Ahmed Mazhar

Ahmed Mazhar

Рождение : 1917-10-08, Cairo, Egypt

Смерть : 2002-05-08


Ahmed Hafez Mazhar (8 October 1917 – 8 May 2002) was an Egyptian actor. He graduated from the military academy in 1938[1] and his colleagues included Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat. His acting career started in 1951 when he was picked for a role in Zehour Al-Islam because of his riding skills and his proper pronunciation of classical Arabic. In 1957 he retired as commander of the special cavalry units and decided to explore his acting talents. Mazhar's breakthrough in the world of acting came after he succeeded in playing the role of an evil prince in the famous movie Roda Qalbi (return my heart) which was his third movie. Other roles soon followed, including Al-Tarik Al-Masdood (1958), Al-Ataba Al-Khadraa (1959), Doaa al-Karawan (1959), Wa Islamah (1961), Al-Dowa Al-Khafet (1961) and Ghadan Youm Akhar (1961). He starred in an American movie, Cairo (1963), starring George Sanders and Faten Hamama. More than four years later, Mazhar appeared in Chafika et Metwal alongside Suad Husni. Other films like Al-Nemr Al-Aswad, Demoue Sahebat El-Galalah, Al-Gasousa Hekmat Fahmy and The Guns and the Fury soon followed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ahmed Mazhar
Ahmed Mazhar
Ahmed Mazhar


Ladies' Threshold
فاضل ابو سهير الدكتورة
(Suheir Fadel) an Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor is unable to have kids from her Husband (Hazem Kharbash) after many years of marriage. Her husband Hazem goes for some medical tests to find that he is incapable of procreation and his wife is perfectly healthy, and he lies to her to maintain their marital life.
Al khadem
Shahin puts his friend Kamel in jail instead for a crime he did not commit after he promises to raise his son Mahmood but Shahin deceives him to work has a servant and a driver.
A Tale in Two Word
After finishing her studies abroad , Hanan (Laila Alawi) returns to the home of her wealthy father Salem (Ahmed Mazhar), who's married to Inayat (Souad Hussein). She meets Ahmed (Iman El Bahr Darwish) who works for her father and her stepmother tries to get rid of him so that Hanan marries her son.
Black Tiger
An Egyptian goes to Germany to work in a factory and become a boxing legend called black tiger.
A Tale Behind Every Door
(A tale behind every door) A television movie consisting of four short films, written by the great writer Tawfiq Al-Hakim and writer Katia Thabet, in each film a different problem is presented, and the four films starring Faten Hamama and different heroes, and they are, respectively: (Crazy position) starring Ahmed Ramzi, (I want to kill) starring Abu Bakr Ezzat and Safia Al-Omari, (the respected deputy) starring Ahmed Mazhar, and (guest at dinner) starring Jamil Ratib and Nadia Zulfiqar and Muhammad Al-Sabe, and each film talks about a specific social issue that occurs to a woman, and deals with each What happens to her.
Shafiqa and Metwally
Life is a Moment
In the wake of the June 1967 war, Naamat lives on the hot side of her life, with her husband Abdelkader, the editor of one of the newspapers in which she works as a liberator and abuser with many capabilities, including his articles calling for despair during the war with Israel; That national action is the key to one's personality. So she took care of volunteer work in a hospital, she got to know a group of fighters, including Mahmoud, the lightning officer who has trouble with his wife, and others who gave themselves to serve the homeland.
Sins of Love
The film revolves around a beautiful young woman married to a wealthy businessman, and a young man married to an older woman, due to their extreme poverty in order to find an opportunity to live in abundance of money.
Genoun el hob
Mona loves her Husband Ahmed and Kid Khaled, but Husband is always away on business trips around the world, which leaves the wife and kid in constant waiting status.on a vacation to tunis,an affair start taking form,and that made her torn between her family and longing for love feelings.
Rendezvous with Soso
A chance meeting between a nightclub worker and a famous actor gives Soad the chance to have a movie career. But her love story with Hesham is put on the line when she comes clean about her real profession.
