murdered during their honeymoon in Macao by three Japanese men. Inspector Tsung Hsuan-tung, quits his post and goes alone to Japan for revenge.
Money Crazy
Ducky is hired by Rich Chen to transport the "diamonds" he stole from Uncle Pai Mary. Uncles Tough Guy and Mary would like to get the diamond from Ducky, so volunteering to relieve Ducky of his responsibility. Somehow Tough Guy subdues the gunman and finds out the diamonds are just paste. Tough Guy and Ducky are now partners and promise Uncle Pai to recover the real diamonds. Many times they try but they get nothing more than trouble. Ducky finally works out a plan to get the real diamonds back to Uncle Pai and sell the fake ones to Rich Chen. Uncle Pai gets his diamonds. Mr. Chen is now known as Poor Chen. Tough Guy gets his cut and, eh, Mary.
Jade Tiger
Zhao Wuji embarks on an very tragic adventure with full of intrigues to avenge his father, who is beheaded by a traitor working for Tang, on the eve of son's marriage.
Deadly Angels
Night club thug
Three female detectives - from Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore - go undercover in a cabaret to expose a murderer.
Executioners from Shaolin
Governor's fighter
A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. They have a son, but the boy's father is killed by the evil eunuch Pai Mei. Disguised as a girl, his mom trains him in crane style while he secretly learns tiger style from his father's training manual.
The Kung Fu Kid
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
36 безумных кулаков
Tai Kuang's opponent
Молодой паренек (Тони Леунг Сиу-Хунг) совершенно не умеет драться, но жутко мечтает отомстить своему обидчику-богачу (Чан Лау), убившему когда-то его отца. Для этого он отправляется в Шаолинь, но так как его туда не берут (как сказали - маловат будет), устраивается в небольшую школу неподалеку, заправляет которой забавный старикашка Гук Фунг. Тем не менее, прогресса не видно, и парень уже начинает терять веру, когда неожиданно встречает в лесу бродячего алкаша, который и начинает учить его настоящим боевым искусствам.
Bruce Lee: The Man, The Myth
Challenges Bruce on set
A highly fictionalized biography of the famous Bruce Lee, this movie traces his college life, his marriage to Linda Lee, his relationship with his master, and his untimely death.
Young Hero of Shaolin
This film is about Fong Sai-yu going under cover as a servant in the villain's mansion. He is a famous fighter that fights for justice. While at the mansion he met the great Kow Lee played by Tao-Liang Tan also a great fighter that works there for the villain. He recognize Fong Sai-Yu right away and challenge him to a fight because he wanted to match his fighting skill with the famous fighter. At first Fong Sai-Yu declined but eventually agreed after the great Kow Lee threatens to reveal his identity. They met on top of a mountain where they fought to a draw and then became great friends. The great Kow Lee later help Fong Sai-Yu at the end of the film to defeat the villain who was very tough to beat.
Challenge of the Masters
Yeung Chung
The Wong family kung fu school gets smacked around by a rival school. Wong Fei-hong gets fed up with the abuse and goes to learn from his fathers master. After one of the rival schools members kills some of the towns people Wong Fei-hong becomes enraged trains even more comes back and gets his revenge.
Boxer Rebellion
Three young martial arts brothers, played by Chi Kuan-chun, Alexander Fu Sheng and Leung Kar-yan, go in search of fellow patriots dissatisfied with Imperialist foreigners and wind up joining a rising sect of the Boxers, led by an opportunistic conman. Named as such for their use of martial arts, these boxers are revolutionaries who believe that spirits protect their bodies from foreign guns. They even dupe the Empress Dowager, who gives them her royal blessing to fight the foreigners.
The Monk
Foon Ying
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
Духовный боксёр
Liu Deruei's main thug
Wang Yu plays Hsiao Chien, a con artist vagabond who uses his kung fu skills and parlor tricks to convince superstitious villagers that he can use his body as a vessel for angry gods. However, when the villagers are threatened by a hostile force, Chien must learn to use his skills to protect the innocent.
The Fantastic Magic Baby
Yang Jian (Erlang God)
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
Disciples of Shaolin
Lun Ying Tu
A penniless bumpkin from the country who fights his way to quick riches in the city as an enforcer for a textile factory that's threatened by a competitor.
