María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir


Наш дом: как жить на планете Земля
Накануне Дня Земли семилетний мальчик узнает о чудесах планеты благодаря родителям и загадочному экспонату в Музее Всего. По мотивам популярной детской книги Оливера Джефферса.
Lake Los Angeles
Original Music Composer
After crossing into the U.S. with no family to speak of, young Cecilia finds herself in the charge of Francisco, a lonely Cuban immigrant long separated from his own family. Francisco operates a way station for border crossers on the outskirts of Lake Los Angeles, a surreal, desiccated lakebed in the California desert. While he copes with the alienation of living alone in a foreign land and the impossibility of realizing the American dream, Cecilia aimlessly wanders the dusty landscape, accompanied only by her fantastical imagination and distant memories of motherly love.
Pearblossom Hwy
Original Music Composer
Friends Cory and Anna are drifting through life, struggling to find their place. Cory is sick of life in the desert and wants to be on a reality show so he can prove to his brother that he isn't a screw-up. Anna is in the country illegally, selling sex to save enough money to take her citizenship test. When Cory's brother visits and Anna's dying grandmother takes a turn for the worst, the two are forced to examine the direction of their lives
Запись турне исландской пост-рок группы `Sigur Ros` 2006 года по Исландии. Выступления происходили в самых необычных местах: пещера, заброшенная фабрика, пустынная равнина…