Georges Van Parys

Georges Van Parys

Рождение : 1902-06-07, Paris, France

Смерть : 1971-01-29


Georges Van Parys was a French composer of film music and operettas. Among his musical influences were the group Les Six, Maurice Ravel, and Claude Debussy. Later in his career he served as vice-president of the Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique. He is buried in the cemetery at Villiers-sur-Marne. (Wikipedia)


Georges Van Parys


Jean de la lune
Не надо принимать божьих детей за диких уток
Original Music Composer
Мелкий жулик Фред украл золота на миллиард у удачливого налетчика. Красавица Рита подговорила дружка Шарля украсть добычу у Фреда. Шарль кинул Риту. А Рита срочно вызвала с Лазурного берега 70-летнюю тетушку Леонтину, которая показала всему парижскому гангстерскому подполью, где раки зимуют.
The Lace Wars
Music Director
In the 18th century, as the army of Prince De Beaulieu lays siege on the fortress of Marechal D'Allenberg, a young princess sends a soldier out of the fortress to go find her lover.
Coplan prend des risques
In a factory working for the National Defense, an employee steals a prototype. In charge of the investigation is Francis Coplan.
Cadavres en vacances
Original Music Composer
The holidays at a pension in Touquet (North-Western France) are marred by a series of tragic disappearances.
Железная маска
В крепости на далёком острове где-то в Средиземном море томится анонимный пленник. Под страхом смертной казни никто не смеет видеть узника без маски, скрывающей его лицо. А на другом конце воюющей Европы, в Париже, сильнейшая лихорадка привела на грань жизни и смерти Его Величество Людовика XIV, молодого короля Франции. Под угрозой подписание мирного договора с Испанией, главным условием которого должен стать союз Людовика XIV и Инфанты Испанской. Не будет короля - не будет выгодной свадьбы и долгожданного мира. В этот драматический момент интриган и умница кардинал Мазарини поручает капитану Д'Артаньяну весьма щекотливое дело - доставить в Париж живым и невредимым таинственного пленника - брата-близнеца короля. Задание опасное и непростое, но капитан королевских мушкетеров азартен, отважен и молод душой...
Арсен Люпен против Арсена Люпена
Original Music Composer
André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in search of the treasure of Poldavia. For he keeps finding Gérard on his way and his efforts are constantly thwarted by his half-brother. Will Gérard prevent François from becoming the worthy successor to their father or will the two young men decide to join forces? That is the question.
Original Music Composer
"Les petits matins" is a story of eighteen-year old Agathe (Agathe Aëms) with a firm independence of men even if she uses them to get to the côte d'azur. Along the way she meets a lot of people , mostly men. And the director does not spare the sterotypical image of early 60s middle aged male cliches to lampoon. But this is all very light stuff, nothing too intellectual. But it's often charming, and there's a bevy of well-known actors involved. Jean -Claude Brialy (the pompous, self absorbed male lead of Rohmer's "Claire's Knee"), Claude Rich, Lino Ventura, François Perrier, Pierre Brasseur, and the couple Bernard Blier & Arletty, who team up here for the first time since Marcel Carné's "Hôtel du Nord" (1938).
Всё золото мира
Обитатели маленькой деревеньки жили совершенно спокойно и счастливо, пока в один «прекрасный» день не появился бизнесмен, решивший построить здесь крупный международный курорт…
Капитан Фракасс
Original Music Composer
Франция, 17-й век. Обедневший барон де Сигонак разрешает труппе странствующих актеров провести ночь в своем замке. В итоге, уставший от сельской жизни молодой барон решает отправиться вместе с ними в Париж. По пути один из актеров умирает, и де Сигонак занимает его место - начинает играть роль капитана Фракасса. Во время представления в столице молодая актриса Изабель удостаивается внимания богатого герцога. Когда она отказывает его притязаниям. Герцог угрожает похитить ее, однако сердце девушки уже принадлежит молодому барону...
Mr. Topaze
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
Les années folles
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Эпифания - избалованная наследница миллионного состояния, по воли отца, может выйти замуж только за того, кто сможет превратить 500 фунтов в 15000 фунтов стерлингов за короткое время. Её миллионы прельщают многих мужчин, но происходит случайная встреча с бедным индийским доктором, и миллионерша не может думать ни о ком другом. Только есть два «но»: первое, доктор не обращает на неё внимание; второе, по воли матери, он может женится лишь на той, кто сможет прожить три месяца потратив только 35 шиллингов.
