Leung Ting

Рождение : 1947-02-28,


Leung Ting is a WingTsun (style of kung fu) enthusiast who started learning the style at the young age of 13. By the age of 20, he was accepted by Great Grandmaster Yip Man (who was also the teacher of Bruce Lee) and became Yip's "Closed-door Student" (the chosen student after Yip's retirement). Leung Ting devoted his lifetime energy in promoting and teaching WingTsun kung fu. His success in his coaching career as a WingTsun instructor has earned him unprecedented fame in the martial arts circles. As early as in the seventies, he was commonly known as the "Kungfu Instructor of Millions of Students", a title granted to him by the press in Hong Kong for having the largest number of followers. In the west, he was entitled by a number of media as the "WingTsun King" and "Genghis Khan of the Chinese Martial Arts Community".


Кинематограф Гонконга
Документальный фильм рассказывающий о кинематографе Гонконга, фильмов жанра «экшен».
A modern day story of an innocent boy (Ravi) of Royal lineage who is sent to Hong Kong by his Father's conniving manager, Kailash Choudhary (K.C.) to train in the Martial Arts--the boy's passion. K.C. eliminates the boy's father and usurps his properties. Ravi is set up by K.C. who plants drugs in his baggage. As a result, Ravi is arrested and spends the next 12 years of his life in a Hong Kong prison where he is thrown into a cell with a Wing Tsun Kung Fu Grandmaster (Sifu).
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Kung Fu World!!!
A spoof of the "investigative journalism" format of the HK TV show, "The Great Disclosure" (a program similar to "Hard Copy" and "Entertainment Weekly"). The program interweaves silly shenanigans with equally silly segments debunking common legends about Shaolin Temple, Hopping Corpses, the origins of Wing Chun, and the origins of Kung Fu in general. The film also hits on popular Qigong feats such as walking on fire, rolling in glass, breaking a spear with one's throat, and breaking bricks over one's head with a sledge hammer.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Kung Fu World!!!
A spoof of the "investigative journalism" format of the HK TV show, "The Great Disclosure" (a program similar to "Hard Copy" and "Entertainment Weekly"). The program interweaves silly shenanigans with equally silly segments debunking common legends about Shaolin Temple, Hopping Corpses, the origins of Wing Chun, and the origins of Kung Fu in general. The film also hits on popular Qigong feats such as walking on fire, rolling in glass, breaking a spear with one's throat, and breaking bricks over one's head with a sledge hammer.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Kung Fu World!!!
A spoof of the "investigative journalism" format of the HK TV show, "The Great Disclosure" (a program similar to "Hard Copy" and "Entertainment Weekly"). The program interweaves silly shenanigans with equally silly segments debunking common legends about Shaolin Temple, Hopping Corpses, the origins of Wing Chun, and the origins of Kung Fu in general. The film also hits on popular Qigong feats such as walking on fire, rolling in glass, breaking a spear with one's throat, and breaking bricks over one's head with a sledge hammer.
Authentic Wing Tsun Kung Fu: Demonstrated By Yip Man
A must-have Wing Tsun (Wing Chun) Video. This is the video you can see the AUTHENTIC WING TSUN KUNG FU demonstration of the Siu-Nim-Tau form and the most advanced 116 wooden dummy techniques by the late Great Grandmaster Yip Man. Grandmaster Leung Ting demonstrates the Chum-Kiu form, Biu-Tze form and the Six & A Half Point Long Pole techniques as well as the Double-Knives techniques. You can also see the demonstrations of "CHI-SAU" techniques, fighting, footwork, etc. both in normal and slow motion in this video.
Непобедимый Шаолинь
Martial Arts Choreographer
Мастера Северного и Южного Шаолина в битвах выясняют, чья школа круче в этом классическом кун-фу фильме.
Пять злодеев
Martial Arts Choreographer
Умирающий учитель кунг-фу просит своего студента найти пятерых своих бывших учеников, разбредшихся по свету. Каждый из них обучался одному определенному стилю: Сороконожка, Змея, Скорпион, Ящерица и Жаба — и эти пятеро в данный момент ищут сокровища, которые завещал Клану Ядовитых какой-то богатый старик. Герой Сун Чьена должен найти их, узнать, во зло или во благо они собираются использовать эти деньги, и если во зло, убить всех ослушавшихся. Дело осложняется тем, что не все из этих пятерых знают друг друга, а также они не знают, что это за старик, владеющий такими деньгами, что вынуждает героев разбиться на два лагеря, члены каждого из которых не знают оставшихся в лицо.