Jung Yu-mi

Jung Yu-mi

Рождение : 1983-01-18, Busan, South Korea


Jung Yu-mi (born January 18, 1983) is a South Korean actress. Jung made her feature film debut in Blossom Again (2005), for which she received acting recognition. She has since starred in the critically acclaimed films Family Ties (2006), Chaw (2009), My Dear Desperado (2010), and the box office hits The Crucible (2011) and Train to Busan (2016). She also frequently appears in films by auteur Hong Sang-soo, notably Oki's Movie (2010) and Our Sunhi (2013).


Jung Yu-mi
Jung Yu-mi
Jung Yu-mi
Jung Yu-mi
Jung Yu-mi
Jung Yu-mi


Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. "Someone's inside." From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he'd hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su's sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger.
Ким Джи-ён, 1982 года рождения
Kim Ji-young
Ким Джи-ён 1982 года рождения - обычная женщина. Она следовала всему, что требовало от неё общество: закончила школу, устроилась на работу, вышла замуж, родила. В один прекрасный день Джи-ён начинает терять саму себя и примерять личины других людей.
Director Hong
Во время утренней прогулки простой охранник Щин Сок-хён попил воды из горного ручья. Весь день у него болел живот, а вечером, заложив за воротник, мужчина обнаружил у себя необычные способности — теперь он может управлять предметами на расстоянии. Тем временем у его дочери Ру-ми, которую он оставил много лет назад, проблемы. Здание, где она держит ресторан, попало в зону реконструкции, и во время очередной стычки с рабочими погибает её мать. Узнав о смерти бывшей жены и ситуации дочери, Сок-хён решает помочь.
Ladies Of The Forest
Soon-shim, a spinster from an unknown planet, comes to the Earth to find her husband. However, no man is in sight. Soon-shim encounters Dal-rae, who was collecting wild greens on a mountain. One day, they save a deer from a hunter, and it wants to repay them by making their wish come true. This is an allegorical love story that comically depicts the journey of seeking true love and happiness.
The Table
Four different women discuss life, love and marriage with people from their past and present during the course of one day at a café in Seoul.
Поезд в Пусан
Из-за загадочных вспышек вируса объявлено чрезвычайное положение. Скоростной поезд-экспресс в Пусан стал временным убежищем для тех, кто смог вырваться из охваченного загадочной эпидемией Сеула. Случайные пассажиры не предполагали, что их билет на этот поезд станет счастливым, но вот надолго ли — добро пожаловать на борт и постарайтесь остаться в живых.
Вот уже полгода окрестности Сеула терроризирует серийный убийца, который использует канализационные люки для похищения и убийств своих жертв. За это время бесследно исчезло уже десять человек и теперь похищена молодая девушка Су Чжон. Старшая сестра похищенной Ён Со пытается спасти свою сестру прежде, чем для Су Чжон станет слишком поздно…
The Satellite Girl and Milk Cow
Kyungcheon is a pianist-in-training who loses his heart and becomes a milk cow. He lives as a man during the day, but becomes a milk cow at night and eats grass. Meanwhile, with the help of wizard Merlin, a satellite named Ilho fell from the cosmos by a supernova, is transformed into a girl. One day, Kyungcheon is attacked by members of a secret agency that chases people who lost their heart. Kyungcheon defeats them with the help of Ilho. Following a narrow escape from secret agents, the two mismatched characters come to know about each other’s secrets and draw close.
Tough as Iron
Gang-cheol is a legendary street fighter in Busan who cleaned up his act to care for his sick mother. Knowing he's desperate for money for his mother's operation, Sang-gon proposes that Gang-cheol works for him.
Наша Сонхи
Сон-хи закончила колледж. Ее специальность - кино. Спустя много времени она вновь посещает колледж, чтобы попросить профессора Чхве написать рекомендательное письмо для её дальнейшего обучения в США. По дороге она встречает двух мужчин, которых знала раньше.
В другой стране
Анна замужем и изменяет мужу. Другая Анна — разведена. Третья Анна — снимает кино. Все три однажды оказываются в одном городке, в одном отеле и на одном пляже. Встречаются с одними и теми же людьми, говорят одни и те же слова, попадают в похожие ситуации… Но окружающие не замечают этой странности. Ведь живут все три Анны в одной голове…
Over a slice of chocolate cake, a mother and daughter tensely discuss the good-for-nothing relative whose money troubles have brought them to the seaside town of Mohang. For now they have nothing to do but wait, so the younger woman, Mihye, composes a list of goals for her involuntary vacation — a list which she seems to fulfill almost accidentally, as she and her mother wander, eat, drink, and meet with fate, here in the form of a clumsily flirtatious film director.
Суровое испытание
Seo Yoo-jin
Учитель переводится из Сеула в маленький городок в школу для глухих детей. Это отец-одиночка, для которого важно заработать на лечение больной дочери, так что он готов смириться с небольшими проблемами, которые сразу возникают на новой работе. Но когда мужчина становится свидетелем странного отношения педагогического состава к глухим ученикам, в круг его личных неприятностей вклинивается нечто более серьёзное и страшное.
Come, Closer