Marie of the Isles
Original Music Composer
In 1635, Jacques du Parquet, the nephew of the well known explorer Belain d'Esnambic, enters a tavern in Dieppe, and falls in love with the daughter of the bartender, Marie Bonnard. He knows his noble family would disapprove such a marriage; besides, he is nominated for the post of governor in Martinica. He promised never to forget Marie, but as time goes by, she will accept to marry a rich and unscrupulous man, Monsieur de Saint-André. When her husband is appointed to serve in Martinica as General Commissioner, Marie demands to go with him. At her arrival, all sorts of trouble arrive: pirates take action against travelers and goods, rotten deals set the two officers against each other, and finally jealousy settles to make things worse. ~ Written by Artemis-9
Rêves de Neige
Original Music Composer
Зверь выпущен
Бывшего уголовника и бойца «Сопротивления », а ныне успешного ресторатора, спецслужбы шантажом вовлекают в шпионскую историю, где ему приходится весьма несладко.
Clara and the Villains
Original Music Composer
A rich kid, the daughter of an oil tycoon, lives a life of luxury. Bad guys kidnap the heiress.
Привет вам от Гориллы
Горилла под видом шпиона пытается глубоко внедриться в преступный мир, якобы для передачи шпионской информации за рубеж. Некие иностранные резиденты использовали то ли в тёмную, то ли в чистую представителей преступного мира. Горилла пытается из нутра криминальной группировки проникнуть к источнику преступных козней и не без труда ему это удаётся.
School for Coquettes
Original Music Composer
A young Parisian woman attends a school for coquettes in order to rise in society.
Original Music Composer
Жан Вальжан (Жан Габен) провёл 19 лет на каторге за кражу корки хлеба. Выйдя на свободу, он едва снова не ступил на преступный путь. Но встреча со священником перевернула его душу, и он решает отныне творить добро. На жестоких улицах Парижа его преследует заклятый враг Тенардье (Бурвиль) и безжалостный полицейский Жавер (Бернар Блие).
Secrets of a French Nurse
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Haute Couture mannequin in Paris becomes involved in the activities of two rival jewel thief gangs.
Дай мне шанс
Original Music Composer
Юная провинциалка Николь грезит кинематографом и однажды ее мечты начинают сбываться: девушка получает приглашение в Париж на конкурс, призом в котором должна стать роль в кино. Николь, не задумываясь, бросает родителей, возлюбленного и отправляется в столицу, не подозревая, каким трудным и тернистым является путь начинающей актрисы…
The Happy Road
Two children run away from a Swiss boarding school and set out for Paris, with their frantic parents in hot pursuit.
Человек в непромокаемом плаще
Original Music Composer
Кларнетист Альбер Константен, безупречный и пунктуальный человек, провожает свою супругу которая собралась ехать по семейным делам в провинцию. Впервые за двадцать лет брака, он впервые остаётся наедине с собой. В конце концов, его друг гобоист, советует ему воспользоваться отсутствием жены, что бы завести роман с красивой хористкой Евой. Таким образом, положив в карман своего плаща её адрес, он решается в конце концов отправиться к ней на свидание...
Original Music Composer
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
It Happened in Aden
Les truands
Original Music Composer
"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.
Если парни всего мира...
Original Music Composer
На борту французского рыболовецкого траулера "Лютеция" 12 рыбаков ведут промысел в Норвежском море (Северная Атлантика). Члены экипажа судна поочередно заболевают неизвестной болезнью. Капитан после безуспешных попыток связаться по служебному радио с береговыми базами, посылает через коротковолновый передатчик сигнал бедствия SOS на радиолюбительской частоте 14300 кГц. Радиосигнал с судна удается принять радиолюбителю-коротковолновику в далекой Африке, который записывает координаты судна и связывает экипаж с доктором. Для спасения заболевших требуется в течение 12 часов доставить на борт антибутулическую сыворотку. Сообщение передается по цепочке через радиолюбителей разных стран, демонстрируя саму интернациональную суть коротковолновой радиосвязи и радиолюбительскую взаимопомощь.