Белое платье
Ahmad Fathi
Дaляль и Kaмaл пoзнaкoмилиcь пpи cлyчaйныx oбcтoятeльcтвax...oнa пoпaлa пoд кoлeca eгo мaшины. A дaльшe - кaк в любoй мeлoдpaмe- иcтopия иx любви, oчeнь cлoжнaя и нe пpocтaя. Beдь Kaмaл Бэй - cын извecтнoгo в Kaиpe миллиoнepa Oмapa Бeя. И Kaмaлy дoлгo пpишлocь cкpывaть cвoй бpaк oт oтцa, вeдь oн никoгдa нe paзpeшил бы cынy жeнитьcя нa дeвyшкe нe иx "кpyгa". Ho тaйнoe, кoгдa-тo cтaнoвитcя явным... и нe бeз "дoбpыx" людeй
two women
based on Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan.
And There Was Love
The Estranged Brothers
The relationship between a father and his four children is strained when he keeps spending his money on his pleasures. His son, Tawfik, revolts against his father after he learns of his relationship with the prostitute Lula, until he falls for her.
City Lights
Adel Sabry
So'aad is a poor girl who auditions for a role in a new film, but film producer Adel rejects her for she is not of noble origin. When she disguises herself as a princess, he is wholly charmed and offers her the role. How far will she go in acting?
Empire M
Ahmed Raafat
Well off widow working Mother "Mona" is struggling raising 6 kids at different ages ranging from elementary school to University graduating students. The day she thinks to bring a new husband home proves to be a very difficult task.
House of Sand
Essam is a 17-year-old young man who falls in love with Amina who's a year younger than him. They flee to Alexandria and have an unregistered marriage after their parents oppose their marriage because of their young age.
Word of Honour
Salem was arrested for a crime he was not involved in. His brother-in-law Kamel has sinned with a young girl who becomes pregnant, so Salem takes her to have an abortion but she dies during the operation. When Salem knows that his wife is in critical condition,he wants to see her and tell her the truth.
I Want This Man
A woman who believes that there’s nothing wrong with the idea of ​​a woman proposing to a man, goes to a lawyer and tries to convince him of this idea and asks to marry him
Ms. Manal Diary
Manal arrives by mail containing a diary in the form of an unknown book from his writer, but the title is (Memoirs of Miss Manal), and hardly manal browsing through the book of memories until she finds a true picture of a huge relationship and memories of her life from the first moments, and about her multiple relationships since childhood Nails.
Furnished Apartment
Zainab moves from Mansoura to Cairo to work as a music teacher, but she faces a problem finding accommodation. She eventually finds accommodation with the dancer (Najaf), but she hides from her that there is a resident during the day, so she sleeps there at night, and the reporter works at night and sleeps in the apartment during the day. The reporter discovers Zainab's residence in the apartment, and troubles begin.
Adolescents' Love
Hamdy Ibrahim is a famous doctor in Mansoura and also the president of the “Virtue Advocates” association. When his daughter Mervat passes her secondary education and joins university, Hamdy entrusts his friend Mohsen to take care of her, while she moves to live in the university's campus. One day Hamdy decides to pay his daughter a visit, but he gets mixed up and enters a brothel instead, which leads to him being fired from the association. Meanwhile, Mervat is searching for love and wants to make more friends in her first year at college.
Thieves but Cute
Hamid and Ismail are two thieves who plan to rob a jewelry store which can only be broken into from the ground of the apartment above it, inhabited by a couple whose relationship is precarious and complicated.
confused souls
Three short stories called Fugitive, Human Spirit and Transference
confused souls
Three short stories called Fugitive, Human Spirit and Transference
confused souls
Three short stories called Fugitive, Human Spirit and Transference
confused souls
Three short stories called Fugitive, Human Spirit and Transference
Days Of Love
When his leading lady drops out of his film, a director gets a saleswoman for the part and introduces her as a sophisticated lady. When the movie becomes a smash hit, she rebels against the director.
