Adem and Zehra, who ran away and got married, had a son named Baha. Baha lost his hearing as a result of meningitis he had when he was a baby. Baha's life, who had a much more difficult and lonely childhood than his peers, changes when he meets Leyla, who is deaf and mute like him. Two teenagers fall in love with each other. However, there will be great obstacles in the way of their happiness, and Baha will have to go through great struggles to be able to reunite with his daughter Yeşim, the fruit of this love.
In the future, the earth becomes uninhabitable due to climate crisis and famine. The few survivors form colonies and start to live in underground blocks. According to The Scarcity Laws of the Young Administration which controls this system, old generations must be destroyed in exchange for new lives. The life of a family that lives in one of the blocks is changed by a new baby they are expecting.
Все мы когда-то любили… И первая любовь, самое уникальное чувство в мире. В нашей истории, молодой парень по имени Эмре собирается жениться. Все идет хорошо: прекрасное отношение с будущей женой, свадебные костюмы, пригласительные… Но, прошлое дает о себе знать, а именно, первая любовь. Парень узнает, что его бывшая возлюбленная покинула этот мир… Девушка умерла от рака, однако, перед смертью она оставила ему большой сюрприз!