Maid in Paris
A young boarder meets a captain.
Paris la nuit
Original Music Composer
Большие манёвры
Original Music Composer
Красавец-офицер Арман де ла Верн заключает со своими друзьями щекотливое пари, что до начала манёвров соблазнит неприступную Мари-Луизу Ривьер с такой же легкостью, как любую другую девушку. Его приключение заканчивается тем, что он по-настоящему влюбляется…
Папа, мама, моя жена и я
Original Music Composer
После свадебного путешествия Робер и Катрин возвращаются в дом родителей Робера. Вскоре у молодоженов рождаются близнецы — двое мальчиков. В доме начинается суета, недовольства бабушки и дедушки. Но это только начало, проходит еще какое-то время и рождается еще пара мальчиков…
Girl on the Third Floor
A Parisian reporter tries to exonerate a fugitive neighbor of charges he murdered his wife.
Nana or Nanà is a French-Italian film by Christian-Jaque starring Charles Boyer. It is an adaptation of Émile Zola's novel Nana.
Французский канкан
Original Music Composer
Анри Данглар, уже немолодой театральный импресарио, известен своей способностью превращать обычных с виду девушек в сенсации. С равным успехом Данглар и соблазняет их. Однажды он не на шутку увлекается Нини, очаровательной прачкой с Монмартра, и перестает уделять внимание своей предыдущей любви. Он отдает всю энергию на то, чтобы сделать из Нини не просто звезду, он создает для нее новую программу, возрождает забытый канкан и строит новый театр «Мулен Руж» — аттракцион для миллионеров.
Сын Каролины Шери
В поисках романтики и славы молодой Жуан Арандо отправляется в испанскую армию, выступающую против Наполеона. С тех пор, как благородный искатель приключений покинул родной замок, судьба закружила его в невероятном круговороте событий. Доблесть, приключения, женщины.. Все, что Жуан мечтал получить от жизни сбылось, но только старая семейная тайна укажет ему путь к настоящей любви.
Original Music Composer
Директор частной школы Мишель Деласаль — плохой муж и очень плохой человек. Его не выносят коллеги, жена Кристина и даже его любовница Николь. Кристина, которой на самом деле принадлежит школа, хочет развода, но Мишель заявляет, что скорее убьёт несчастную женщину, чем допустит своё разорение. Доведенные до предела, бывшие соперницы решаются на крайний шаг — утопить Мишеля во время уикенда. Останется только спрятать труп, заявить в полицию об исчезновении и забыть об этом кошмаре. Но вдруг тело исчезает, а Кристину начинают преследовать странные видения… Тем временем, отставной инспектор Фише начинает поиски исчезнувшего мужа директрисы.
Папа, мама, служанка и я
Original Music Composer
Утро в домике на холме, недалеко от города Париж, вот уже много лет начинается всегда одинаково. Неприятное дребезжание будильника, монотонное радио, на кухне служанка раскладывает очередной пасьянс, отец вспоминает учения Демосфена, мать готовит завтрак.
The Beautiful Otero
Original Music Composer
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
Flesh and the Woman
Original Music Composer
In this romance, a jilted lawyer joins the French Foreign Legion to help him forget his faithless love. While in the desert he espies a village beauty who is the exact double of his true-love.
On Trial
Original Music Composer
Prosecutor Etzel discovers that his father has sentenced a man, Leonardo Maurizius, on mere presumptions. He then makes it a point of honor to trace the sources of the case to uncover the truth.
The Secrets of the Bed
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
Мадемуазель Нитуш
Господин Селеcтен ведёт уроки музыки в монастырском приюте для девочек. Он сама скромность и умеренность. Но только днём, ночью же он оставляет свои добродетели и свой строгий костюм в монастыре, а сам, облачившись в щегольской наряд, превращается в мсье Флоридора - сочинителя оперетт. Монахини даже не подозревают о двойной жизни Селестена, но воспитанницам монастыря становится известно о ночных отлучках преподавателя. Одна из них - Дениза - обнаружила ноты его оперетт и выучила все партии. Она влюблена в музыку Флоридора и уговаривает Селестена взять её с собой в театр. Вскоре такой случай представился: Селестену поручают отвезти Денизу на смотрины, её отец подыскал ей жениха - молодого офицера. Учитель и ученица отправляются в дорогу…
Марио выходит из тюрьмы и принимает предложение своего друга Боба поставлять девушек для Чарли, который отправляет их для работы в Танжер. Так он знакомится с Мишель, певицей кабаре «Фемина». Девушка видит, что он влюблён в неё, и пытается откупиться. Марио освобождает из неволи Даниель, сестру Мишель, убедившись в искренности чувств последней.
