Hélène Florent

Hélène Florent


Hélène Florent


Drunken Birds
A drug-cartel worker runs afoul of his boss and migrates to Canada, in Ivan Grbovic’s timely tale of star-crossed love and starting over.
Maria Chapdelaine
Laura Chapdelaine
Maria Chapdelaine tells the story of a young woman having to choose between three suitors promising each a different life. Faced with events that jostle her, Maria must then take his destiny into her own hands and decide what her future will be.
A Journey
Mre De Chantal
Two solitary people meet each other and form a bond in the back country of the Gaspe peninsula.
Sarah Prefers to Run
When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.
Кафе де Флор
История любви между мужчиной и женщиной, между матерью и сыном.
Lance et compte
Cathou St-Laurent
After an hockey game in Lac St-Jean, the National climbs into their bus and begins the long ride from Roberval to Quebec City. On one of the sharp curves around Mount Apica, catastrophe strikes. The bus slams into the mountain and half the players dies. Now the team faces its greatest challenge: rebuilding.
Lucidité passagère
Véronique ne cache rien en amour. Mathieu est simplement un brin fatigué. Fred peuts'adapter à tous les genres de femmes. Rémi doit trouver ce qui l’allume dans la vie.Ce n'est que dans de brefs instants de lucidité que l'on parvient à voir le monde telqu'il est.
La lacheté
Моя дочь – заложница
Lucie Gagnon
Жерман преуспевающий бизнесмен. В его жизни есть абсолютно все для счастья. Красивая жена, умница дочь, учащаяся в университете, хорошая работа, много денег. Но все меняется в один момент, когда он случайно натыкается в интернете на ролик порнофильма с участием его дочери Натали! Понимая, что такое она могла сделать только под дулом пистолета, Жерман тут же бросает все дела и отправляется спасать дочь…
Marie-Antoinette, la véritable histoire
Madame du Barry
Dans les villes
Four strangers are wandering through town. Fanny, a young woman who takes care of trees, will cross paths with three people along her way and offer them her help: Jean-Luc is blind, Joséphine has reached the end of her life, and Carole is suicidal.
La vie avec mon père
Looking for Alexander
Disturbing and violent memories haunt a man after he emerges from a lengthy coma.
The film tells the story of three couples on the road between the Atlantic coast and the Northwest Territories in Canada.