When a newly-constructed school building collapses, engineer Adel is sent to examine it; he learns that the contractor tampered with the materials and his friend, engineer Hamdy, is involved. Will he divulge the findings to sue the perpetrators? or keep them to save his friend?
Girls Camp
In Abu Qir, two adjacent camps are set up, one for boys and one for girls. The supervisors of the two camps, Nadia and Hassan, must find a common ground when they clash over Nadia's strict attempts to keep the students separated by gender, and Hassan's wish to let them enjoy their vacation.
من احب
Sharif Mazhar
Laila, the daughter of Mazloum Pasha, falls in love with officer Tarek, but he marries his cousin Nevine. As Laila loses her wealth, her father, and her daughter, she starts getting close to Tarek after his wife dies.
The Wedding Night
المراهقة الصغيرة
Sou'ad is a beautiful student, who lives with a strict family. When they find out that she loves one of the employees, they prevent her from going to school. A married couple sympathizes with Sou'ad and treats her like a daughter. Sou'ad gets closer to the husband and tries to get his attention.
Cairo 30
With his father crippled, Mahgoub Abdel Dayem finds himself in an urgent need of a job to support his family. When he enlists his friend Salem to help him find a job, Salem not only gets him a job at the ministry but also finds him a bride. The bride in question, however, is the mistress of the powerful Qasem Bek...
Whom do I love?
Shareef Mazhar
The story of a woman from an aristocratic house and her relationships with several men. The historical background is composed of the events in Palestine in 1948 and the Suez conflict in 1956.
Bitter Grapes
Hashem and Tawfiq are thieves who flee the police and hide in a remote village. As Hashem starts working for Rashed, a feudal lord, he finds himself competing with Rashed's son to win the heart of a local girl called Nadia, which prompts Rashed to start looking into Hashem's past.
Al Aydi Al Naema
A prince of the former royal family finds himself without a meaningful role in post-revolutionary Egyptian society. Based on the play by Tawfiq el-Hakim.
The Last Night
Dr. Ahmed
Faten Hamama plays a wife who wakes up one morning to discover she is married to her brother-in-law (Mahmoud Moursi) in this suspenseful drama. The confused woman soon learns that 15 years have gone by and that she was injured in a bomb blast that killed her sister. A local doctor (Ahmed Mazhar) tries to prevent the woman's husband from killing her for the inheritance.
The Laughing Crime
Medhat Salem
A comedy about a television director who gets provoked by his uncle to avenge his dead father, but he prefers to let things go and get married to Layla. But he then gets informed that one of the members of the family who killed his father was released form prison and is planning to kill him.
Fire in My Heart
Shawky Hussein
Dr. Shawki (Ahmed Mazhar) falls in love with piano teacher Laila (Maryam Fakhruddin), and they get married. With his constant debts, Leila decides to give piano lessons to Alia Hanim's daughter Aida secretly to pay the debts, but things take a bad turn when Aida's brother spreads nasty rumors about her.
An assortment of international criminals plans to steal priceless Egyptian artifacts from a Cairo museum. MGM remake of Asphalt Jungle set in Egypt.
Чёрные очки
Героиня фильма Мадия ведет пустую, легкомысленную жизнь, и только встреча с инженером Омаром Рашидом, совсем не похожим на ее прежних, таких же праздных, как она приятелей, помогает Медии понять, наконец, в чем смысл жизни…
Победитель Салладин
Экранизация книги Ю. Ас-Сабаи. Масштабное полотно, освещающее борьбу вокруг Святого Города Иерусалима в XII веке, во время Третьего крестового похода (1189—1192 г.г), с позиций идеологии ислама и панарабизма. Знаменитый султан Салахуддин показан как идеальный правитель, а его воины – смелые и благородные люди, в то время, как крестоносцы – слабые духом, корыстолюбивые сластолюбцы, коварные авантюристы нарушающие договорённости. Третий крестовый поход изображается как нашествие алчных завоевателей (что близко к реальности), а их победы исключительно многочисленностью и изменой отщепенцев, подкупленных христианами. Впрочем, Ричард Львиное Сердце, предводитель неверных, обрисован вполне с положительной стороны, хотя у него нет сторонников, даже его лучший друг предал его.