The Rebels of Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Before the Deluge
The title of this French "reality" drama, which translates to Before the Deluge, is a play on Louis XVI's famous prognostication, "Apres moi, le deluge." Set in 1950, the film concentrates on five Parisian adolescents. Certain that the next war will herald the apocalypse, the youngster make plans to run off to a desert island and set up a new society. This, however, will require money, which is why the boys decide to pull off a "necessary" robbery. Idealism collapses in the face of cold reality, as the five youths suffer from the consequences of their actions. Avant le Deluge was one of a group of films cowritten by director Andre Cayatte and Charles Spaak which endeavored to explore the touchy social issues of the day: others in the Cayatte-Spaak canon include the euthanasia-themed Justice est Faite and the capital-punishment tract Nous sommes tous des assassins.
Мадам де…
Original Music Composer
Франция конца 19-го — начала 20-го века. Жена состоятельного генерала, графиня Луиза, продает серьги, которые подарил ей супруг в день свадьбы, чтобы расплатиться с долгами. С этого начинается череда трагических недоразумений…
Ночные красавицы
Original Music Composer
Молодой композитор Клод влачит жалкое существование в одном из бедных Кварталов захолустного городка. Он подрабатывает учителем пения в школе, — над ним смеются ученики и подшучивают друзья детства — обладатели более земных профессий, а ко всему прочему сосед, владелец автомастерской, мешает сочинять ему музыку, заглушая звуки пианино (которое вот-вот заберут за неуплату аренды) ревом моторов. Утонченный Клод убегает от удручающей реальности в свои сны, которые переносят его в разные эпохи. Там он — известный композитор, храбрый офицер, сражающийся в Африке, светский лев и одновременно революционер, мушкетер и дамский угодник. Мир снов гораздо ярче и реалистичнее мира подлинного.
Le Grand Méliès
Original Music Composer
This 1952 film by Georges Franju is a biographical film about cinematic illusionist Georges Méliès. It features Méliès’s widow, Jeanne d’Alcy, as herself, and their son, André, as his own father. LE GRAND MÉLIÈS, like Franju’s Louis Feuillade tribute, JUDEX, is a revealing homage to one of the director’s idols.
Минута истины
Original Music Composer
Главный герой, врач, Пьер Ришар узнает о том, что его жена, актриса Мадлен Ришар, ему изменяет. Оба проводят ночь, обмениваясь горькими упреками и вспоминая прошлые обиды…
La chasse à l'homme
Original Music Composer
Drôle de noce
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Three Women
Original Music Composer
The short stories of Guy de Maupassant enjoyed a renaissance in the early 1950s, thanks in great part to the Max Ophuls production Le Plaisir. In Trois Femmes, three De Maupassant stories are dramatized, each conveying the central theme of women falling in love. In the first, a black female carnival entertainer causes an uproar when she falls in love with a white soldier. In the second, a young bride is pressured into having a baby to collect a huge inheritance. And in the final episode, a pregnant girl is "adopted" and protected by a small circle of friends. In standard De Maupassant fashion, each of the three stories in Trois Femmes is capped by a surprise twist.
Les bonnes manières
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Молодой красавец Фанфан идет в армию, чтобы избежать насильственной женитьбы и осуществить предсказание цыганки, нагадавшей ему славу воина и невесту королевской крови. На деле очаровательная предсказательница оказывается дочерью сержанта, вербующего крестьян в армию. Узнав про эту хитрость, Фанфан не отступается от своей мечты и, полный надежд на исполнение предсказаний лже-цыганки, встает под королевские знамена…
Золотая каска
Original Music Composer
Красавица Мари и плотник Жорж влюбляются в друг друга. Проблема в том, что Мари — женщина босса локальной банды. Теперь Жоржу предстоит вернуться к своему темному прошлому, от которого он хотел навсегда избавиться…
Их было пятеро
Почтальон Жан, боксёр Марсель, актёр Роже, студент Андре и сын богатых родителей Филипп — пятеро фронтовых друзей, возвращаясь к мирной жизни, поклялись сохранить дружбу навсегда. Но в такое тяжёлое время это оказывается не так просто. Безработный Роже снова встречает свою сестру певицу Валери в ночном клубе. Некто Фредо нанимает его для подозрительного дела…
Love, Madame
Original Music Composer
Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.
