Gerardo Trigueros


Sound Effects Editor
История о двух подростках, живущих в небольшом районе Мехико Сан-Грегорио Атлапулько. Парни мечтают вырваться из безнадежности, что царит в их городе, любой ценой, даже если им придется переступить через закон.
Sound Editor
Angélica and José Luis have been married for thirty years and they have always lived at the same house; first with their son, Daniel, and now, by themselves. Their daily routine is threatened when José Luis loses a leg in a car accident. When they try to restructure their life, they realize their relation was already fractured and opt for silence. However, they begin a passionate search for all they have lost. José Luis takes refuge in a sexual fantasy about his young nurse, while Angélica tries to remain just as contained as she always has for so many years.
600 миль
Dialogue Editor
Однажды, при попытке арестовать подозреваемого, полицейский (Тим Рот) волею случая становится сам пленником у юного преступника (Кристиан Феррер). Тот, будучи новичком в своем криминальном деле, везет связанного полицейского через границу в Мексику, не особо задумываясь над тем, что делать дальше. Это один из основных моментов в фильме. Кому -то он покажется затянутым, а кто-то правильно поймет, что жизнь нам дается не только затем, чтобы прожить ближайшие часы, но и чтобы держать отчет в дальнейшем, возможно, и перед Вечностью. В поездке, паренек проникается диалогами с полицейским, и постепенно, симпатии вчерашнего мальчишки, обречённого изначально жить как попало и где попало, перестраиваются на сочувствие и уважение к солидному стражу порядка. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, паренёк должен сделать нелёгкий выбор - спасти своего пленника или остаться в криминальном деле...
The Life After
Sound Editor
Two brothers, Samuel and Rodrigo, live with their mother in a suburban town. One day the mother, who has mental health problems, disappears leaving nothing behind but a note. David Pablos is a young Mexican filmmaker, born in 1982. His first short film, El mundo al atardecer, was made in 2007. La canción de los niños muertos (2008) was his second short film; he presented his first feature-length film Una frontera, todas las fronteras (2010) at the Berlinale Talent Campus before coming to Venice with his second film, La vida despues, for the 70th Venice International Film Festival.
Dialogue Editor
Miriana “Miwi" awakens at midnight to find out her sister Juliana had an accident. We don't have more information, just the vertiginous impulse of Miwi to take some food, money, a cell phone and start the car in order to accompany her sister on a trip where she will find some clues about what happened. We view the history from Miwi's point of view while we found out the events that occurred sharing with her the pain and bewilderment.
Alma & Esperanza
Foley Editor
Alma is a nine year old girl living in an urban environment in the U.S.. When she loses her mother, she has to travel to her grandmother Esperanza in an indigenous village in Mexico.
Borrar de la Memoria
Sound Mixer
A love story turned assassination against the backdrop of the 1968 student massacre whose unresolved status is finally resolved in tense life threatening conditions. The story of a stubborn journalist who undertakes the clarification and bringing to justice of the heinous murder of one student forty years later represents a dedicated effort to force a country from denial to reconciliation and closure of tragic social and political events in a country´s history. A nation cannot allow official cover-ups that seek to delete and erase from the collective memory events that prevent a nation´s march towards social justice.
Gaturro: The Movie
Sound Effects Editor
Gaturro always gets into trouble, and his master doesn't know what to do with him. Gaturro's heart belongs to Agatha, the most unpleasant cat of the town. His several attempts to conquer her love come to a halt when she meets Michou, a young, handsome cat from an aristocratic background.