صراع الجبابرة
Lillian is a Jewish dancer who has a number of admirers, including Farid, a wealthy lonely young man. Lillian leaves Farid in order to go to Palestine. Farid then meets Goaher, another dancer. Goaher is married to El Saba’i, who along with his colleague Simbel, protect her. Goaher refuses to give any of what she earns to El Saba’i, so Saba’i attempts to ambush, rob, and kill Farid, and events ensue.
غصن الزيتون
الضوء الخافت
الضوء الخافت
I Won't Confess
Four months after Ahmed was the chief witness in a murder case, his wife receives a blackmail letter accusing him of the crime.
I Love My Master
I Love My Master
And Love Returned
Directed by Fatin Abdel Wahab.
Wa Islamah
قطز/ الأمير محمود
Set in the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem (Lubna Aziz) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.
عمالقة البحار
A story about some Arab soldiers takes place after The Tripartite Aggression
Lawaat Al-Hub
Amal marries the train driver Mahmoud, who treats her harshly. She feels neglected despite her husband's presence, Mahmoud travels to another city and asks his assistant Hassan to look after his wife. During his absence, Amal expresses admiration for Hassan's morals, which soon turns into a special love.
The Nightingale's Prayer
irrigation engineer
This compelling tale of love and betrayal, set in the upper Egyptian countryside, follows the story of Amna (Faten Hamama) as she plots her revenge on the engineer who destroyed her family's honor.
The Green Doorstep
A naive man Mahrous from Upper Egypt arrives in Cairo meets a fraudster. The fraudster feels that Mahrous has reassured him that he can sell him the famous green threshold square
Light of the Night
A young pilot and a librarian are silently in love with each other. But their love story is forestalled when the pilot's cousin convinces him that the librarian is in love with someone else, and again after he loses his sight in war.
Кинолента основана на реальных фактах истории борьбы алжирского народа за независимость. Фильм рассказывает об алжирской девушке Джамиле Бухиред, которая боролась с французскими колонизаторами за независимость своей страны, используя террористические методы. Вместе с легендарным Юсефом, восхищаясь его героизмом и мужеством, сражалась она в рядах партизан. Однажды, при проведении очередной операции, Джамиля была схвачена французскими солдатами. Её пытали, добиваясь, чтобы она сказала, где находится руководитель партизан Юсеф. Джамиля стойко вынесла все пытки и её приговорили к смертной казни.
The Virgin Wife
Mona meets Magdy and Fouad in Alexandria and falls in love with Fouad who loves her back, but Magdy asks her to marry him and her mother agrees because of his wealth. After Mona marries Magdy, she finds out that he's impotent, which causes a series of problems.
'Till We Meet
As a young actress falls in love with a famous writer, she finds herself facing a dilemma when he proposes to her and she is torn between her feelings for him and her guilt over the fact that he is married with a daughter.
The Barred Road
Mounir (writer)
Faiza is raised in a family where the mother and the two sisters work in illegal acts. They try to drag her in with them but she refuses. She studies to become a school teacher and decides to move to the countryside away from them, but she finds other temptations that try to lure her in.
Снова живой
История двух братьев, сыновьях простого садовника. Один из братьев — Али, полюбил Энджи, дочь богатого землевладельца. Между ними — пропасть социального неравенства, но революция 1952 года ломает барьеры предрассудков.
Tarek Al Amal
Sunniyeh, the poor girl, lives with her mother sewing, and during the delivery of Suniyeh one of her mother's clients ’gowns, who runs a den of immoral acts, called (Madame Southi), so that one of her friends admires Sunnah and asks her to work with them, to refuse, but her mother is ill and Layla needs a sum of money to treat her. Will you give in to work with Madame Southi?
Lover's Walk
Lover's Walk
Port Said
Directed by Ezzel Dine Zulficar.
Zuhour el Islam
The life of the Arabian peninsula before Islam appeared.