Adorable Creatures
Original Music Composer
Andre Noblet, a 21-year-old French artist falls madly in love with Christine, the mother of two children. He tells Chistine he will tell all to her husband and demand her freedom. Christine learns that her husband has been carrying on a romance of his own and they have a meeting.
The Bonnadieu House
Felix is a middle-aged bourgeois husband. Much to his discomfort, he learns that his wife Gabrielle is carrying on with a young man--a very young man. Rather than express outrage, Felix decides that there's something lacking in him. He spends the rest of the picture trying to keep his wife by altering his own personality and outlook.
Mademoiselle Josette, ma femme
Original Music Composer
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
Lady Paname
Original Music Composer
The evocation of Paris in the 1920s mingles with the rapid rise of the irresistible Caprice, a talented singer, and her tumultuous love affair with Jeff the composer. A photographer nicknamed Bagnolet, a gentle anarchist, gently monitors the activities of Caprice, who has become Lady Paname and, in the absence of morality, makes love triumph.
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Несколько полицейских во время ночного дежурства рассказывают наиболее жуткие истории из своей работы с целью напугать новичка. Каждый по очереди упоминает об особенно ужасных убийцах: маньяке, очарованном шеями молодых женщин, госте, убежденном, что деформированный глаз хозяина несёт для него угрозу, мстительном любителе вина, который заживо замуровал своего друга...
Une femme par jour
Original Music Composer
Following a winning game, a young man finds himself at the head of the harem of an oriental prince who has seven wives. One of them escapes, replaced by the young girl her family wants the young partygoer to marry. Everything ends in songs and as desired.
Jean de la Lune
Marceline is pretty but inconstant. She has a brother, eccentric as well as invading, who serves as a go-between between the fickle young woman and her lovers. She has been the mistress of Richard for a while when Jeff, an engaging but but unrepentant dreamer, falls madly in love with her. Marceline first turns him down but finally accepts him after she breaks up with Richard. But the coquette has not given up her escapades to which the young florist, nicknamed "Jean de la Lune" for his naivety, turns a blind eye. Little time after their wedding , Marceline becomes infatuated with the good looks of a superficial young man, Alexandre. But Jeff, who has developed a fondness for Jean, intervenes to save the couple.
Летающий шкаф
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
The Loves of Colette
Original Music Composer
François, a young student at a provincial college, likes Colette, the daughter of the headmaster. Turlot his colleague, who commits suicide, left a diary where he writes of his relationship with Colette.
By the Window
Gaston, nicknamed Pilou, has left his native village and Yvette, the girl of his heart, to go to Paris where he has found work as a painter. He is a naive good-natured man who, like most of his fellow-workers, favors a little song or two while he works. For the time being he is busy repainting the exterior of a block of flats and, when he does not sing to pass the time, he looks through the windows, observing the tenants in their daily lives. As time goes by, he goes as far as intervening and changing the course of their lives. In the end, despite having found a lookalike of his fiancée, he returns to her.
Square of Knaves
Music Editor
Summoned by his mother to plead, a very young lawyer has a trio of pathetic criminals acquitted. The daughter of one of them reveals to the lawyer that the three accomplices hoped to find food and board in prison. For the beautiful eyes of the young girl, Master of La Bastide attaches the three rogues to his service. Disasters, confusion, clumsiness follow one another until the planned wedding.
Silence Is Golden
Original Music Composer
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
A Duel to the Death
On the the bank of a peaceful river, two fishermen are... fishing! An idyllic scene indeed. At least until their lines get intertwined. At one of their two ends, a single fish! But whose end? Which of the two contenders is the legal owner of the aquatic vertebrate? To resolve the dispute, the two men decide to fight a pistol duel.