All Men Are Brothers
Rebel officer
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
The Young Rebel
Mr Tou's henchman [extra]
When Ti Lung and David Chiang left Shaw Brothers, they returned a year later after learning directing and defied their former studio heroics making films with social leanings. Directed by Ti, The Young Rebel is one such film. Fatherless as a child, Hsiang (Chiang) supports his mother. When gangsters kill his mother, he kills in revenge. Unlike his swordplay heroes, Hsiang admits guilt, expresses sorrow and is imprisoned
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
Chang Chin-Chiu
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Na Cha the Great
3rd Prince
Na Cha stars Fu Sheng as the prodigal son of a wealthy local official. When obnoxious sea dragons take on human form and cause trouble on the land, he realizes that the common people need help and takes up his mantle as their protector, fighting the dragons and their flunkies with the aid of supernatural powers.
A Mad World of Fools
A whacky 1974 comedy starring David Chiang who was also the director, that's one to see. Well it certainly is whacky, and the film is actually a number of short pieces, varying in length from a couple of minutes to the last story that is 30 minutes or so.
Shaolin Martial Arts
He Lian
After the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, the Chings are in control and send their best students to wipe out all of the remaining Shaolin practioners. They almost succeed, but two students escape. They learn various Kung Fu styles from different teachers to combat the Ching's two kung fu fighters.
The Young Dragons
Wan Fai
The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.
Легенда о семи золотых вампирах
Граф Дракула прибывает в китайскую деревеньку, чтоб оказать поддержку шести вампирам, потерявшим седьмого члена своей секты. Тем временем неподалёку проездом оказался профессор Ван Хельсинг, к которому и обратились за помощью местные жители.
The Crazy Instructor
A bumbling martial arts teacher has the skills but lacks the confidence to use them. Run out of town by some ne'er-do-wells, he sets out on some comic adventures as he travels the countryside. Taking up some companions that are as bumbling as he is, the group seems to stumble into one misadventure after another. Will our hearty band eventually prove their worth with their skills and bring their enemies to justice?
Wits to Wits
Casino top fighter
Old school action takes center stage as two scoundrels get in and out of trouble using kung fu. Yuen's action is not yet stylized but the pacing and intensity are there, setting the stage for his future masterpieces.
Heroes Two
Hsiang Chao Hui
A band of fighting Ming Dynasty loyalists branded as enemies of the state are driven underground following the burning of the Shaolin Temple by Qing Dynasty officials. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaolin kung fu prodigy Fong Sai-yuk is duped into helping Qing agents to capture leading Shaolin rebel Hung Hei-gun. Upon discovering his mistake, Sai-yuk teams up with the remaining rebels to free Hei-gun before his planned execution. Plotting to stop them is General Che Kang, a formidable Tibetan kung fu master who commands an army of fighters including four deadly Tibetan llamas.
Honor and Love
Honor and Love is a Hong Kong Martial Arts Film
The Mandarin
A detective and wanderer called Man Tshu comes to town and challenges the crime family that owns it, burning their opium and taking away one of their prostitute wives as his love interest.
Разбуженная энергия
Конг — простой крестьянин, который отлично владеет кунгфу, но поклялся умирающему отцу, что никогда не будет применять его на практике. И надо же такому случиться, что именно в этот момент к семье Конга заявляются злодеи, желающие выкупить его землю. Прийди они чуть пораньше, фильм бы тут же и закончился, но теперь Конг не дерется и вынужден долго терпеть унижения со стороны распоясавшихся бандитов.
The Delinquent
Lam's bodyguard
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.
Revenge of the Dragon
An eastern by Joseph Velasco. Two undercover agents must smash a smuggling racket that is terrorizing a small port town. One of the agents, Chin Chang, has an evil grip that can crush a skull in seconds. The thugs are killers but this agent is a killer in kung fu!
Man of Iron
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Боксер из Шантунга
Tan Si's Coachman / Yang's Thug
Начало века, в Шанхай приезжает деревенский бедняк Ма Йонгжен. Ма уверен, что с его уникальными бойцовскими качествами он найдет, как заработать, и знакомство с местным мафиози, мастером Таном, только укрепляет его уверенность в этом. А вскоре представляется и шанс «подняться» — он встает на пути головорезов из банды Четырех Чемпионов и, победив их в неравном бою, получает под свой контроль первую «территорию».
Duel of Fists
Thai Boxing stadium bouncer
Two men, one a businessman skilled in Kung Fu, the other a kickboxer discover they are brothers, and together, both in and out of the ring, they must face a crime syndicate. One of the first films to use the martial art of Muay Thai.
The Swift Knight
Mr Li's thug
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift Knight. It's a tale of brave knights, chivalry and fair maidens where the Swift Knight (Lo Lieh) finds himself involved in romance, court intrigue and deadly jousts while trying to protect the lives of a pair of siblings as the fate of the throne depends on them.
Flyer & Magic Sword
Flyer & Magic Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Duel
Kan's man
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
The New One-Armed Swordsman
Tiger Mansion Member (extra)
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
The Singing Killer
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.