An omnibus film of the romances and breakups of five couples: Soo-jin works in a cafe in Seoul. One day, she receives a call at work from a Polish man in Rotterdam, who tells her the story of his missing fiance. Eun-hee shows up one night and blames her ex-boyfriend Hyun-oh for ruining her life. Although she has a new relationship, she is still upset that Hyun-oh breaks up with her. Se-yeon seduces Young-soo, who is rumoured to be dating a man. Young-soo's long-time lover Woon-chul is heartbroken when he makes a confession and decides to end their relationship. Indie bandmates Hye-young and Joo-young discuss about love while taking a walk in Namsan park.
Oki's Movie
Oki, a film student, is entangled in two relationships. One with a fellow student who pursues her and the other, her much older professor.
The Great Gye Choon-bin
Gye Choon-bin
A timid art therapist falls in love with a spunky kindergarten teacher, helping him overcome his fear of the dark.
Мой любимый гангстер
Han Se-jin
Сё-Джин, молодая девушка из провинции, решает обосноваться в Сеуле. Всё действительно начинается неплохо, она находит работу и встречает парня. Однако вскоре жизнь вносит свои коррективы. Её компания терпит банкротство и она вынужденная переехать в бедный квартал, где знакомится со своим соседом, Дон-Чо, скажем прямо, не слишком кристально чистым товарищем…
첩첩산중 -미숙
Hong Sang-Soo’s Lost in the Mountains (South Korea, 32min) the visitor is the supremely self-centred Mi-Sook, who drives to Jeonju on impulse to see her classmate Jin-Young – only to discover that her friend is having an affair with their married professor, who Mi-Sook once dated herself. The level of social embarrassment goes off the scale. In Naomi Kawase’s Koma (Japan, 34min), Kang Jun-Il travels to a village in rural Japan to honour his grandfather’s dying wish by returning a Buddhist scroll to its ancestral home. Amid ancient superstitions, a new relationship forms. And in Lav Diaz’ Butterflies Have No Memories (Philippines, 42min) ‘homecoming queen’ Carol returns to the economically depressed former mining town she came from – and becomes the target of an absurd kidnapping plot hatched by resentful locals. Serving as his own writer, cameraman and editor, Diaz casts the film entirely from members of his crew and delivers a well-seasoned mix of social realism and fantasy. —bfi
Cafe Noir
The story begins with a man left by his girlfriend on Christmas Eve and unfolds across the city of Seoul.
Kim Ji-eun
8 человек отбирают для Реалити шоу с призом в 1 миллион долларов. Их увозят на необитаемый австралийский остров, где им предстоит пройти 7 мини-игр — раундов. В каждом раунде будет по 1 проигравшему, который выбывает… из жизни (о чём их, конечно же, забыли предупредить). Последний оставшийся в живых получает миллион.
Lost in the Mountains
Hong Sang-soo’s Lost in the Mountains depicts Misook’s suffering when she discovers her friend Jin-Young has been secretly sleeping with her lover.
Byun Soo-ryun
A black comedy about the events that are set into motion in a town after a man-eating boar goes on a rampage.
Like You Know It All
Delightfully comic exploration of the emotional and social geography of an art-house film director.
Oishii Man
Once a promising musician, Hyeon-seok has been living as a commoner after he found the symptom of Meniere’s syndrome. He had to stop playing music because his ears distorted sounds into noise. To run away from reality and depression he heads to Japan. Arriving at Monbetsu, a small city in Hokkaido, Japan, he meets Megumi at the train station, the local travel guide. Staying at ‘Megumi Inn’, they get to share emotions through music, natural sounds and having meals together.
Unique sensibility of independent film being ' Triple Treats ' omnibus melodrama tied a piece of 11 short films director .
The Room Nearby
Private tutor Eonju lives in a tightly packed student apartment. She is sick of poverty and works hard to get her own room. She meets Seok-hee, a middle-aged woman, at a homeless shelter. The emotions of the two women are overwhelming throughout the screen.
Skeletons in the Closet
Yoo Ha-Eun
The movie is about a dysfunctional family, each and every member with mental problems of his own. On top of that some old skeletons from the closet come back to haunt them.
Family Ties
A story of three families living different but similar lives. They always fight and quarrel, but love is the common denominator for their relationship, making people think about what families are for.
Blossom Again
Young In-young
Thirty year-old teacher In-young falls in love with her own student, Suk. What attracted her to the boy was the fact that he resembled her first love in every way, and even shared the same name. But with the sudden return of her long-lost love, and the appearance of a cute high school girl who confesses her love towards the boy Suk, In-young finds herself lost among the two first loves.
Горечь и сладость
Молодой многообещающий гангстер Ким управляет отелем, который принадлежит местному мафиози. Босс поручает Киму задание — проследить за своей молодой подружкой и зафиксировать факт возможной измены. Поручение становится событием, навсегда изменившим его жизнь.
How to Operate a Polaroid Camera
Like someone. Flushed face. Can’t hear anything. Helpless. Sad. Learned how to operate a polaroid camera.
Bus passenger
Сильмидо — это небольшой остров у западного побережья Южной Кореи. В 1968 году в течение нескольких месяцев там по приказу президента Пак Чон-хи готовили группу из трех десятков диверсантов, в задачу которых входило убийство Ким Ир-cэна.
In a virtual world called "Wonderland", a place where people can reunite with a person they may not meet again by simulating them through artificial intelligence, a woman in her 20s requests to meet her lover who is in a coma, and a man in his 40s requests to meet his wife who passed away.