The Eleventh Hour Guest
An inventor has just developed an extraordinary machine, a disintegrating ray and thought detector. He experiences it one evening on a group of relatives, including his fiancée, and it seems to turn into a tragedy: he is found lifeless, apparently poisoned. A man calling himself a police officer begins to investigate.
The novelist Loïc Limousin knew the turbulent past of Marie-Martine and he extracted the material for a novel from which the young girl risks paying the price. After the drama that had thrown her in prison, she met a brave boy ready to make his life with her. Will the scandal separate them?
Gilbert, poet and singer, is about to marry Lilette but deep inside himself he is not quite sure that she is the woman he needs. That is the reason why he has made up an imaginary woman, Frédérica" to whom he writes love letters, actual ones this time. When Lilette finds one of these, she sees red. Théodule, one of Gilbert's many friends, sets out the problem with the help of Claudine, his own girlfriend, posing as Frédérica. After Gilbert and "Frédérica" have played a phony breakup scene in front of Lilette, things seem to come right when... another Frédérica appears...
At Your Command, Madam
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
Cap au large
Father Boquet, old and sad, hopes that François, his son, will be a fisherman like him. Alas, François follows his evil genius Simon to town and succumbs to the charms of the great Lisa. The wise village teacher sets out to find him when his father is ill, and brings François back in a violent storm. Love is on the way
As her neighbor Rémi Courmont has told her off for making his ears bleed with Ravel's Bolero, a music piece she plays at full volume all the time, Anne-Marie decides to get even with him. She sets up a hoax with the complicity of her friend Catherine, who agrees to post as Remi's mistress to embarrass him. Just then, Niquette, Rémi's real lover, resurfaces.
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
Bearer Check
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
Original Music Composer
Lillian Harvey plays Miquette, whose beauty and vivacity increases the clientele of her mother's tobacco shop. A Barrymoresque actor (Lucien Baroux) believes that Miquette has star potential, but he hasn't sufficient capital to finance her theatrical debut. He manages to get the money by practicing a bit of genteel blackmail on an aging marquis (Andre Lefaur) who has romantic designs on the heroine.
Marseille mes amours
Filmed operetta about a wealthy Provencal man who puts those lining up for his inheritance through a series of colorful adventures, only to reveal to them at the end that the whole thing was just a joke.
The Path of Honor
Two twin brothers have joined the army, Paul by vocation is a lieutenant of spahis and Georges to escape the police is a sergeant in the Foreign Legion. A snitch having informed the police of Georges' presence at the Legion, he must leave. In Casablanca, Paul helps his brother escape the police by taking his identity to allow him to regain his honor.
Extenuating Circumstances
Sound Director
Harsh Parisian judge Gaetan (known as Monsieur Maximum), chafing in the idleness of retirement, leaves for a seaside holiday. But Gabriel the chauffeur has his mind on his girl, not the car; Gaetan and wife Nathalie are stranded in the country, where they find shelter in a low class bistro patronized by cheerful jail birds. Once the ice is broken, they have a wonderful time, but as the judge tries to trick his new friends into reforming, inevitable exposure approaches...
Nightclub Hostess
Original Music Composer
The young Suzy is a nightclub hostess in a cabaret in which Frehel is the star. Because one night she gets propositions from a rich widower who would like to have her as his girlfriend, Suzy wishes to leave this place, where she has no future, for a better one. Abandoned by her protector, a young hoodlum named Robert, she gets the occasion to get away from it. She decides to go on vacation on the Riviera and stay at the Chateau des Cedres, the former residence of a noble family that has been transformed into a bourgeois guest house by the baroness Saint-Leu. Shy and elegant, in her modest suit, Suzy stays there under the name of Suzanne Michelet and soon makes new friends among the young people of very wealthy families.
Mon curé chez les riches
In the village of Sableuse, the local manor has been bought out by a nouveau riche, Emile Cousinet. When his wife Lisette, a former music hall actress, flees to Paris with young Pierre de Sableuse, Cousinet asks Father Pellegrin, the village vicar, to bring the lost sheep back home.
Abused Confidence
Original Music Composer
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
The Virgin Bride
Original Music Composer
Franco de port
Monsieur Fred is a friendly Southerner who recruits pretty girls down on their luck to send to South America. After some dramatic incidents and an eventful chase, a policeman manages to lock up the gang he runs.
