Mate Ergović

Mate Ergović


Mate Ergović


A panoramic view over society across ten unfortunate characters whose stories sometimes intertwine.
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
Gostioničar (voice)
Fed up with the harsh treatment his master has given him, a brave little mouse (and later his dog, Brewster) sets off on an adventure.
Sokol Did Not Love Him
Čič Steva
The story begins in a small rural village in Ladimirevci, Eastern Croatia in 1943, where a land owner Sima is helping the Partisan Movement and the official Ustasha regime in order to save the life of his son Beneš, who is enlisted in the German army. Sima doesn't want to let his son fight for the wrong side any more, and doesn't want to give him to the Partisans either, so he hides him in his attic for the time being. The story is interwoven with episodes of Sima trying to muster a beautiful stallion - Sokol - who only answers to his son Beneš and clearly doesn't like his old man.
Susjed u liftu
Mirko is happily married man in his forties, employed in a record company. His quiet life is interrupted when a pretty young woman moves into an apartment on the upper floor. With the help of his friend Stipe, Mirko tries to seduce the aspiring singer - but their plans don't work out as expected.
The Ambassador
Vlado Miljkovic, a former member of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War, partisan fighter and retired ambassador, lives in his villa in Zagreb with his children whom he lost contact with, if he ever had one. His daughter Mickey is morbidly devoted to the worship of the cult of her dead mother, and attempts suicide in a state of distress; son Roni plays drums in a rock group and engages in a car theft, while the eldest son Mark has achieved a prestigious career as a doctor, but has problems with his demanding wife and asks father to borrow him money. Complex family relations in the ambassador's house bear witness to central heating repairman...
Cervantes from the Small Town
'Malo Misto' lives its own life, but not far behind the times. Hotel manager Roko Prč strives to organise tourism, so he introduces the first nudist beach. His wife Anđa brings two of her cousins from the Dalmatian hinterland and demands Roko to hire them. One of them, a young man named Ikan, earns the attention of a beautiful Swedish tourist. From Chile to Malo Misto returned Tonči, nicknamed Servantes, of course, without any money. He fell on the back of his hardworking aunt Keka, who even without him has enough problems of her own. Servantes also experiences an unexpected romance.
Find a Way, Comrade
Based on a TV sit-com series and set in World War II, about how an ordinary woodcutter develops into an active partisan fighter.
The Return
Despite the ongoing WW2, most of the people were just minding their own business. But everything changes when police arrests the group of youths under suspicion of being resistance sympathizers. Outraged townsfolk organize the siege of police station.
The Man to Kill
Stanko Palikarda
After the murder of the Russian Emperor Peter III, who was succeeded by Empress Catherine, Satan decides that the balance between good and evil on Earth has been destabilized. In order to set things right, he sends his representative to Earth - the teacher Farfa, who bears an unusual resemblance to Peter III. His mission is to seize power from the old Duke of Montenegro, and then to take back the Russian throne as Peter III. The people of Montenegro accept Farfa as their new leader, and he proclaims himself the new Emperor, Scepan Mali, successfully resisting an invasion by the Turks. Farfa is touched by the Montenegrins' kindness and courage, falls in love with the beautiful Elfa, and fails to follow Satan's plan. Not one to be crossed, Satan sets out to kill him.
Bombing Process
In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.
A story about life adversities of an old emigrant who returns from America to his native village.
A Shot
In a village of heterogeneous ethnic composition (populated by Serbs and Croats), the local hunter gets wounded by an accidental shot which stirs up passion among the two communities.
Daredevil Times
Knez Trtonja
Sfaira (1971-1984) dedicated to Pythagoras and Plato is a homage to two of his favourite spheroids: the Earth and the Sun.
Anno Domini 1573
Europe in second half of 16th century was very rough place to live. Peasants of Slovenia and Croatia had even rougher times because of the constant threat of Turk raids and being taxed to death in order to provide defence against the Turks. But, the worst things were arrogant local feudal lords led by Franjo Tahi who were oppresing the common folk. All that led to the great peasant revolt of 1573. The movie is made for the 400th anniversary of the event.
Hitler from Our Street
Kafedžija Đuro
