Álvaro Freire

Álvaro Freire


Álvaro Freire


Chatô, The King of Brazil
Journalist 2
The true story of Assis Chateaubriand, the first magnate of communications in Brazil. Due to his influence during the late 1930s up to the early 1960s, he has come to be called 'the Brazilian Citizen Kane'.
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Evilásio - Mitry's Butler
Питер Мандрэйк — американский фотограф из Рио-де-Жанейро. Обнаружив случайно компьютерный диск у одной из молодых моделей, он оказывается в центре событий, которые делают его жизнь кошмарной…
Noites do Sertão
The film shows the drama of the young and fragile Lalinha. After being abandoned by her husband, who ran away with another, the girl seeks comfort on the farm where the two in-laws live and the widowed father-in-law. There, the girl discovers a new world.
Aguenta, Coração
The relationship among three friendly couples turns upside down when two of the men get a job on TV. Their girlfriends leave them, looking for more action in their lives.
Águia na Cabeça
A senator having contacts with illegal betting activities is killed by the man who is his right arm, who wanted to get his position. But the power structure resents this disturbance and can fall apart, specially since there's a witness.
Bar Esperanza
A group of eccentric people gather at a popular bar in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. Among its costumers, we find Ana, an actress, and her husband Zeca, a writer in crisis about his work.
Heart and Guts
Financial problems in a religious school for girls force the government to interfere. While waiting in the conference hall to communicate the fact to the school administrators, the intervenor falls asleep and a crazy dream begins, involving teachers, students and strange characters.
Índia, a Filha do Sol
A military man picks up a Native Brazilian woman and heads to a gold panning site where he has undisclosed business to attend to.
J.S. Brown, o Último Herói
João da Silva Brown, a resident of Salvador, has always been a fan of comics, movies and adventure series and superheroes. Once he learns about a course for detectives and decides to attend it. With his private detective degree, he sets up an office and places an ad in the newspaper. Now wearing a cape and hat, he waits in vain for customers.
Gaijin: A Brazilian Odyssey
Chico Santos
Based on fact, this is the story of the struggles of Japanese immigrants who traveled to and settled in Brazil looking for a better life.
Colonel Delmiro Gouveia
In the beginning of the 20th Century, in the Northeast of Brazil, one of the first Brazilian industrialists is persecuted because he refuses to sell his business to a British company.
A Lira do Delírio
During the Carnival, in Niterói, the son of a Lira do Delírio nightclub dancer is kidnapped. With the help of a journalist friend, she dives into Rio de Janeiro's underworld and meet all kind of criminals. She also goes back in time, to a past carnival, where she thinks she might pin-point the culprit among a group of people.
O Escolhido de Iemanjá
O Cortiço
This adaptation of a classic Brazilian novel focuses on the relations of charismatic characters within a tenement.
Everything's Alright
Middle-class family reform their apartment, and the noise, the contact with the workers and strange occurrences turn what was supposed to be a trivial matter into a trip to hell.
Na Ponta da Faca
Adventures of a migrant who comes from Northeast Brazil to Rio de Janeiro, where he meets a prostitute.
Flagrantes da vida rural: Fazendas Clássicas
Diga Aí, Bahia
Дона Флор и два её мужа
Соня Брага играет прекрасную женщину, чей муж, игрок и бабник, умирает после того, как провеселился всю ночь напролет на карнавале. Решив снова выйти замуж, вдова выбирает скучного аптекаря средних лет, который любовью занимается раз в год по обещанию. Как-то ночью, когда она лежала в постели рядом со своим спящим мужем, появился призрак ее первого супруга. Она пытается от него избавиться, но он отказывается исчезать. В конце концов она уступает и ложится с ним в постель, а второй муж тем временем продолжает мирно посапывать.
The Fall
An accident at a construction site, resulting in one death, sets one worker off on a struggle for justice that exposes the mechanisms of exploitation and the class relations of a country that had undergone one decade of fast-paced ‘conservative modernisation’ at the hands of the military. As a sort of sequel to the classic The Guns (1964), following the fate of those characters as they move from enforcers of exploitation to exploited, it offers more than a snapshot of the period: the correspondent time lapses in fiction and reality capture the passage of a chunk of Brazilian history between the two films, and, therefore, also the transformations in cinematographic approaches to the social and political between the two moments. Equally daring in content and form, and in the originality of the adequacy of one to the other, it won the Silver Bear at Berlin.
A Lost Woman
The story of a poor woman living in the backwoods of Brazil and working as a maid. One day she is unfairly fired from the house where she was working and goes to the big city, facing a cruel and hostile world, working in factories, bars and bordellos.
Espaço Sagrado
Short documentary film about the afrobrazilian religion Candomblé.
The Conspirators
Production Assistant
The real story of the failed attempt of an independence coup by a group of intellectuals and rich men during Brazil's colonial days, from its beginning to the execution of Tiradentes.