Take the Road
Sound Director
Jacques is a jolly bachelor who lives a wild life with his a mistress Wanda and all he wishes is to go on living the way he does. But Father won't allow. He demands that Jacques get married. More or less reluctantly, Jacques decides to comply but on the way to his father's home - where he is to meet the bride Dad has chosen for him - the young man comes across the charming Simone and falls in love with her at first sight. He elopes her, determined to ignore his progenitor's orders. Little does he know that Simone, the girl of his heart, is none other than the one he was supposed to marry...
Un mauvais garçon
Monsieur Serval has made a deal with his daughter Jacqueline. She can be a lawyer and act her own way provided that, in a given period of time, she becomes a great name of the profession. If she does not, she must pledge herself to marry the son of a rich man, Monsieur Feutrier. Jacqueline accepts and starts her career by defending Pierre Besnard, a bad Boy. Not only does she get the case dismissed but she falls in love with Pierre as well. But she is not famous for all that and sooner or later she will have to bring herself to marry Feutrier's son.
The Happy Road
It is only the prospect of having a child that draws the otherwise strictly urban new wife, Suzanne, to a family farm, she really doesn't care for the countryside of for her in laws.
Zou Zou tries to help her childhood friend prove his innocence after he's accused of murder.
Original Music Composer
Nicknamed "the Aristo", a friendly tramp, once a very rich and influential man, will one fine day rediscover the splendor of his past...
The Blue Ones of the Sky
Original Music Composer
An obscure mechanic falls in love with a an champion pilot.
I'm a Girl with a Devil in the Flesh
This Czech sophisticated romantic comedy, filmed by director Anton also in a parallel French version ("Une petite femme dans le train"), casts beautiful Czech star Baarova in the role that Meg Lemonnier played in the Gallic version.
The Old Devil
Original Music Composer
Vautier, a wealthy surgeon in his fifties, falls in love with Hélène, a young woman from a modest background. He allows her to have a string of short-lived lovers - but when Jean Trapeau, an old boyfriend, resurfaces, things get complicated.
I'll Be Alone After Midnight
Original Music Composer
A woman's marriage is on the rocks ; to avenge herself, she decides to take a lover for one night .So she buys all his stock from a balloon man and flies them through the Parisian sky ; all her balloons carry a message :"I will be alone after midnight" (hence the title); a lot a suitors comme to the rendezvous : a fisherman, a soldier, a traveler , a gentleman cambrioleur (a nod to Arsène Lupin?) and others ,much to Michel, a young man in love with her's displeasure.
Dragnet Night
A sailor, who meets a lovely music hall singer during a police raid, falls in love. In a contest at a fair, he defeats a former boxing champ. The ex-champ trains the sailor to become a boxer. After he wins the French championship, the sailor is swayed by easy money and a sultry coquette. The singer goes on a singing tour, and the sailor falls into decadence. He enters the European championship spiritually empty and in bad condition.
Le Million
Original Music Composer
Debt-ridden painter Michel is overcome with joy at discovering that he has just won 1 million florins in the Dutch lottery, but almost immediately, he discovers that his softhearted girlfriend, Béatrice, has given away his jacket containing the winning ticket to an elderly petty thief. Soon Michel, Beatrice and Michel's artistic rival, Prosper, are hurtling through the streets of Paris on the trail of the missing jacket.
The Lovers of Midnight
A bank employee who stole money at work falls in the hands of a dangerous escaped convict whose girlfriend is going to help him out of this mess.
Золотой век
Original Music Composer
Шокирующе-насмешливый видеоряд подспудных страстей, разрушающих социальные ценности и запреты.
The Road Is Fine
Paris' Girls
This French film confection directed by Henry Roussell concerns two young Parisian beauties in love with same fellow (Fernand Fabre). When one of the girls (Suzy Vernon) goes to America, the one who stays home (Esther Kiss) thinks shes triumphed. But when the traveler returns and the guy goes for her new-found sophistication, the competition continues- including the hilariously mock-heroic duel we see in this four-sheet design.
The Woman and the Puppet
Original Music Composer
Womanizer Don Mateo helps a girl in a train when attacked by a other woman. This girl, Conchita - a cigarette maker, soon visits the rich Don Mateo at his palace in Sevillia. He falls for her, but she likes to play with him.