Before and during WW II and the German occupation of Serbia, in a village in Vojvodina, inhabitants are separated based on their nationality. Local Volksdeutschers (ethnic Germans) enlist with the Nazi occupiers. The village bum, Leksi, jumps at the opportunity to put on a uniform and parade around with a gun. Leksi gets into an argument with villagers Marko and Joca, who devise a plan to get rid of him. At the same time, Marko tries to seduce Leksi's wife, Anika.
A Performance of Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja
A corrupt village commissar insists on mounting a production of Hamlet. The clever local teacher, however, casts the son of a man framed for theft as Hamlet, and the commissar as the usurping king, leading to a climax of truly Shakespearean proportions.
Policajac u stanici
A film about a small-time gangster, a loser who seems is finally on the road of going straight.
You Get It, Man
Our hero is Glista - a young Zagreb punk whose (sub)urban adventures depict his world and philosophy.
To Live on Love
A story about a couple whose problems start when she takes a job as a teacher in order to financially support his education.
The Accordion
Machash Bachi (as Mato Ergovic)
The action takes place in a village where police investigates a murder committed because of an accordion.
The Deer Hunt
Joza Vikulić
I. S. returns after many years to his hometown, from which he escaped after WW II, fearing that, as a civil clerk of the NDH, could suffer prosecution from the new government. He has been falsely accused to be a member of Ustasha movement.
Afternoon of a Pheasant
Blind Fisherman
A love couple finds their secret place on a desolated river bank, without knowing about the fisherman and trio of pop musicians who found themselves there by accident, and who now use this opportunity for voyeurism.
The Pine Tree in the Mountain
Nikola zvani 'Miš'
Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men.
Pero the Lump's Gang
A group of village boys found a gang under the leadership of the most intelligent amongst them - Pero the Lump. They decide to renovate an old and abandoned watermill on the outskirts of their village. A discord amongst the villages has caused the mill to remain unused. To make sure it stays closed, the corrupted steam mill owner is ready to bribe customers. Pero's gang does not want to give in under the pressure of corrupt villagers...
Love and Sometimes a Curse
Dalmatia in the 1930s. Mate Pivac, a policeman and father of eight, finds out that the King himself becomes godfather to every ninth children in the country, and tries to make his wife sure that they need another child hoping for financial or any other kind of support. Eventually in the town arrives a circus troop, whose main star looks identically to Our Lady of the Angel. The attractive lady arouses male fantasies, so local women ask from Mate to make her leave the town by force. The trouble is that Mate himself is not immune to her beauty.
A man cannot bear the superficiality of human relationships, and when his best friend lets him down, he commits suicide by jumping off a skyscraper.
Вкус насилия
Сюжетная основа фильма – борьба повстанцев в безымянной латиноамериканской стране против диктатора. Командир армии Перес взял в заложницы дочь президента Марию, которую нужно доставить предводителю партизан, генералу Гузману. В путь с собой он берёт двух помощников – Чамако и Чико. Дальше начинаются перипетии сюжета, усложняемые характерами персонажей: влюблённость Чико в заложницу, меркантильность и коварство Чамако, стойкость и непоколебимость командира Переса, для которого революция – святое дело...
The Lost Pencil
After one of the pupils lost his pencil in the classroom, the other children accuse Dika that he stole it. Dika decides to fight for the truth, and luckily his teacher is the only one who believes him.
Поезд вне расписания
Этот поезд шел без расписания и подолгу простаивал на станциях. Пользуясь этим, пассажиры выходили и знакомились между собой; все они ехали в одно место — на север страны, на черноземные, плодородные земли. Поезд вез их из родных деревень, где жили еще отцы и деды, но где вместо земли был холодный, твердый камень, на котором ничего не родилось. О судьбах этих переселенцев-крестьян, по зову своего правительства отправившихся строить новую жизнь, и рассказывает фильм.
Своего тела господин
Желая поправить хозяйство, бедняк Якоб Повунчик решил женить своего сына Иву на дочери богатого крестьянина Розе. Правда, девушка хромает, не очень красива, но зато за ней дают хорошее приданое. Ива любит молодую вдову Ягу, но она бедна. Юноша вынужден подчиниться воле отца. Он женится на Розе, но не хочет жить с нелюбимой. «Я своего тела господин, — говорит Ива, — кому хочу, тому и отдаю его».
The Siege
A group of partisans is under siege, surrounded by strong German forces. Some of them remember the events that preceded the siege. This is an omnibus of three intertwined stories.